1.0.022376894612024-08-27T16:25:27Z634825euCanterbury eskualdeawikipediaheקנטרברי (ניו זילנד)wikipediako캔터베리 지방wikipediafrCanterbury (région)wikipediamiWaitahawikipediaesRegión de CanterburywikipediaitCanterbury (Nuova Zelanda)wikipediadeCanterbury (Region)wikipediajaカンタベリー地方wikipediaviCanterbury (vùng)wikipediasvCanterbury, Nya ZeelandwikipedianlCanterbury (regio)wikipediaptCanterbury (Nova Zelândia)wikipedianbCanterbury (region)wikipediamkКантербери (Нов Зеланд)wikipediannCanterbury på New ZealandwikipediacsCanterbury (Nový Zéland)wikipediabgКентърбъри (регион)wikipediakaკენტერბერის რეგიონიwikipediacaCanterbury (Nova Zelanda)wikipediamsWilayah CanterburywikipediaenCanterbury (New Zealand)wikivoyagedeCanterbury (Neuseeland)wikivoyageeoKanterburiowikipediagdCanterbury Regionwikipediaurکینٹربری، نیوزی لینڈwikipediaukКентербері (регіон)wikipediaidCanterbury, Selandia BaruwikipediaetCanterbury piirkondwikipediafrCanterbury (Nouvelle-Zélande)wikivoyagefiCanterbury 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streekCanterbury streekՔանթերբերիի շրջանՔանթերբերիի շրջանՔանթերբերիի շրջանجيهة كانطربوريجيهة كانطربوريجيهة كانطربوريՔենթըրպըրի շրջանՔենթըրպըրի շրջանՔենթըրպըրի շրջանCanterbury, Nueva ZelandaCanterbury, Nueva ZelandaCanterbury, Nueva ZelandaCanterbury RegionCanterbury RegionCanterbury Regionregion of New Zealand's South IslandregioVerwaltungsregion auf der Südinsel von Neuseelandregione neozelandeseодин из регионов Новой Зеландииодин з регіонів Нової Зеландіїregion i New ZealandÚj-Zéland legnagyobb területű régiójarégion de Nouvelle-Zélanderegión de Nueva Zelandaחבל ארץ בניו זילנדجيهة من جيهات نيوزيلانداUuden-Seelannin hallinnollinen alueprovinsi di Selandia Baruأقليم في نيوزيلنداニュージーランドの地方regija na Južnem otoku Nove Zelandije캔터버리 지방캔터베리Takiwā o WaitahaCanterbury Nueva ZelandaCanterbury, Nueva ZelandaWaitahaNZ-CANカンタベリーカンタベリー平野Vùng CanterburyКантербериناحیهٔ کانتربوریاستان کانتربوریკენტერბერიCanterburyCanterbury, New ZealandSouth CanterburyКентерберӣКентербериrégion de CanterburyCanterburyCanterburyNZ-CANlocator map imagelocator map imagelocator map imagegeographic map image which highlights the location of the subject within some larger entitypage bannerpage bannerpage bannerimage at top of an article about the topic, mainly used by Wikivoyage and Women in RedMargaret BazleyMargaret BazleyMargaret BazleyNew Zealand nursing leader and public servant (born 1938)head of governmenthead of governmenthead of governmenthead of the executive power of this town, city, municipality, state, country, or other governmental bodyNew ZealandNew ZealandNew Zealandisland country in the southwest Pacific Oceancountrycountrycountrysovereign state that this item is in (not to be used for human beings)Commons categoryCommons categoryCommons categoryname of the Wikimedia Commons category containing files related to this item (without the prefix "Category:")ISO 3166-2 codeISO 3166-2 codeISO 3166-2 codeidentifier for a country subdivision per ISO 3166-2 (include country code)coordinate locationcoordinate locationcoordinate locationgeocoordinates of the subject. For Earth, please note that only WGS84 coordinating system is supported at the momentlocated in the administrative territorial entitylocated in the administrative territorial entitylocated in the administrative territorial entitythe item is located on the territory of the following administrative entity. Use P276 for specifying locations that are non-administrative places and for items about events. Use P1382 if the item falls only partially into the administrative entity.Category:Canterbury RegionCategory:Canterbury RegionCategory:Canterbury RegionWikimedia categorytopic's main categorytopic's main categorytopic's main categorymain Wikimedia categoryCurlie IDCurlie IDCurlie IDcategory path at Open Directory Projectregion of New Zealandregion of New Zealandregion of New Zealandlocal government areas of New Zealandinstance ofinstance ofinstance ofthat class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)Freebase IDFreebase IDFreebase IDidentifier for a page in the Freebase database. Format: "/m/0" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For IDs starting with "/g/", use Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671)FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions)FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions)FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions)Identifier for countries and regions per former Federal Information Processing Standard FIPS 10-4GeoNames IDGeoNames IDGeoNames IDidentifier in the GeoNames geographical databaseMusicBrainz area IDMusicBrainz area IDMusicBrainz area IDidentifier for an area in the MusicBrainz open music databaseGND IDGND IDGND IDidentifier from an international authority file of names, subjects, and organizations (please don't use type n = name, disambiguation) - Deutsche NationalbibliothekVIAF IDVIAF IDVIAF IDidentifier for the Virtual International Authority File database [format: up to 22 digits]Library of Congress authority IDLibrary of Congress authority IDLibrary of Congress authority IDLibrary of Congress name authority (persons, families, corporate bodies, events, places, works and expressions) and subject authority identifier [Format: 1-2 specific letters followed by 8-10 digits (see regex). For manifestations, use P1144]areaareaareaarea occupied by an objectCategory:Deaths in Canterbury RegionCategory:Deaths in Canterbury RegionCategory:Deaths in Canterbury RegionWikimedia categorycategory for people who died herecategory for people who died herecategory for people who died herecategory item for people who died in this locationCategory:Births in the Canterbury RegionCategory:Births in the Canterbury RegionCategory:Births in the Canterbury RegionWikimedia categorycategory for people born herecategory for people born herecategory for people born herecategory item that groups people born in this placeChristchurchChristchurchChristchurchlargest city in the South Island of New Zealandcapitalcapitalcapitalseat of government of a country, province, state or other type of administrative territorial entityOpenStreetMap relation IDOpenStreetMap relation IDOpenStreetMap relation IDidentifier for a relation in OpenStreetMappopulationpopulationpopulationnumber of people inhabiting the place; number of people of subjectOtago RegionOtago RegionOtago Regionregion in the southeast of New Zealand's South Islandshares border withshares border withshares border withcountries or administrative subdivisions, of equal level, that this item borders, either by land or water. A single common point is enough.West Coast RegionWest Coast RegionWest Coast Regionregion of New Zealand's South IslandTasman DistrictTasman DistrictTasman Districtregion in the northwest of New Zealand's South IslandMarlborough DistrictMarlborough DistrictMarlborough Districtregion and district in the north of New Zealand's South IslandQuora topic IDQuora topic IDQuora topic IDidentifier for a topic on Quora (English language version)Category:People from the Canterbury RegionCategory:People from the Canterbury RegionCategory:People from the Canterbury RegionWikimedia categorycategory of associated peoplecategory of associated peoplecategory of associated peopleWikimedia category for people associated with this place or organizationUTC+12:00UTC+12:00UTC+12:00identifier for a time offset from UTC of +12located in time zonelocated in time zonelocated in time zonetime zone for this itemarchINFORM location IDarchINFORM location IDarchINFORM location IDidentifier for a location on the archINFORM websiteimageimageimageimage of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image)Canterbury Regional CouncilCanterbury Regional CouncilCanterbury Regional Councilregional government in New Zealandauthorityauthorityauthorityentity having executive power on given entitySouth IslandSouth IslandSouth Islandone of the two main New Zealand islandslocated in/on physical featurelocated in/on physical featurelocated in/on physical featurelocated on the specified (geo)physical feature. Should not be used when the value is only political/administrative (P131) or a mountain range (P4552).Hurunui DistrictHurunui DistrictHurunui Districtterritorial authority district in Canterbury Region, New Zealandcontains the administrative territorial entitycontains the administrative territorial entitycontains the administrative territorial entity(list of) direct subdivisions of an administrative territorial entityWaimakariri DistrictWaimakariri DistrictWaimakariri Districtdistrict in Canterbury Region, New ZealandChristchurch CityChristchurch CityChristchurch Cityterritorial authority district of New ZealandSelwyn DistrictSelwyn DistrictSelwyn Districtterritorial authority district in Canterbury Region, New ZealandAshburton DistrictAshburton DistrictAshburton Districtterritorial authority district in Canterbury Region, New ZealandTimaru DistrictTimaru DistrictTimaru Districtterritorial authority district of New ZealandMackenzie DistrictMackenzie DistrictMackenzie Districtterritorial authority district in New Zealand's South IslandWaimate DistrictWaimate DistrictWaimate Districtterritorial authority district in New Zealand's South IslandWaitaki DistrictWaitaki DistrictWaitaki Districtterritorial authority district straddling New Zealand's Canterbury and Otago regionsKaikōura DistrictKaikōura DistrictKaikōura Districtdistrict of New ZealandGran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID (former scheme)Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID (former scheme)Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID (former scheme)identifier for an item in the Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana. Replaced with "Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID (P12385)".Who's on First IDWho's on First IDWho's on First IDidentifier from the Who's on First databaseThe Nuttall EncyclopædiaThe Nuttall EncyclopædiaThe Nuttall EncyclopædiaBritish encyclopediadescribed by sourcedescribed by sourcedescribed by sourcework where this item is describedAnalysis & Policy Observatory term IDAnalysis & Policy Observatory term IDAnalysis & Policy Observatory term IDidentifier for a term in the Analysis & Policy Observatory taxonomyNew Zealand Gazetteer place IDNew Zealand Gazetteer place IDNew Zealand Gazetteer place IDidentifier for a place in the New Zealand GazetteerWolfram Language entity codeWolfram Language entity codeWolfram Language entity codeinput form for an entity in Wolfram Languagegeoshapegeoshapegeoshapegeographic data from Wikimedia CommonsStore norske leksikon IDStore norske leksikon IDStore norske leksikon IDidentifier of an article in the online encyclopedia snl.noiNaturalist place IDiNaturalist place IDiNaturalist place IDidentifier for a place in iNaturalistJ9U IDJ9U IDJ9U IDidentifier used by the National Library of Israelclimate emergency declaration in New Zealandclimate emergency declaration in New Zealandclimate emergency declaration in New ZealandOverview of the events of 2019 in New Zealand in climatesignificant eventsignificant eventsignificant eventsignificant or notable events associated with the subjectGran Enciclopèdia Catalana IDGran Enciclopèdia Catalana IDGran Enciclopèdia Catalana IDidentifier for an item in the Gran Enciclopèdia CatalanaGNS Unique Feature IDGNS Unique Feature IDGNS Unique Feature IDidentifier for geographic entities according to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's GEOnet Names ServerWorldCat Entities IDWorldCat Entities IDWorldCat Entities IDidentifier for a person, work, place, historical period, or event from the WorldCat Entities linked data serviceofficial websiteofficial websiteofficial websiteURL of the official page of an item (current or former). Usage: If a listed URL no longer points to the official website, do not remove it, but see the "Hijacked or dead websites" section of the Talk pageData Commons IDData Commons IDData Commons IDidentifier in the Data Commons knowledge grapharchINFORMarchINFORMarchINFORMinternational architecture databasestated instated instated into be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865retrievedretrievedretrieveddate or point in time that information was retrieved from a database or website (for use in online sources)MusicBrainzMusicBrainzMusicBrainzMusicBrainzMusicBrainzMusicBrainzonline music metadata databaseEnglish WikipediaEnglish WikipediaEnglish WikipediaEnglish-language edition of Wikipediaimported from Wikimedia projectimported from Wikimedia projectimported from Wikimedia projectsource of this claim's value; used in references section by bots or humans importing data from Wikimedia projectsItalian WikipediaItalian WikipediaItalian WikipediaItalian-language edition of WikipediaFreebase Data DumpsFreebase Data DumpsFreebase Data Dumpsdumps of the public part of Google's Knowledge Graphpublication datepublication datepublication datedate or point in time when a work was first published or releasedWikimedia import URLWikimedia import URLWikimedia import URLURL of source to indicate the page or revision of an import source from another Wikimedia project (except actual references, such as Wikisource source texts). Use instead of "reference URL" (P854). Permalinks are preferred.EnglishEnglishEnglishWest Germanic languagelanguage of work or namelanguage of work or namelanguage of work or namelanguage associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use "native language" (P103) and "languages spoken, written or signed" (P1412))titletitletitlepublished name of a work, such as a newspaper article, a literary work, piece of music, a website, or a performance workGeoNamesGeoNamesGeoNamesgeographical database available and accessible through various web services, operated by Unxos GmbHGerman WikipediaGerman WikipediaGerman WikipediaGerman-language edition of WikipediaSpanish WikipediaSpanish WikipediaSpanish WikipediaSpanish-language edition of Wikipediapoint in timepoint in timepoint in timedate something took place, existed or a statement was true; for providing time use the "refine date" property (P4241)estimationestimationestimationprocess of finding an estimate, or approximation, which is a value that is usable for some purpose even if input data may be incomplete, uncertain, or unstabledetermination method or standarddetermination method or standarddetermination method or standardhow a value is determined, or the standard by which it is declaredreference URLreference URLreference URLshould be used for Internet URLs as references. Use "Wikimedia import URL" (P4656) for imports from WMF sitesStatistics New ZealandStatistics New ZealandStatistics New Zealandnational statistical service of New Zealandpublisherpublisherpublisherorganization or person responsible for publishing books, periodicals, printed music, podcasts, games or softwareQuoraQuoraQuoraQuoraQuoraQuoraAmerican question-and-answer websiteRussian WikipediaRussian WikipediaRussian WikipediaRussian-language edition of WikipediaCzech WikipediaCzech WikipediaCzech WikipediaCzech-language edition of Wikipediasubject named assubject named assubject named asname by which a subject is recorded in a database, mentioned as a contributor of a work, or is referred to in a particular contextiNaturalistiNaturalistiNaturalistcitizen science project and websitestart timestart timestart timetime an entity begins to exist or a statement starts being validLibrary of Congress AuthoritiesLibrary of Congress AuthoritiesLibrary of Congress Authoritiesbrowsable database to view authority headings for subject, name, title and name/title combinationsmatched by identifier frommatched by identifier frommatched by identifier fromthis external ID was added because the following link was presented in both the external database and the Wikidata item-43.61720.0166667+44504.3+44504.4+44504.2+44504300000+44504400000+44504200000+600100+6242002018-08-06T00:00:00Z1102013-10-28T00:00:00Z1102013-12-30T00:00:00Z1102024-01-27T00:00:00Z1102016-06-01T00:00:00Z1002016-11-26T00:00:00Z1102018-06-30T00:00:00Z1102018-08-05T00:00:00Z1102021-04-25T00:00:00Z1102019-05-16T00:00:00Z1102024-04-16T00:00:00Z110122742018-08-06T00:00:00Z2013-10-28T00:00:00Z2013-12-30T00:00:00ZList of FIPS region codes (M-O)122742024-01-27T00:00:00ZNational Population Estimates: At 30 June 20162016-11-26T00:00:00ZSubnational population estimates (RC, SA2), by age and sex, at 30 June 1996, 2001, 2006-18 (2018 boundaries)2018-08-05T00:00:00Z2021-04-25T00:00:00Zn810360402024-04-16T00:00:00Z