Special information for libraries and librarians
n+1 is one of the few new print journals in the last few years to have become a necessity for professors, grad students, undergraduates, and general readers. It remains unavailable in database format but is increasingly widely taught and discussed in research universities, small colleges, MFA programs in writing, introductory composition classes, and in city libraries across the United States and abroad. We encourage you to purchase a subscription to n+1 for your library. More than 200 libraries in the US currently hold the title, from the largest universities to local public to high school collections. Library Journal has this to say in its review of n+1:
As perhaps the most potent new literary journal to arise in the last few years, n+1 deserves every accolade that comes its way. With an emphasis on memoir and literary essay forms, it projects a level of seriousness that is too often muted in other publications by an editorial stance favoring ironic detachment over attentive engagement. Philip Connors’s memoir about his career in journalism and his years at the Wall Street Journal exemplifies this trait in the profiled issue, as does Mark Greif’s “Afternoon of the Sex Children,” a compelling essay dealing with America’s obsession with sex and youth. Highly recommended for most public and academic libraries.
Institutional subscriptions are $150 per year and include campus-wide IP access. Library subscription services that work directly with n+1 include EBSCO, Swets, and Harrassowitz. Back issues are available to complete a run of the journal, which currently encompasses fifteen years and thirty-four issues. Please email subs@nplusonemag.com for more information.
Institutional Subscription
Digital access and print magazines for your entire campus community.
What You Get
- Print issues sent to your library
- Institution-wide IP access to the complete digital archive, including back issues