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оболонкою у рослин, що не розкривається, з одною або (рідше) двома насінинамиin botanica, tipo di frutto secco con un seme contenuto in un pericarpo legnoso o coriaceoeetbare saad (met of sonder die res van die vrug)fruit secnötfroito secofruto seco e indehiscenteҡайһы бер үҫемлектәрҙең, ғәҙәттә, ҡаты ҡабыҡлы һәм ашарға яраҡлы үҙәкле емешеfrukt med vedaktig fruktvegg som ikke åpner sege Schlüüssfrucht, wo ali drü Schichte vo de Fruchtwand verholzed und meischtens nume ain Chärn dine hätrodzaj suchych owoców zamkniętych jednonasiennychفي علم النبات، صنف من الفواكه열매의 종류פרי יבשa botanikában a száraz, zárt (fel nem nyíló) termés egy fajtájafal, jiske chhilkaa karraa rahe haebotanisk tørre frugter med én kim i hverナッツkacangnatfrutto a nocefrutta a gusciofrutto a guscioNußfruchtNusskuruyemişnucinucușoareNussfruchtјаткаст плодоревести плодовијаткасти плодовиorzeszekорехиnutsbotanical nutsالمكسراتککرسکاچڠنتdiófélemogyorófélegesztenyeféledió-, mogyoró- és gesztenyeféleæхсæртæCommons 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Format: "/m/0" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For IDs starting with "/g/", use Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671)imageimageimageimage of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image)pronunciation audiopronunciation audiopronunciation audioaudio file with pronunciationCategory:NutsCategory:NutsCategory:NutsWikimedia categorytopic's main categorytopic's main categorytopic's main categorymain Wikimedia categorytree nut allergytree nut allergytree nut allergyAllergic reaction to tree nuts that is triggered by the immune systemhas effecthas effecthas effecteffect of this itemUNSPSC CodeUNSPSC CodeUNSPSC Codeidentifier for taxonomy of products and services for use in eCommerceTreccani IDTreccani IDTreccani IDidentifier for the Italian Treccani website and encyclopediaQuora topic IDQuora topic IDQuora topic IDidentifier for a topic on Quora (English language version)nuculenuculenuculefruit typedifferent fromdifferent fromdifferent fromitem that is different from another item, with which it may be confusednutnutnutdry, edible fruit or seed which usually has a high fat contentCommons galleryCommons galleryCommons galleryname of the Wikimedia Commons gallery page(s) related to this item (is suitable to allow multiple links to more gallery pages)BabelNet IDBabelNet IDBabelNet IDID in BabelNet encyclopedic dictionaryOpen Food Facts food category IDOpen Food Facts food category IDOpen Food Facts food category IDrepresents a food category on Open Food FactsWikipedia:List of articles all languages should haveWikipedia:List of articles all languages should haveWikipedia:List of articles all languages should havelist of 1000 articles every Wikipedia should haveon focus list of Wikimedia projecton focus list of Wikimedia projecton focus list of Wikimedia projectproperty to indicate that an item is of particular interest for a Wikimedia project. This property does not add notability. Items should not be created with this property if they are not notable for Wikidata. See also P6104, P972, P2354.Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4Wikimedia project pageGreat Russian Encyclopedia Online ID (old version)Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID (old version)Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID (old version)identifier for an entry on old.bigenc.ru, the official site of the Great Russian Encyclopedia Online 2014–2017 (current version of bigenc.ru is P11514)Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite NicephorusBible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite NicephorusBible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorusencyclopedia, published in 1891–1892 in Moscowdescribed by sourcedescribed by sourcedescribed by sourcework where this item is describedExplanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian LanguageExplanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian LanguageExplanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian LanguagebookBrockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic DictionaryBrockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic DictionaryBrockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionarycomprehensive multi-volume encyclopedia in RussianSmall Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic DictionarySmall Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic DictionarySmall Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic DictionaryRussian encyclopedic dictionaryNew Encyclopedic DictionaryNew Encyclopedic DictionaryNew Encyclopedic DictionaryRussian dictionary published in 1911 - 1916Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and EfronJewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and EfronJewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and EfronencyclopediaMeSH descriptor IDMeSH descriptor IDMeSH descriptor IDidentifier for Descriptor or Supplementary concept in the Medical Subject Headings controlled vocabularywater footprintwater footprintwater footprinttotal volume of fresh water used to produce the goods and services consumed by the individual or community or produced by the businessKlexikon article IDKlexikon article IDKlexikon article IDID of an article in KlexikonDe Agostini IDDe Agostini IDDe Agostini IDidentifier for a subject on the Enciclopedia De Agostini onlineASC Leiden Thesaurus IDASC Leiden Thesaurus IDASC Leiden Thesaurus IDidentifier for a topic, in the African Studies Centre (ASC) Leiden's ThesaurusLibrary of Congress authority IDLibrary of Congress authority IDLibrary of Congress authority IDLibrary of Congress name authority (persons, families, corporate bodies, events, places, works and expressions) and subject authority identifier [Format: 1-2 specific letters followed by 8-10 digits (see regex). For manifestations, use P1144]OmegaWiki Defined MeaningOmegaWiki Defined MeaningOmegaWiki Defined Meaning"Defined Meaning" on the siteINRAN Italian Food IDINRAN Italian Food IDINRAN Italian Food IDidentifier in the Italian national nutriment databaseBibliothèque nationale de France IDBibliothèque nationale de France IDBibliothèque nationale de France IDidentifier for the subject issued by BNF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Format: 8 digits followed by a check-digit or letter, do not include the initial 'cb'.Wolfram Language entity codeWolfram Language entity codeWolfram Language entity codeinput form for an entity in Wolfram Languagetype of fruittype of fruittype of fruitbotanically recognized types of fruitsinstance ofinstance ofinstance ofthat class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)KBpedia IDKBpedia IDKBpedia IDidentifier for the KBpedia knowledge graph, which provides consistent mappings across seven large-scale public knowledge bases including Wikidata, and is used to promote data interoperability and extraction of training sets for machine learningMeSH tree codeMeSH tree codeMeSH tree codeMedical Subject Headings (MeSH) codes are an index and thesaurus for the life sciences (≠ MeSH ID, P486)UK Parliament thesaurus IDUK Parliament thesaurus IDUK Parliament thesaurus IDidentifier in the thesaurus of subject headings maintained by the librarians in the House of Commons in the UKEncyclopedia of China (Second Edition) IDEncyclopedia of China (Second Edition) IDEncyclopedia of China (Second Edition) IDidentifier for an article in the online version of Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition)Google Knowledge Graph IDGoogle Knowledge Graph IDGoogle Knowledge Graph IDidentifier for Google Knowledge Graph API, starting with "/g/". For IDs starting with "/m/", use Freebase ID (P646)Zhihu topic IDZhihu topic IDZhihu topic IDnumeric id of topics (tags) of questions on Zhihu, a Chinese question-and-answer websiteArt & Architecture Thesaurus IDArt & Architecture Thesaurus IDArt & Architecture Thesaurus IDidentifier in the Art & Architecture Thesaurus by the Getty Research InstituteEncyclopædia Britannica Online IDEncyclopædia Britannica Online IDEncyclopædia Britannica Online IDidentifier for an article in the online version of Encyclopædia BritannicaSTW Thesaurus for Economics IDSTW Thesaurus for Economics IDSTW Thesaurus for Economics IDidentifier for a descriptor of the STW Thesaurus for Economics, linking to literature on economics and business administrationJ9U IDJ9U IDJ9U IDidentifier used by the National Library of IsraelLex IDLex IDLex IDidentifier of an article in the online encyclopedia.lex.dkStore norske leksikon IDStore norske leksikon IDStore norske leksikon IDidentifier of an article in the online encyclopedia snl.noWordNet 3.1 Synset IDWordNet 3.1 Synset IDWordNet 3.1 Synset IDSynset identifier in Princeton’s WordNet Version 3.1Encyclopedia of China (Third Edition) IDEncyclopedia of China (Third Edition) IDEncyclopedia of China (Third Edition) IDidentifier for an article in the online version of Encyclopedia of China (Third Edition)BBC Things IDBBC Things IDBBC Things IDidentifier in the BBC Things database, automatically enriched with Wikipedia and MusicBrainz contentYSO IDYSO IDYSO IDidentifier for a concept in the General Finnish Ontology YSOsaid to be the same assaid to be the same assaid to be the same asthis item is said to be the same as that item, though this may be uncertain or disputedScienceDirect topic IDScienceDirect topic IDScienceDirect topic IDidentifier for a topic on the research publication website ScienceDirectDewey Decimal ClassificationDewey Decimal ClassificationDewey Decimal Classificationuse with qualifier "edition (P747)" with item value "DDC 23" or create new item to represent the corresponding DDC editionmuseum-digital tag IDmuseum-digital tag IDmuseum-digital tag IDnumeric identifier for keywords used in the description of cultural heritage objects in Museum-DigitalA Dictionary of Biology IDA Dictionary of Biology IDA Dictionary of Biology IDidentifier for an entry in online eighth edition of A Dictionary of BiologyVikidia article IDVikidia article IDVikidia article IDidentifier for an article on Vikidia (format "lang-code:title")EuroVoc IDEuroVoc IDEuroVoc IDidentifier for an area of government activity, in the European Union's EuroVoc thesaurussubject named assubject named assubject named asname by which a subject is recorded in a database, mentioned as a contributor of a work, or is referred to in a particular contextIntegrated Authority FileIntegrated Authority FileIntegrated Authority FileGerman National Library authority file for personal names, subject headings and corporate bodiesstated instated instated into be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865Freebase Data DumpsFreebase Data DumpsFreebase Data Dumpsdumps of the public part of Google's Knowledge Graphpublication datepublication datepublication datedate or point in time when a work was first published or releasedTamilTamilTamilDravidian language native to South India and Sri Lankalanguage of work or namelanguage of work or namelanguage of work or namelanguage associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use "native language" (P103) and "languages spoken, written or signed" (P1412))inferred frominferred frominferred fromstatement added based on related statement found within the item, not the entity described by the item (to be used in a reference field)BabelNetBabelNetBabelNetmultilingual semantic network and encyclopedic dictionarypoint in timepoint in timepoint in timedate something took place, existed or a statement was true; for providing time use the "refine date" property (P4241)encyclopedic articlestatement is subject ofstatement is subject ofstatement is subject of(qualifying) item that describes the relation identified in this statementencyclopedic articleencyclopedic articleencyclopedic articleencyclopedic articleThe green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop productsThe green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop productsThe green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop productsscientific article published in 2011section, verse, paragraph, or clausesection, verse, paragraph, or clausesection, verse, paragraph, or clauseparagraph, or other kind of special indication to find information on a page or on a document (legal texts etc.)object named asobject named asobject named asuse as qualifier to indicate how the object's value was given in the sourceItalian WikipediaItalian WikipediaItalian WikipediaItalian-language edition of Wikipediaimported from Wikimedia projectimported from Wikimedia projectimported from Wikimedia projectsource of this claim's value; used in references section by bots or humans importing data from Wikimedia projectsWikimedia import URLWikimedia import URLWikimedia import URLURL of source to indicate the page or revision of an import source from another Wikimedia project (except actual references, such as Wikisource source texts). Use instead of "reference URL" (P854). Permalinks are preferred.KBpediaKBpediaKBpediafree ontology aimed at making data and knowledge interoperable for machine learningretrievedretrievedretrieveddate or point in time that information was retrieved from a database or website (for use in online sources)exact matchexact matchexact matchSKOS mapping relation (for use with P4390): two concepts have equivalent meaning, and the link can be exploited across a wide range of applications and schemes; the link is meant to be transitivemapping relation typemapping relation typemapping relation typequalifier to more precisely define the relation of the item to the external identifier using SKOSNational Library of IsraelNational Library of IsraelNational Library of Israelnational library in IsraelGF WordNetGF WordNetGF WordNeta lexical resource which combines WordNet resources from many languages and makes them compatible within GFBBC ThingsBBC ThingsBBC Thingssemantic databaseYSO-Wikidata mapping projectYSO-Wikidata mapping projectYSO-Wikidata mapping projectproject where concepts of the Finnish General Ontology are matched with Wikidata equivalents+9063+9.063+3.362013-10-28T00:00:00Z1102022-10-31T00:00:00Z1102020-07-09T00:00:00Z1102023-09-18T00:00:00Z1102013-10-28T00:00:00ZTable 2Nuts2020-07-09T00:00:00Z2023-09-18T00:00:00Z