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һәм тапшырылырга булаmilek xoquqların birä torğan räsmi dokument, ul kürsätkändä, milek xoquqları ütälergä häm tapşırılırğa bulaмилек хокукларын бирә торган рәсми документ, ул күрсәткәндә, милек хокуклары үтәлергә һәм тапшырылырга булаtitolo di capitale o titolo di debitofinanca varotigojams finanšu aktīvsa hondlbors Guat in d Finanzwiatschoftverhandelbare rechten die een financiële waarde vertegenwoordigenbằng chứng xác nhận quyền và lợi ích hợp pháp của người sở hữu đối với tài sản hoặc phần vốn của tổ chức phát hành財産的価値のある私権を表章する証券ئامرازێکی ئاڵوگۆڕی داراییمصطلح اقتصادي تجاريlistinaရောင်းဝယ်နိုင်သောငွေကြေးပိုင်ဆိုင်မှုomistusosuuden arvo-osuusએક ચલણנכסים פיננסים סחיריםट्रेड कइल जाए जोग फाइनेंशियल एसेटдокумент, що засвідчує право власності, що може бути заявлене лише за його пред’явленнямaset kewangan yang boleh didagangkan证券业有价证券証券papiery wartościowetítulo valorvalor mobiliariotítulo financierovalor financierosecurityαξιόγραφοsecuritiesschatkistcertificatenTítulo FinanceiroTítulo mobiliárioкорпоративные ценные бумагиклассификация ценных бумагвторичная ценная бумагапервичная ценная бумагаценные бумагиХоВХартија од вредностиHartije od vrijednostiMenkul kıymetlerVarlığa Dayalı Menkul KıymetArvopaperitArvopaperimarkkinatцінний папірвідокремлений спосіб зберігання цінних паперівбанкобезстрокові цінні папериVrijednosnicaFinansielt instrumentпрад'яўнічая каштоўная паперакаштоўныя паперыкласіфікацыя каштоўных паперкарпаратыўныя каштоўныя паперыvaleur mobilieretitre financiervaleurs mobilièresvaleurs financièresvaleur mobilière de placementvaleur financièreVMPValeurs Mobilières de Placementvaleur mobiliere de placement유가 증권증권ניירות ערךvalori mobiliarititoloWertschriftSekuritiSekuritaspapier cennýcenné papierevalorvalor financertítol valorCenné papíryورقه بهادارरोखेप्रतिभूतीप्रतिभूतिЦенни книгиКнижаЦенни книжаVPVertybiniai popieriaiVerdipapirerセキュリティqimmätle käğäzالأوراق الماليةလုံခြုံရေးfinancial securityqmmatli qogʻozlarարժեթղթերफाइनेंशियल सिक्योरिटीfuilleamhsekuriti kewanganfinancial productfinancial productfinancial productsubclass ofsubclass ofsubclass ofthis item is a subclass (subset) of that item; all instances of this item are instances of that item; different from P31 (instance of), e.g.: volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform); Everest is an instance of mountainfinancial instrumentfinancial instrumentfinancial instrumentmonetary contract between partiesfinancial assetfinancial assetfinancial assetintangible asset that derives value because of a contractual claimCategory:Securities (finance)Category:Securities (finance)Category:Securities (finance)Wikimedia categorytopic's main categorytopic's main categorytopic's main categorymain Wikimedia categoryNDL Authority IDNDL Authority IDNDL Authority IDidentifier for authority control per the National Diet Library of JapanFreebase IDFreebase IDFreebase IDidentifier for a page in the Freebase database. Format: "/m/0" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For IDs starting with "/g/", use Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671)PSH IDPSH IDPSH IDidentifier in the authority database of the Czech Technical LibraryGND IDGND IDGND IDidentifier from an international authority file of names, subjects, and organizations (please don't use type n = name, disambiguation) - Deutsche NationalbibliothekCommons categoryCommons categoryCommons categoryname of the Wikimedia Commons category containing files related to this item (without the prefix "Category:")Ottův slovník naučnýOttův slovník naučnýOttův slovník naučný1888–1909 edition of the largest printed encyclopedia written in the Czech languagedescribed by sourcedescribed by sourcedescribed by sourcework where this item is describedBrockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic DictionaryBrockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic DictionaryBrockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionarycomprehensive multi-volume encyclopedia in RussianSmall Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic DictionarySmall Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic DictionarySmall Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic DictionaryRussian encyclopedic dictionaryMeyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890)Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890)Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890)edition of a German language encyclopaediaEncyclopædia Britannica 11th editionEncyclopædia Britannica 11th editionEncyclopædia Britannica 11th edition11th edition of Encyclopædia BritannicaArmenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 2Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 2Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 2volume of the Armenian Soviet EncyclopediaCultureel Woordenboek IDCultureel Woordenboek IDCultureel Woordenboek IDidentifier for a concept in the Dutch Cultureel Woordenboek ('Cultural Dictionary')JSTOR topic ID (archived)JSTOR topic ID (archived)JSTOR topic ID (archived)identifier for a topic at JSTORU.S. National Archives IdentifierU.S. National Archives IdentifierU.S. National Archives Identifieridentifier for the United States National Archives and Records Administration's online catalogBabelNet IDBabelNet IDBabelNet IDID in BabelNet encyclopedic dictionaryTemplate:SecuritiesTemplate:SecuritiesTemplate:SecuritiesWikimedia templatetopic's main templatetopic's main templatetopic's main templatethe main template relating to a topicASC Leiden Thesaurus IDASC Leiden Thesaurus IDASC Leiden Thesaurus IDidentifier for a topic, in the African Studies Centre (ASC) Leiden's ThesaurusIPTC NewsCodeIPTC NewsCodeIPTC NewsCodeNewsCode for an item, as defined by the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC)Encyclopædia Britannica Online IDEncyclopædia Britannica Online IDEncyclopædia Britannica Online IDidentifier for an article in the online version of Encyclopædia BritannicaLibrary of Congress authority IDLibrary of Congress authority IDLibrary of Congress authority IDLibrary of Congress name authority (persons, families, corporate bodies, events, places, works and expressions) and subject authority identifier [Format: 1-2 specific letters followed by 8-10 digits (see regex). For manifestations, use P1144]Australian Educational Vocabulary IDAustralian Educational Vocabulary IDAustralian Educational Vocabulary IDID for curriculum term in one of the controlled vocabularies at Australian education vocabulariestradabilitytradabilitytradabilityviability of selling products far from their place of productionhas characteristichas characteristichas characteristicinherent or distinguishing quality or feature of the entity. Use a more specific property when possibleeconomic securityeconomic securityeconomic securityhaving stable income or other resources to support a standard of living now and in the foreseeable futuredifferent fromdifferent fromdifferent fromitem that is different from another item, with which it may be confusedsecuritysecuritysecurityfreedom from, or resilience against, potential harm caused by hostile forces, circumstances or disturbancesBNCF Thesaurus IDBNCF Thesaurus IDBNCF Thesaurus IDidentifier in the subject indexing tool of the National Central Library of FlorenceBibliothèque nationale de France IDBibliothèque nationale de France IDBibliothèque nationale de France IDidentifier for the subject issued by BNF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Format: 8 digits followed by a check-digit or letter, do not include the initial 'cb'.imageimageimageimage of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image)Krugosvet articleKrugosvet articleKrugosvet articlelink to article of Russian-language online encyclopediaJ9U IDJ9U IDJ9U IDidentifier used by the National Library of IsraelGoogle Knowledge Graph IDGoogle Knowledge Graph IDGoogle Knowledge Graph IDidentifier for Google Knowledge Graph API, starting with "/g/". For IDs starting with "/m/", use Freebase ID (P646)YSO IDYSO IDYSO IDidentifier for a concept in the General Finnish Ontology YSOWordNet 3.1 Synset IDWordNet 3.1 Synset IDWordNet 3.1 Synset IDSynset identifier in Princeton’s WordNet Version 3.1HDS IDHDS IDHDS IDidentifier in HDS/HLS/DHS/DSS: Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (Q642074), a national encyclopediaNL CR AUT IDNL CR AUT IDNL CR AUT IDidentifier in the Czech National Authority Database of National Library of the Czech Republic (NL CR)National Historical Museums of Sweden IDNational Historical Museums of Sweden IDNational Historical Museums of Sweden IDauthority identification for an entry in the collections of the National Historical Museums of SwedenAnalysis & Policy Observatory term IDAnalysis & Policy Observatory term IDAnalysis & Policy Observatory term IDidentifier for a term in the Analysis & Policy Observatory taxonomybashenc.online IDbashenc.online IDbashenc.online IDarticle code on the encyclopedic portal “Bashkortostan”Great Russian Encyclopedia portal IDGreat Russian Encyclopedia portal IDGreat Russian Encyclopedia portal IDidentifier of an entry on the web portal based on the Great Russian Encyclopedia (for the older version of encyclopedia use P2924)STW Thesaurus for Economics IDSTW Thesaurus for Economics IDSTW Thesaurus for Economics IDidentifier for a descriptor of the STW Thesaurus for Economics, linking to literature on economics and business administrationLex IDLex IDLex IDidentifier of an article in the online encyclopedia.lex.dkmuseum-digital tag IDmuseum-digital tag IDmuseum-digital tag IDnumeric identifier for keywords used in the description of cultural heritage objects in Museum-DigitalEuroVoc IDEuroVoc IDEuroVoc IDidentifier for an area of government activity, in the European Union's EuroVoc thesaurusFreebase Data DumpsFreebase Data DumpsFreebase Data Dumpsdumps of the public part of Google's Knowledge Graphstated instated instated into be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865publication datepublication datepublication datedate or point in time when a work was first published or releasedGerman WikipediaGerman WikipediaGerman WikipediaGerman-language edition of Wikipediaimported from Wikimedia projectimported from Wikimedia projectimported from Wikimedia projectsource of this claim's value; used in references section by bots or humans importing data from Wikimedia projectsarticle in Otto's encyclopediastatement is subject ofstatement is subject ofstatement is subject of(qualifying) item that describes the relation identified in this statementencyclopedic articleencyclopedic articleencyclopedia article published in Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890)1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Security1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Security1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Securityencyclopedia articlepage(s)page(s)page(s)page number of source referenced for statement. Note "column(s)" (P3903) and "folio(s)" (P7416) for other numbering systemsBabelNetBabelNetBabelNetmultilingual semantic network and encyclopedic dictionaryinferred frominferred frominferred fromstatement added based on related statement found within the item, not the entity described by the item (to be used in a reference field)Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID (old version)Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID (old version)Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID (old version)identifier for an entry on old.bigenc.ru, the official site of the Great Russian Encyclopedia Online 2014–2017 (current version of bigenc.ru is P11514)subject named assubject named assubject named asname by which a subject is recorded in a database, mentioned as a contributor of a work, or is referred to in a particular contextredirected to GRE portalredirected to GRE portalredirected to GRE portalarticle on the old version of the encyclopedia was deactivated and now its ID is a redirect to the Great Russian Encyclopedia portalreason for deprecated rankreason for deprecated rankreason for deprecated rankqualifier to indicate why a particular statement should have deprecated rankauthor name stringauthor name stringauthor name stringstores unspecified author or editor name for publications; use if Wikidata item for author (P50) or editor (P98) does not exist or is not known. Do not use both.reference URLreference URLreference URLshould be used for Internet URLs as references. Use "Wikimedia import URL" (P4656) for imports from WMF sitesretrievedretrievedretrieveddate or point in time that information was retrieved from a database or website (for use in online sources)alternative namealternative namealternative namequalifier for alternative name(s), given for a subject in a database entry, or preserved in references (even these are no longer the preferred name)Nuovo soggettarioNuovo soggettarioNuovo soggettariothesaurus realised and run by National Central Library of FlorenceNational Library of IsraelNational Library of IsraelNational Library of Israelnational library in IsraelYSO-Wikidata mapping projectYSO-Wikidata mapping projectYSO-Wikidata mapping projectproject where concepts of the Finnish General Ontology are matched with Wikidata equivalentsGF WordNetGF WordNetGF WordNeta lexical resource which combines WordNet resources from many languages and makes them compatible within GFexact matchexact matchexact matchSKOS mapping relation (for use with P4390): two concepts have equivalent meaning, and the link can be exploited across a wide range of applications and schemes; the link is meant to be transitivemapping relation typemapping relation typemapping relation typequalifier to more precisely define the relation of the item to the external identifier using SKOS2013-10-28T00:00:00Z1102019-04-03T00:00:00Z1102021-06-13T00:00:00Z1102022-01-28T00:00:00Z1102013-10-28T00:00:00Z2019-04-03T00:00:00Z2021-06-13T00:00:00Z2022-01-28T00:00:00Z