1.0.021083337452024-03-22T07:32:05Z3261deInterpretatio GraecawikipediabrTaolenn doueed Hellaz ha RomawikipediadaInterpretatio graecawikipediaenInterpretatio graecawikipediaesInterpretatio graecawikipediaitInterpretatio graecawikipedianbInterpretatio graecawikipediaruСоответствие римских и греческих боговwikipediaptInterpretatio graecawikipediafrInterpretatio graecawikipedianlInterpretatio GraecawikipediagswInterpretatio GraecawikipediaeuInterpretatio graecawikipediaelInterpretatio graecawikipediaen-simpleInterpretatio graecawikipediaidInterpretatio graecawikipediazh希臘羅馬釋義wikipediasvInterpretatio graecawikipediaslInterpretatio graecawikipediaarترجمة إغريقيةwikipediako인테르프레타티오 그라이카wikipediaukВідповідність римських і грецьких богівwikipediatrInterpretatio graecawikipediacaInterpretatio graecawikipediaroSincretism religioswikipediafaتفسیر با استفاده از الگوهای یونانیwikipedia/m/052g90/m/052g90Interpretatio GraecaInterpretatio GraecaInterpretatio GraecaTaolenn doueed Hellaz ha RomaTaolenn doueed Hellaz ha RomaTaolenn doueed Hellaz ha RomaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecaKemiripan antara mitologi Etruska, Yunani, dan RomawiKemiripan antara mitologi Etruska, Yunani, dan RomawiKemiripan antara mitologi Etruska, Yunani, dan Romawiinterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecaIndex deorum Graecorum cum paribus deis Romanis EtruscisqueIndex deorum Graecorum cum paribus deis Romanis EtruscisqueIndex deorum Graecorum cum paribus deis Romanis Etruscisqueinterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecaSimilarități între mitologiile romană, greacă și etruscăSimilarități între mitologiile romană, greacă și etruscăSimilarități între mitologiile romană, greacă și etruscăСоответствие римских и греческих боговСоответствие римских и греческих боговСоответствие римских и греческих боговInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graeca인테르프레타티오 그라에카인테르프레타티오 그라에카인테르프레타티오 그라에카Interpretatio GraecaInterpretatio GraecaInterpretatio GraecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaシンクレティズムシンクレティズムシンクレティズム希臘釋義希臘釋義希臘釋義Interpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaترجمة إغريقيةترجمة إغريقيةترجمة إغريقيةВідповідність римських і грецьких богівВідповідність римських і грецьких богівВідповідність римських і грецьких богівInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecaInterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecainterpretatio graecaتفسیر با استفاده از الگوهای یونانیتفسیر با استفاده از الگوهای یونانیتفسیر با استفاده از الگوهای یونانیgiải thích bằng tiếng Hy Lạpgiải thích bằng tiếng Hy Lạpgiải thích bằng tiếng Hy Lạpμυθολογικός συγκρητισμόςpersamaan dan prbedaan yunani dan romawimethodology for cultural comparisoninterpretatie van niet-Griekse goden en mythen als Griekse godenméthodologie de comparaison et d'assimilation des dieux étrangers aux dieux grecsmetodologia d'assimilació de déus estrangers a la pròpia culturacomparație între mitologiiСтатья рассказывает о влиянии греческой мифологии на римских боговphương pháp so sánh văn hóaελληνική ερμηνείαギリシア語への翻訳ギリシア語への変換希臘譯本interpretatio romanainterpretatio romanaInterpretatio romanaFreebase IDFreebase IDFreebase IDidentifier for a page in the Freebase database. Format: "/m/0" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For IDs starting with "/g/", use Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671)processprocessprocessseries of events which occur over an extended period of timeinstance ofinstance ofinstance ofthat class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)Ancient Greek religionAncient Greek religionAncient Greek religionreligion in ancient Greecefacet offacet offacet oftopic of which this item is an aspect; item that offers a broader perspective on the same topicFreebase Data DumpsFreebase Data DumpsFreebase Data Dumpsdumps of the public part of Google's Knowledge Graphstated instated instated into be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865publication datepublication datepublication datedate or point in time when a work was first published or released2013-10-28T00:00:00Z1102013-10-28T00:00:00Z