1.0.022499345042024-09-19T05:13:15Z28http://olduli.nli.org.il/F/?func=direct&local_base=nlx10&doc_number=$1\d{9}NLI ID^http?:\/\/olduli\.nli\.org\.il\/F\/\?func=direct&local_base=nlx10&doc_number=(\d{9})http://olduli.nli.org.il/F/?func=direct&local_base=nlx10&doc_number=$1\d{9}000163846000093130000616385NLI2020-04-01T00:00:00Z\d{9}NLI ID^http?:\/\/olduli\.nli\.org\.il\/F\/\?func=direct&local_base=nlx10&doc_number=(\d{9})National Library of Israel ID (old)National Library of Israel ID (old)National Library of Israel ID (old)identificador NLIidentificador NLIidentificador NLIidentificador da Biblioteca Nacional de Israelidentificador da Biblioteca Nacional de Israelidentificador da Biblioteca Nacional de IsraelNLI-Kennung (Israel)NLI-Kennung (Israel)NLI-Kennung (Israel)NLI-identifikator (Israel)NLI-identifikator (Israel)NLI-identifikator (Israel)NLI-identificatiecode (Israël) (oud)NLI-identificatiecode (Israël) (oud)NLI-identificatiecode (Israël) (oud)identifiant Bibliothèque nationale d'Israëlidentifiant Bibliothèque nationale d'Israëlidentifiant Bibliothèque nationale d'Israëlמזהה הספרייה הלאומית (ישן)מזהה הספרייה הלאומית (ישן)מזהה הספרייה הלאומית (ישן)код NLIкод NLIкод NLIイスラエル国立図書館識別子 (旧)イスラエル国立図書館識別子 (旧)イスラエル国立図書館識別子 (旧)NLI-identigilo (Israelo)NLI-identigilo (Israelo)NLI-identigilo (Israelo)identyfikator NLI (Izrael)identyfikator NLI (Izrael)identyfikator NLI (Izrael)Israelin kansalliskirjaston tunniste (vanha)Israelin kansalliskirjaston tunniste (vanha)Israelin kansalliskirjaston tunniste (vanha)NLI identifikators (Izraēla)NLI identifikators (Izraēla)NLI identifikators (Izraēla)NLI-azonosító (Izrael)NLI-azonosító (Izrael)NLI-azonosító (Izrael)identificador NLIidentificador NLIidentificador NLIідэнтыфікатар у Нацыянальнай бібліятэцы Ізраілюідэнтыфікатар у Нацыянальнай бібліятэцы Ізраілюідэнтыфікатар у Нацыянальнай бібліятэцы Ізраілюidentificativo NLIidentificativo NLIidentificativo NLIНародна библиотека ИзраелаНародна библиотека ИзраелаНародна библиотека ИзраелаNational Library of Israel ID (old)National Library of Israel ID (old)National Library of Israel ID (old)NLI identifikatorNLI identifikatorNLI identifikatorNLI (Israel) identifierNLI (Israel) identifierNLI (Israel) identifierκωδικός αναφοράς NLI (Ισραήλ)κωδικός αναφοράς NLI (Ισραήλ)κωδικός αναφοράς NLI (Ισραήλ)NLI-IdNLI-IdNLI-Idідэнтыфікатар NLIідэнтыфікатар NLIідэнтыфікатар NLIشناسهٔ کتابداری NLIشناسهٔ کتابداری NLIشناسهٔ کتابداری NLINLI-IDNLI-IDNLI-IDidentifikátor NLIidentifikátor NLIidentifikátor NLINLI (Israel)NLI (Israel)NLI (Israel)राष्ट्रीय पुस्तकालय इसराइल पहचानकर्ताराष्ट्रीय पुस्तकालय इसराइल पहचानकर्ताराष्ट्रीय पुस्तकालय इसराइल पहचानकर्ताidentifikátor NLI (Izrael)identifikátor NLI (Izrael)identifikátor NLI (Izrael)以色列國家圖書館舊編號以色列國家圖書館舊編號以色列國家圖書館舊編號NLI (Israel) identifierNLI (Israel) identifierNLI (Israel) identifierNLI (Izrael)NLI (Izrael)NLI (Izrael)код NLIкод NLIкод NLINLI-KännongNLI-KännongNLI-Kännong以色列国家图书馆旧编码以色列国家图书馆旧编码以色列国家图书馆旧编码NLI-бројNLI-бројNLI-бројNLI-ren identifikatzaileaNLI-ren identifikatzaileaNLI-ren identifikatzaileaidentificador NLI (Israel)identificador NLI (Israel)identificador NLI (Israel)panangilasin ti NLI (Israel)panangilasin ti NLI (Israel)panangilasin ti NLI (Israel)còdici idintificativu NLIcòdici idintificativu NLIcòdici idintificativu NLI이스라엘 국립도서관 ID이스라엘 국립도서관 ID이스라엘 국립도서관 IDdynodwr Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Israeldynodwr Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Israeldynodwr Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Israelđịnh danh Thư viện Quốc gia Israelđịnh danh Thư viện Quốc gia Israelđịnh danh Thư viện Quốc gia Israelஇசுரேல் தேசிய நூலக எண்இசுரேல் தேசிய நூலக எண்இசுரேல் தேசிய நூலக எண்ইসরায়েল জাতীয় গ্রন্থাগার আইডিইসরায়েল জাতীয় গ্রন্থাগার আইডিইসরায়েল জাতীয় গ্রন্থাগার আইডিقومی کتب خانہ اسرائیل آئی ڈیقومی کتب خانہ اسرائیل آئی ڈیقومی کتب خانہ اسرائیل آئی ڈیمُعرِّف مكتبة إسرائيل الوطنية (NLI)مُعرِّف مكتبة إسرائيل الوطنية (NLI)مُعرِّف مكتبة إسرائيل الوطنية (NLI)ఇజ్రాయిల్ జాతీయ గ్రంథాలయ ఐడీఇజ్రాయిల్ జాతీయ గ్రంథాలయ ఐడీఇజ్రాయిల్ జాతీయ గ్రంథాలయ ఐడీNLI IDNLI IDNLI IDidentificador NLI (Israel)identificador NLI (Israel)identificador NLI (Israel)pengecam Perpustakaan Kebangsaan Israelpengecam Perpustakaan Kebangsaan Israelpengecam Perpustakaan Kebangsaan Israel以色列國家圖書館舊編號以色列國家圖書館舊編號以色列國家圖書館舊編號以色列國家圖書館舊編號以色列國家圖書館舊編號以色列國家圖書館舊編號Identificatorul Bibliotecii Naționale a IsraeluluiIdentificatorul Bibliotecii Naționale a IsraeluluiIdentificatorul Bibliotecii Naționale a IsraeluluiID NLIID NLIID NLINLI идентификаторыNLI идентификаторыNLI идентификаторыNLI идентификаторыNLI идентификаторыNLI идентификаторыİsrail Ulusal Kütüphanesi kimliği (eskimiş)İsrail Ulusal Kütüphanesi kimliği (eskimiş)İsrail Ulusal Kütüphanesi kimliği (eskimiş)以色列國家圖書館舊編號以色列國家圖書館舊編號以色列國家圖書館舊編號إدونتيفيكاتور د لمكتابة لوطنية د إسرائيل (NLI)إدونتيفيكاتور د لمكتابة لوطنية د إسرائيل (NLI)إدونتيفيكاتور د لمكتابة لوطنية د إسرائيل (NLI)ID Perpustakaan Nasional Israel (lama)ID Perpustakaan Nasional Israel (lama)ID Perpustakaan Nasional Israel (lama)former identifier for authority control used at the National Library of Israel. Replaced with "National Library of Israel J9U ID" (P8189)identificador de la National Library of Israelautoritetskontrolidentifikator fra Israels nationalbibliotekidentifiant de la Bibliothèque nationale d'Israëlehemaliger Identifikator eines Eintrags in der Normdatei der Israelischen Nationalbibliothek, mit führenden Nullenбиблиотечный номер в Национальной библиотеке Израиляイスラエル国立図書館の旧典拠管理用識別子。「イスラエル国立図書館J9U識別子」(P8189)に置き換え済み。Israelin kansalliskirjaston tunnisteБібліятэчны нумар у Нацыянальнай бібліятэцы Ізраілюcodice di identificazione usato dalla Biblioteca Nazionale di Israeleκωδικός αναφοράς στην Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη του Ισραήλбібліятэчны нумар у Нацыянальнай бібліятэцы Ізраіляانالئی: شناسه کنترل استفاده شده در کتابخانه ملی اسرائیلIdentifikator för det Israeliska nationalbiblioteketidentifikator for autoritetspost i Israels nasjonalbibliotekauthority control identifier used at the National Library of Israelбібліотечний номер в Національній бібліотеці Ізраїлюidentificatiecode die gebruikt wordt door de Nationale Bibliotheek van Israëlמזהה בקטלוג הספרייה הלאומית של ישראל עבור אנשים, תאגידים, נושאים ויצירותKännong en de nazjunahle Bööscherei vun Ißßra'äl以色列国家图书馆的规范控制编码Israelgo Liburutegi Nazionalaren identifikatzaileapanangilasin para iti panagtengngel a turay nga inus-usar iti Nailian a Biblioteka ti Israelcòdici di cuntrollu d'auturità assignatu a stu suggettu ntâ Libbrarìa Nazziunali di Israeli항목 주제에 대해 이스라엘 국립도서관(NLI)에서 전거 통제를 위해 사용하는 식별자định danh dùng trong quản lý của Thư viện Quốc gia Israelidentyfikator w bazie Biblioteki Narodowej IzraelaBiblioteca Nacional d'Israelఇజ్రాయిల్ గ్రంథాలయ అథారిటీ కంట్రోలు ఐడీidentificator pentru controlul autorității utilizat la Biblioteca Națională a Israeluluiİsrail Millî Kütüphanesi'nde kullanılan otorite kontrolü için tanımlayıcıمعرف ضبط استنادي مستعمل من قبل مكتبة إسرائيل الوطنيةidentificador para controle de autoridade utilizado na Biblioteca Nacional de Israelбивши идентификатор за контролу ауторитета који се користио у Националној библиотеци Израела. Замењено са "National Library of Israel J9U ID" (P8189)NLI (Israël)NLIidentifiant NLINLINLIНБИNational Library of Israelідэнтыфікатар НБІNLI identifikátor (Izrael)NLI (Izrael)ID NLINLI 식별자이스라엘 국립도서관 식별자NLI (Israel) IDNLI IDNational Library of Israel identifierđịnh danh NLI (Israel)Izraeli Nemzeti KönyvtárNLI идентификаторНЛИמזהה NLIמזהה אדם בספרייה הלאומיתAleph(NNL10)NNL10מזהה הספריה הלאומיתהספרייה הלאומיתNNLقومی کتب خانہ اسرائیل شناخت کنندہNLI (Israel)مكتبة إسرائيل الوطنيةNLINLI (Israel)NLIpengenal pasti Perpustakaan Kebangsaan IsraelID Perpustakaan Kebangsaan Israelidentificador NLINLINLI (Israel) IDNLI IDNLI kimliğiİsrail Ulusal Kütüphanesi tanımlayıcıİsrail Ulusal Kütüphanesi tanımlayıcısıİsrail Millî Kütüphanesi tanımlayıcıİsrail Millî Kütüphanesi kimliğiイスラエル国立図書館 IDNLI(イスラエル)識別子NLI IDNLI識別子NLI編號NLI-tunnisteИдентификатор Националне библиотеке ИзраелаNLI IDWikidata property for authority control for peopleWikidata property for authority control for peopleWikidata property for authority control for peopleWikidata propertyinstance ofinstance ofinstance ofthat class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)Wikidata property for authority control for worksWikidata property for authority control for worksWikidata property for authority control for workstype of Wikidata property for authority controlWikidata property for authority control by VIAF memberWikidata property for authority control by VIAF memberWikidata property for authority control by VIAF memberWikidata property for authority control related to a VIAF member or sourceWikidata property for authority control (libraries)Wikidata property for authority control (libraries)Wikidata property for authority control (libraries)Wikidata property for a system of authority control developed by a library or a library network (for VIAF sources, use Q55586529)numeric identifiernumeric identifiernumeric identifieridentifier whose values must be numbers (in any base)formatter URLformatter URLformatter URLweb page URL; URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items. If the site goes offline, set it to deprecated rank. If the formatter URL changes, add a new statement with preferred rankformat as a regular expressionformat as a regular expressionformat as a regular expressionregex describing an identifier or a Wikidata property. When using on property constraints, ensure syntax is a PCREDouglas AdamsDouglas AdamsDouglas AdamsEnglish science fiction writer and humorist (1952–2001)Wikidata property exampleWikidata property exampleWikidata property exampleexample where this Wikidata property is used; target item is one that would use this property, with qualifier the property being described given the associated valueAdam MickiewiczAdam MickiewiczAdam MickiewiczAdam MickiewiczAdam MickiewiczAdam MickiewiczPolish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)MishnahMishnahMishnahfirst major written collection of the Oral Torahsource website for the propertysource website for the propertysource website for the propertyURL of website acting as source of data for this Wikidata propertyIsraelIsraelIsraelcountry in Middle Eastcountrycountrycountrysovereign state that this item is in (not to be used for human beings)National Library of IsraelNational Library of IsraelNational Library of Israelnational library in Israelissued byissued byissued byorganisation or other agent that issues or allocates an identifier, code, classification number, etc.property proposal discussionproperty proposal discussionproperty proposal discussionURL of the page (or page section) on which the creation of the property was discussedformat constraintformat constraintformat constrainttype of constraint for Wikidata properties: used to specify that the value for this property has to correspond to a given patternproperty constraintproperty constraintproperty constraintconstraint applicable to a Wikidata propertysingle-value constraintsingle-value constraintsingle-value constrainttype of constraint for Wikidata properties: used to specify that this property generally contains a single value per itemdistinct-values constraintdistinct-values constraintdistinct-values constrainttype of constraint for Wikidata properties: used to specify that the value for this property is likely to be different from all other itemsallowed-entity-types constraintallowed-entity-types constraintallowed-entity-types constrainttype of constraint for Wikidata properties: used to specify that a property may only be used on a certain listed entity type: Wikibase item, Wikibase property, lexeme, form, sense, Wikibase MediaInfoproperty scope constraintproperty scope constraintproperty scope constraintconstraint to define the scope of the property (as main property, as qualifier, as reference, or combination). Qualify with "property scope" (P5314)item-requires-statement constraintitem-requires-statement constraintitem-requires-statement constrainttype of constraint for Wikidata properties: used to specify that an item with this property should also have another given propertyNational Library of IsraelNational Library of IsraelNational Library of IsraelWikimedia templatecorresponding templatecorresponding templatecorresponding templatethe one-value-template that has the same meaning as this propertyCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P949Category:Pages using Wikidata property P949Category:Pages using Wikidata property P949Wikimedia categoryproperty usage tracking categoryproperty usage tracking categoryproperty usage tracking categorycategory tracking a Wikidata property in sister projectsshort nameshort nameshort nameshort name of a place, organisation, person, journal, wikidata property, etc. Used by some Wikipedia templates.Union List of IsraelUnion List of IsraelUnion List of Israelapplicable 'stated in' valueapplicable 'stated in' valueapplicable 'stated in' valuevalue suitable for "stated in" (P248) when property is used in references to refer to the primary publication/website/database associated with the propertyWikiProject Authority controlWikiProject Authority controlWikiProject Authority controlWikiProject for Authority controlmaintained by WikiProjectmaintained by WikiProjectmaintained by WikiProjectWikiProject that maintains this property, item, or linked pages. If the WikiProject is hosted outside of Wikidata, define the scope using the qualifier "of (P642)"URL match patternURL match patternURL match patternregex pattern of decoded URL that an external ID may be extracted. Qualifier "URL match replacement value" can overwrite the default \1never changesnever changesnever changesvalue of this property is not expected to changestability of property valuestability of property valuestability of property valuelikelihood that statements with this property will change201320132013201320132013yearstart periodstart periodstart periodinitial period in which the statement is valid (including the period-value)November 2019November 2019November 2019month of 2019end periodend periodend periodlast period in which the statement is still valid (including the period-value)VIAF componentVIAF componentVIAF componentidentifier is part of VIAFhas characteristichas characteristichas characteristicinherent or distinguishing quality or feature of the entity. Use a more specific property when possiblecodecodecodeformat used to represent a specific concept in a given encodingend timeend timeend timemoment when an entity ceases to exist or a statement stops being validreference URLreference URLreference URLshould be used for Internet URLs as references. Use "Wikimedia import URL" (P4656) for imports from WMF sitesretrievedretrievedretrieveddate or point in time that information was retrieved from a database or website (for use in online sources)mandatory constraintmandatory constraintmandatory constraintstatus of a Wikidata property constraint: indicates that the specified constraint applies to the subject property without exception and must not be violatedconstraint statusconstraint statusconstraint statusqualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302. Use values "mandatory constraint" or "suggestion constraint"subject named assubject named assubject named asname by which a subject is recorded in a database, mentioned as a contributor of a work, or is referred to in a particular contextseparatorseparatorseparatorparameter for single-value constraint; multiple values are allowed under that constraint if they have different values for this propertyWikibase itemWikibase itemWikibase itementity type for Wikibase itemsitem of property constraintitem of property constraintitem of property constraintqualifier to define a property constraint in combination with "property constraint" (P2302)as main valueas main valueas main valueproperty scope typeproperty scopeproperty scopeproperty scopeconstraint system qualifier to define the scope of a propertyas referenceas referenceas referenceproperty scope typeJ9U IDJ9U IDJ9U IDidentifier used by the National Library of Israelpropertypropertypropertyqualifier to define a property constraint in combination with P2302 (property constraint), or to limit the scope of Q44292881 (wikidata statement)inferred from formatter URLinferred from formatter URLinferred from formatter URLheuristic for sourcing Wikidata statementsbased on heuristicbased on heuristicbased on heuristicindicates that the property value is determined based on some heuristic (Q201413); to be used as source2020-04-01T00:00:00Z1002020-02-28T00:00:00Z1102020-02-28T00:00:00Z