Elevator Sizing Omran Al-Shamma
Elevator Sizing Omran Al-Shamma
Elevator Sizing Omran Al-Shamma
Original citation:
Al-Shamma, O, Ali, R & Hassan, H 2017, 'An instructive algorithm for aircraft elevator
sizing to be used in preliminary aircraft design software ' Journal of Applied
Engineering Science, vol 15, no. 4, pp. 489-494.
DOI 10.5937/jaes15-14829
ISSN 1451-4117
ESSN 1821-3197
Publisher: IIPP
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Original Scientific Paper
The longitudinal control is the essential elevator function. For a safe flight, the aircraft should be longitudinally control-
lable plus maneuverable. So, it is imperative for the designers to assess the control authority of candidate configura-
tions early in the preliminary design phase. Adding elevator sizing module, as a helpful tool for aeronautical students
enhance their knowledge, understanding, and analyzing studies. This paper presents an instructive algorithm for
the elevator sizing to be employed in the preliminary aircraft design software. The paper introduced the necessary
formulae to guide the designer to achieve the qualifications of the longitudinal control and longitudinal trim. A solved
example has been added to explain the application of the algorithm.
Key words: Algorithms, Elevators, Elevator sizing, Control surface design, Preliminary aircraft design
* University of Information Technology and Communications, Al-Nidhal Street, Baghdad, Iraq, o.hammodi@yahoo.com 489
Omran Al-Shamma - An instructive algorithm for aircraft elevator sizing to be used in preliminary aircraft
design software
Finally, in the elevator sizing process, the lift coefficient 13. By considering the most forward and the most aft
of the horizontal tail is evaluated by employing lifting-line center of gravity of the aircraft with the helpfulness
theory or CFD technique and should be compared with of Equations 8a and 8b, evaluate the elevator deriv-
the desired lift coefficient. The parameter is as- atives and .
sessed in the next empirical equation and consecutively, 14. Calculating the required elevator deflection to
employed to estimate the tail lift distribution and its co- achieve longitudinal trim, using Equation 8.
15. If the calculated maximum from the previous step
is more than the assigned value in step 1, therefore,
12) the elevator design does not satisfy the prerequisites
of longitudinal trim. Resizing the horizontal tail and/
or landing gear and return to step 2.
ELEVATOR SIZING ALGORITHM 16. Determine the horizontal tail angle of attack, using
Equation 10.
For a conventional aircraft, the elevator sizing algorithm
steps are: 17. Evaluating the horizontal tail stall angle, using Equa-
tion 11. Refer to Table 2, to select a proper
1. Assigning and identifying the basic inputs of the al-
gorithm which include: the ratio be/bh, maximum up
and down elevator deflection, and the takeoff angu- 18. If the calculated angle of step 16 is greater than that
lar acceleration from Table 1. of step 17, then the designed horizontal tail will stall.
Resizing the elevator by decreasing the elevator
2. Applying Equations 1a and 2a to carry out the air-
chord and/or deflection. If the resizing is failed too,
craft drag and the wing/fuselage lift, respectively.
relocating or redesigning the landing gear, horizontal
3. Calculating the friction force, using Equation 1e. tail, or the center of gravity of the aircraft. Return to
Then, determine the aircraft linear acceleration at step 2.
rotation point, using Equation 1.
4. By considering the most forward aircraft cen- TESTING THE ALGORITHM
ter of gravity and using Equations 3a - 3g,
The algorithm can be coded in a high level language and
determine all the required moments (i.e.,
encapsulated in any preliminary aircraft design software
and Ma.
to aid students and fresh engineers to enhance their un-
5. Using Equation 4 to evaluate the desired lift . derstanding and analyzing of the elevator sizing process.
6. Determine the desired lift coefficient , using The following example illustrates the application of this
Equation 5. algorithm as an instructional use.
7. Applying Equation 6 and its relatives to determine
the elevator effectiveness .
8. If the calculated is more than one, there is no el- For an 80 passenger conventional transport aircraft with
evator satisfying the prerequisite of takeoff rotation. the following data delivered from the conceptual phase:
Therefore, redesign the horizontal tail and/or landing mto = 32000 kg, vs = 59 m/s, vc = 250 m/s (at 9700 m),
gear and return to step 2. Tmax = 9.88 kN, lf = 34.3 m, Cdo = 0.023, Clo = 0.38, S = 66
9. Calculating the corresponding chord ratio (Ce/Ch), m2, AR = 9.3, λ = 0.24, iw = 2 deg, Clα = Clαw = 5.7 1/rad,
using Equation 7. Sh = 11.9 m2, bh = 7.7 m, λh = 0.3, Clαh = 4.3 1/rad, ih = -1
10. If the corresponding chord ratio is greater than 0.5, deg, Cl flap = 0.43, Cm ac = - 0.08
it is recommended to use an all-moving tail. Design a low-cost, easy-manufacturing elevator.
11. Determine the deviation of the tail lift coefficient Solution
due to elevator deflection, using Equation 12. Then,
applying lift-line theory or CFD to find the horizontal Step 1- The ratio be/bh was assigned a value of 1. The
tail lift coefficient at the maximum negative elevator maximum down elevator deflection is selected to be 25
deflection. The MATLAB program in page 245 ref. deg. Based on Table 1, a 6 deg/s2 takeoff pitch angular
[20] represents the general application of the lift-line acceleration is selected.
theory and can be used here, by changing the input Step 2- The aircraft drag = 6678 N and the wing/fuselage
values as desired. lift force = 124803 N.
12. If the desired horizontal tail lift coefficient carried out Step 3- The friction force = 10022 N , assuming μ = 0.04,
from step 6 equal to the resultant coefficient for step and the linear acceleration = 2.35 m/s2.
11, continue. If not equal, altering the elevator span Step 4- The moment of the aircraft due to wing/fuselage
and/or chord to adjust the resultant coefficient until lift = - 48548 Nm, the moment of weight = - 375199 Nm,
getting the required value. the moment of drag = 13356 Nm, the moment of thrust
= - 80755 Nm, the moment of lift = 93421 Nm, and the
moment of acceleration = 143213 Nm. Note that all x Step 17- According to Table 2, the reduction in stall angle
and z dimensions, required to calculate the moments, = 9.8 deg, and hence, the horizontal tail stall angle = 4.2
are delivered from the geometry section of the concep- deg.
tual design phase. Step 18- Since the difference between the horizontal tail
Step 5- Applying Equation 4, the desired horizontal tail angle of attack (1.355) and the stall angle (4.2) is greater
lift = - 24435 Nm. than 2 deg, the elevator design is accepted.
Step 6- The desired horizontal tail lift coefficient = - 0.96, The geometry of the designed elevator is:
using Equation 5.
Step 7- Employing Equations 6a and 6b to find the down-
wash effect, εo = 0.061 rad, dε/dα = 0.418 deg/deg and
αh = - 3.304 deg. Hence, the elevator effectiveness = CONCLUSIONS
0.644, using Equation 6.
An instructive algorithm for the aircraft elevator sizing
Step 8- The effectiveness of the elevator is less than
has been presented to be used in the preliminary aircraft
one, so, continue.
design software. For fresh engineers and aeronautical
Step 9- The corresponding cord ratio (Ce/Ch) = 0.456 students, this algorithm is useful to enhance their knowl-
from Figure 1 or using Equation 7. edge, understanding, and analyzing studies. The paper
Step 10- The ratio from step 9 is less than 0.5, therefore, introduced the necessary formulae as a guide to size the
continue. elevator to achieve the longitudinal control and longi-
Step 11- Applying Equation 12 yields, = 13 deg. tudinal trim requirements with a solved example, as an
Figure 2 shows the distribution of the horizontal tail lift. instructional use, step by step, to explain the application
The resultant lift coefficient = - 0.925. of the algorithm.
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