1.0.022362205352024-08-26T02:39:41Z152310enCategory:IdlenesscommonsptOciosidadewikiquotedeMüßiggangwikiquoteltDykinėjimaswikiquoteitOziowikiquoteplBezczynnośćwikiquoteelΑπραξίαwikiquotedeMüßiggangwikipediafrOisivetéwikipediaitOziowikipediaeglÓsiwikipediascnPutrunarìawikipediaenIdlenesswikipediamkБезделништвоwikipediaptÓciowikipediatlKawalan ng ginagawawikipediaenIdlenesswikiquoteslBrezdeljewikiquoteetJõudeeluwikiquotefiJoutilaisuuswikipediaeoMaldiligentecowikiquoteheבטלהwikiquotesrНерадwikiquote4170693-6pcrtOcl4lmLAupIdleness300379755/g/1q6jzf7t68123sh2010009481ozio04644647-n51ddc267-1b56-4f99-b7a8-60e6b65caaf6239884170693-6pcrtOcl4lmLAupIdleness300379755/g/1q6jzf7t68123sh2010009481Sedentary behaviorozioozio04644647-n51ddc267-1b56-4f99-b7a8-60e6b65caaf623988idlenessidlenessidlenessKawalan ng ginagawaKawalan ng ginagawaKawalan ng ginagawaБезделништвоБезделништвоБезделништвоbrezdeljebrezdeljebrezdeljeócioócioócioMüßiggangMüßiggangMüßiggangoisivetéoisivetéoisivetéociosidadociosidadociosidaddykinėjimasdykinėjimasdykinėjimasozioozioozioΑπραξίαΑπραξίαΑπραξίαBezczynnośćBezczynnośćBezczynnośćÓsiÓsiÓsiPutrunarìaPutrunarìaPutrunarìaАйлякАйлякАйлякJõudeeluJõudeeluJõudeeluMüßiggangMüßiggangMüßiggangMüssiggangMüssiggangMüssiggangXakabiXakabiXakabijoutilaisuusjoutilaisuusjoutilaisuussysslolöshetsysslolöshetsysslolöshetMaldiligentecoMaldiligentecoMaldiligentecoбездельебездельебездельеsemmittevéssemmittevéssemmittevésdíomhaointeasdíomhaointeasdíomhaointeasבטלהבטלהבטלהНерадНерадНерад"ato" de não fazer nada em seu tempo livreAufsuchen der Muße, das entspannte und von Pflichten freie Ausleben, nicht die Erholung von besonderen Stresssituationen oder körperlichen Belastungenétat d'une personne qui n'a pas d'activité laborieusestate of a person who does not do anything laboriousAufsuchen der Muße, das entspannte und von Pflichten freie Ausleben, nicht die Erholung von besonderen Stresssituationen oder körperlichen BelastungenAufsuchen der Musse, das entspannte und von Pflichten freie Ausleben, nicht die Erholung von besonderen Stresssituationen oder körperlichen Belastungenhistoriallinen termi työn tekemättömyydellecondizione di inattivitàstanje osebe, ki ne počne nič napornegaestado disponívelociosidadeidleidlinginactivitymüßig gehenuntätig seinnichts tunträge seinFaulheitTrägheitNichtstunmüssig geheninaktivitáshenyélésrestségmunkakerüléstétlenkedéstétlenségnaplopástunyaságdologtalanságneamhghníomhaíochtpočetje ničesarGND IDGND IDGND IDidentifier from an international authority file of names, subjects, and organizations (please don't use type n = name, disambiguation) - Deutsche NationalbibliothekPACTOLS thesaurus IDPACTOLS thesaurus IDPACTOLS thesaurus IDidentifier in the PACTOLS archaeology thesaurus by FRANTIQsocial behaviorsocial behaviorsocial behaviorbehavior among two or more organisms, typically from the same speciessubclass ofsubclass ofsubclass ofthis item is a subclass (subset) of that item; all instances of this item are instances of that item; different from P31 (instance of), e.g.: volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform); Everest is an instance of mountainCommons categoryCommons categoryCommons categoryname of the Wikimedia Commons category containing files related to this item (without the prefix "Category:")Art & Architecture Thesaurus IDArt & Architecture Thesaurus IDArt & Architecture Thesaurus IDidentifier in the Art & Architecture Thesaurus by the Getty Research InstituteGoogle Knowledge Graph IDGoogle Knowledge Graph IDGoogle Knowledge Graph IDidentifier for Google Knowledge Graph API, starting with "/g/". For IDs starting with "/m/", use Freebase ID (P646)YSO IDYSO IDYSO IDidentifier for a concept in the General Finnish Ontology YSOlazinesslazinesslazinessdisinclination to activity or exertiondifferent fromdifferent fromdifferent fromitem that is different from another item, with which it may be confusedidlingidlingidlingstate where a technical device or resource is inactive but ready for operationLibrary of Congress authority IDLibrary of Congress authority IDLibrary of Congress authority IDLibrary of Congress name authority (persons, families, corporate bodies, events, places, works and expressions) and subject authority identifier [Format: 1-2 specific letters followed by 8-10 digits (see regex). For manifestations, use P1144]Treccani IDTreccani IDTreccani IDidentifier for the Italian Treccani website and encyclopediaWordNet 3.1 Synset IDWordNet 3.1 Synset IDWordNet 3.1 Synset IDSynset identifier in Princeton’s WordNet Version 3.1BBC Things IDBBC Things IDBBC Things IDidentifier in the BBC Things database, automatically enriched with Wikipedia and MusicBrainz contentMeyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890)Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890)Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890)edition of a German language encyclopaediadescribed by sourcedescribed by sourcedescribed by sourcework where this item is describedmuseum-digital tag IDmuseum-digital tag IDmuseum-digital tag IDnumeric identifier for keywords used in the description of cultural heritage objects in Museum-DigitalGerman WikipediaGerman WikipediaGerman WikipediaGerman-language edition of Wikipediaimported from Wikimedia projectimported from Wikimedia projectimported from Wikimedia projectsource of this claim's value; used in references section by bots or humans importing data from Wikimedia projectssubject named assubject named assubject named asname by which a subject is recorded in a database, mentioned as a contributor of a work, or is referred to in a particular contextItalian WikipediaItalian WikipediaItalian WikipediaItalian-language edition of WikipediaWikimedia import URLWikimedia import URLWikimedia import URLURL of source to indicate the page or revision of an import source from another Wikimedia project (except actual references, such as Wikisource source texts). Use instead of "reference URL" (P854). Permalinks are preferred.GF WordNetGF WordNetGF WordNeta lexical resource which combines WordNet resources from many languages and makes them compatible within GFstated instated instated into be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865BBC ThingsBBC ThingsBBC Thingssemantic databasestatement is subject ofstatement is subject ofstatement is subject of(qualifying) item that describes the relation identified in this statement