1.0.022063571732024-07-17T05:30:42Z313018enVaranus prasinusspeciesenCategory:Varanus prasinuscommonsenEmerald tree monitorwikipediadeSmaragdwaranwikipediafrVaranus prasinuswikipediaesVaranus prasinuswikipediaruЗелёный варанwikipediaitVaranus prasinuswikipediajaミドリホソオオトカゲwikipedianlSmaragdvaraanwikipediaplWaran szmaragdowozielonywikipediaptVaranus prasinuswikipediasvSmaragdvaranwikipediafaبزمجه درختی یاقوتیwikipediaheכוח עצים ירוקwikipediahuSmaragd varánuszwikipediafiMetsävaraaniwikipediaviVaranus prasinuswikipedianbSmaragdvaranwikipediaukСмарагдовий варанwikipediako에메랄드나무왕도마뱀wikipediacaVarà verdwikipediacsVaran smaragdovýwikipediacebVaranus prasinuswikipediaeuVaranus prasinuswikipediahyԿանաչ վարանwikipediamrjИзумруд варанwikipedianvTiníléítsoh dootłʼizhígííwikipediatrVaranus prasinuswikipediabgЗелен варанwikipediaVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinus71653362050/m/0gfdw6105507684917521092242485751114888Emerald Monitorvaran smaragdovýVaranus_prasinusgenus=Varanus&species=prasinus37420410439968(Schlegel, 1839.0)Varanus_prasinus7FG6LC1023202V. prasinus49465Varanus+prasinusVaranus prasinus1839-01-01T00:00:00ZVaranus prasinus71653362050/m/0gfdw6105507684917521092242485751114888Emerald Monitorvaran smaragdovýVaranus_prasinusgenus=Varanus&species=prasinus37420410439968(Schlegel, 1839.0)Varanus_prasinus7FG6LC1023202V. prasinus49465Varanus+prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusWaran szmaragdowyWaran szmaragdowyWaran szmaragdowyзелёный варанзелёный варанзелёный варанVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusemerald tree monitoremerald tree monitoremerald tree monitorvarà verdvarà verdvarà verdsmaragd varánuszsmaragd varánuszsmaragd varánuszСмарагдовий варанСмарагдовий варанСмарагдовий варанVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusSmaragdwaranSmaragdwaranSmaragdwaranミドリホソオオトカゲミドリホソオオトカゲミドリホソオオトカゲvaran smaragdovývaran smaragdovývaran smaragdovýTiníléítsoh dootłʼizhígííTiníléítsoh dootłʼizhígííTiníléítsoh dootłʼizhígííSmaragdvaranSmaragdvaranSmaragdvaransmaragdvaraansmaragdvaraansmaragdvaraanVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusSmaragdvaranSmaragdvaranSmaragdvaranVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusبزمجه درختی یاقوتیبزمجه درختی یاقوتیبزمجه درختی یاقوتیзелен варанзелен варанзелен варанИзумруд варанИзумруд варанИзумруд варанVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusկանաչ վարանկանաչ վարանկանաչ վարանMetsävaraaniMetsävaraaniMetsävaraani에메랄드나무왕도마뱀에메랄드나무왕도마뱀에메랄드나무왕도마뱀Varanus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusכוח עצים ירוקכוח עצים ירוקכוח עצים ירוקVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinus翡翠巨蜥翡翠巨蜥翡翠巨蜥Varanus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinus翡翠巨蜥翡翠巨蜥翡翠巨蜥翡翠巨蜥翡翠巨蜥翡翠巨蜥specie di animali della famiglia VaranidaeArt der Gattung Warane (Varanus)espèce de reptilesگونهای از بزمجهspecies of reptileвид влечугоhagedis uit de familie varanenنوع من الزواحفвид плазунівespecie de reptilhüllőfajspeiceas reiptílíkrypdyrartespecie de reptilসরীসৃপের প্রজাতিEspécie de lagarto da Austrália, Nova Guiné e ilhas próximasսողունների տեսակներVaranus prasinusWaran szmaragdowozielonyVaranus prasinusсмарагдовый варанизумрудный варанMonitor prasinusVaran émeraudeVarano esmeraldaMonitor viridisVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinusVaranus prasinussmaragdzöld varánuszсмарагдов варан葱绿巨蜥绿树巨蜥speciesspeciesspeciesone of the basic units of biological classification and a taxonomic ranktaxon ranktaxon ranktaxon ranklevel in a taxonomic hierarchytaxon nametaxon nametaxon namecorrect scientific name of a taxon (according to the reference given)Commons categoryCommons categoryCommons categoryname of the Wikimedia Commons category containing files related to this item (without the prefix "Category:")imageimageimageimage of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image)taxon range map imagetaxon range map imagetaxon range map imagerange map of a taxonVaranusVaranusVaranusgenus of reptilesparent taxonparent taxonparent taxonclosest parent taxon of the taxon in questionITIS TSNITIS TSNITIS TSNidentifier for a taxon in the Integrated Taxonomic Information SystemNCBI taxonomy IDNCBI taxonomy IDNCBI taxonomy IDidentifier for a taxon in the Taxonomy Database by the National Center for Biotechnology Informationtaxontaxontaxongroup of one or more organism(s), which a taxonomist adjudges to be a unitinstance ofinstance ofinstance ofthat class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)Freebase IDFreebase IDFreebase IDidentifier for a page in the Freebase database. Format: "/m/0" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For IDs starting with "/g/", use Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671)Encyclopedia of Life IDEncyclopedia of Life IDEncyclopedia of Life IDeol.org item reference numberGBIF taxon IDGBIF taxon IDGBIF taxon IDtaxon identifier in GBIFCITES Species+ IDCITES Species+ IDCITES Species+ IDidentifier for a taxon in the Species+ database (CITES)Least ConcernLeast ConcernLeast ConcernIUCN conservation categoryIUCN conservation statusIUCN conservation statusIUCN conservation statusconservation status assigned by the International Union for Conservation of NatureIUCN taxon IDIUCN taxon IDIUCN taxon IDidentifier for a taxon in the International Union for Conservation of Nature database; source for conservation status (P141)iNaturalist taxon IDiNaturalist taxon IDiNaturalist taxon IDidentifier in iNaturalisttaxon common nametaxon common nametaxon common namecommon or vernacular name of a biological taxonADW taxon IDADW taxon IDADW taxon IDidentifier for a taxon in the Animal Diversity Web databaseThe Reptile Database IDThe Reptile Database IDThe Reptile Database IDidentifier for all living reptile species in The Reptile DatabaseFossilworks taxon IDFossilworks taxon IDFossilworks taxon IDidentifier for an animal, plant, or microorganism in the Fossilworks databaseObservation.org taxon IDObservation.org taxon IDObservation.org taxon IDtaxon identifier on the Observation.org platformQueensland Biota IDQueensland Biota IDQueensland Biota IDidentifier for a taxon, in a Queensland Government database of species profilestaxon author citationtaxon author citationtaxon author citationvalid author citation for a taxon using the appropriate nomenclature (ICBN, ICZN, ect.)Australian Faunal Directory IDAustralian Faunal Directory IDAustralian Faunal Directory IDidentifier for a taxon on the Australian Faunal Directory websiteCatalogue of Life IDCatalogue of Life IDCatalogue of Life IDidentifier of a taxon or synonym in the Catalogue of Lifediurnalitydiurnalitydiurnalityanimal behavior characterized by activity during the day, with a period of sleeping, or other inactivity, at nightdiel cyclediel cyclediel cyclepattern of diel activity in animals, such as "nocturnal" (Q101029366), "diurnal" (Q4284186)UMLS CUIUMLS CUIUMLS CUINLM Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) controlled biomedical vocabulary unique identifiershort nameshort nameshort nameshort name of a place, organisation, person, journal, wikidata property, etc. Used by some Wikipedia templates.MyBIS species IDMyBIS species IDMyBIS species IDidentifier for a species in the Malaysia Biodiversity Information SystemCalPhotos taxon IDCalPhotos taxon IDCalPhotos taxon IDidentifier for a plant, animal, or fossil species or subspecies on the CalPhotos websiteIntegrated Taxonomic Information SystemIntegrated Taxonomic Information SystemIntegrated Taxonomic Information Systemauthoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the worldstated instated instated into be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865publication datepublication datepublication datedate or point in time when a work was first published or releasedpoint in timepoint in timepoint in timedate something took place, existed or a statement was true; for providing time use the "refine date" property (P4241)Reptile DatabaseReptile DatabaseReptile Databasedatabase that provides information of all living reptile speciesHermann SchlegelHermann SchlegelHermann SchlegelGerman ornithologist and herpetologist (1804-1884)taxon authortaxon authortaxon authorthe author(s) that (optionally) may be cited with the scientific nameyear of publication of scientific name for taxonyear of publication of scientific name for taxonyear of publication of scientific name for taxonyear when this taxon was formally described (for animals); year when this taxon name was formally established (for plants)recombinationrecombinationrecombinationlater scientific name that uses the same epithetobject of statement has roleobject of statement has roleobject of statement has role(qualifier) role or generic identity of the predicate value/argument of a statement ("object") in the context of that statement; for the role of the item the statement is on ("subject"), use P2868German WikipediaGerman WikipediaGerman WikipediaGerman-language edition of Wikipediaimported from Wikimedia projectimported from Wikimedia projectimported from Wikimedia projectsource of this claim's value; used in references section by bots or humans importing data from Wikimedia projectsEnglish WikipediaEnglish WikipediaEnglish WikipediaEnglish-language edition of Wikipediaretrievedretrievedretrieveddate or point in time that information was retrieved from a database or website (for use in online sources)Taxonomy database of the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology InformationTaxonomy database of the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology InformationTaxonomy database of the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Informationcurated classification and nomenclature for all of the organisms in the public sequence databasesFreebase Data DumpsFreebase Data DumpsFreebase Data Dumpsdumps of the public part of Google's Knowledge GraphEncyclopedia of LifeEncyclopedia of LifeEncyclopedia of Lifecollaborative project intended to create an encyclopedia documenting all living species known to scienceGlobal Biodiversity Information FacilityGlobal Biodiversity Information FacilityGlobal Biodiversity Information Facilityaggregator of scientific data on biodiversity; data portalSpecies+Species+Species+The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022.2The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022.2The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022.2IUCN Red ListIUCN Red ListIUCN Red Listinventory of the global conservation status of biological speciesFrench WikipediaFrench WikipediaFrench WikipediaFrench-language edition of WikipediaFossilworksFossilworksFossilworksonline resource for fossil animals, plants, and microorganismsreference URLreference URLreference URLshould be used for Internet URLs as references. Use "Wikimedia import URL" (P4656) for imports from WMF sitesDOIDOIDOIserial code used to uniquely identify digital objects like academic papers (use upper case letters only)Out of the dark: 350 million years of conservatism and evolution in diel activity patterns in vertebratesOut of the dark: 350 million years of conservatism and evolution in diel activity patterns in vertebratesOut of the dark: 350 million years of conservatism and evolution in diel activity patterns in vertebratesscientific article published on 21 June 2017inferred by common NCBI Taxon ID mappings on source and on Wikidatainferred by common NCBI Taxon ID mappings on source and on Wikidatainferred by common NCBI Taxon ID mappings on source and on Wikidataheuristic to use with P887 (heuristic) as provenance for assigning an identifierbased on heuristicbased on heuristicbased on heuristicindicates that the property value is determined based on some heuristic (Q201413); to be used as sourceUMLS 2023UMLS 2023UMLS 2023Language System release in 2023inferred from taxon nameinferred from taxon nameinferred from taxon namededucing information about an item based on its taxon nameCalPhotosCalPhotosCalPhotosonline collection of photos of plants, animals, fossils, people, and landscapes from around the world2007-01-23T00:00:00Z1102013-09-03T00:00:00Z1102015-03-01T00:00:00Z1001839-01-01T00:00:00Z902014-11-07T00:00:00Z1102015-11-14T00:00:00Z1102013-10-28T00:00:00Z1102014-10-30T00:00:00Z1102024-03-17T00:00:00Z1102015-09-10T00:00:00Z1102023-01-03T00:00:00Z1102016-07-11T00:00:00Z1102016-10-22T00:00:00Z1102018-08-25T00:00:00Z1102021-10-22T00:00:00Z1102023-06-16T00:00:00Z1102007-01-23T00:00:00Z2013-09-03T00:00:00Z2015-03-01T00:00:00Z2007-01-23T00:00:00Z2014-11-07T00:00:00Z2015-11-14T00:00:00Z2013-10-28T00:00:00Z2014-10-30T00:00:00Z2024-03-17T00:00:00Z2015-09-10T00:00:00Z424857512023-01-03T00:00:00Z2016-07-11T00:00:00Z2016-10-22T00:00:00Z2018-08-25T00:00:00Z2021-10-22T00:00:00Z10.48580/DFPZ2023-06-16T00:00:00Z