Open Health Hub for Healthcare Professionals
Optimise your patient engagement
More time for patients. Because they’ve already answered your questions from the comfort of their own homes, and have shared their home measurements with you. Leaving more time for a meaningful conversation during the actual consultation. You have direct access to the collected data in the EHR: safe, user-friendly, and efficient. A reliable solution that saves you valuable time and reduces your administrative burdens. Achievable within weeks.
More time for patients. Because they’ve already answered your questions from the comfort of their own homes, and have shared their home measurements with you. Leaving more time for a meaningful conversation during the actual consultation. You have direct access to the collected data in the EHR: safe, user-friendly, and efficient. A reliable solution that saves you valuable time and reduces your administrative burdens. Achievable within weeks. Open Health Hub makes it happen.
Digital medical forms for better care
Simplify patient data collection with our innovative platform for digital medical forms and home measurements. Create forms effortlessly, share them with patients, and view data directly in the EHR.
Easy and secure IT implementation
A fast and user-friendly solution without it becoming a complicated IT project.
Because we know integration of new technologies within healthcare organisations can be complex we have focused on a very easy IT implementation, enabling healthcare organisations to get started within three weeks already. Our integration with existing healthcare systems is easy and secure, based on international standards such as FHIR, solid APIs and end-to-end encryption.
“In no way should a medical questionnaire ever be visible to anyone else. That privacy is completely watertight at Open Health Hub.”
Benefits for Healthcare Professionals
Optimise your patient engagement
+31 85 333 00 07