BANGOR DAILY NEWS MONDAY OCTOBER 25 1920 pur IN SPECTACULAR GAME tad he worked kard HI hard ende ror brought him goldta reward how nr for Johnny m always there and hla flank perform anca waa ona that would bring credit to' tba beat In the game And Micky Finnegan I When the Bangor flankman appeared In the game the Bhb gMmed to take new brace i In their fight for victory and with the former Bangor etar turning In star a n tackle after atar tackle hia value to Mighty Blue Eleven Hitt its Stride and Comet From “ t uid hardly be denied Fin- : nagan la a wonder on the offensive and Behind to Win-Cpt Smith Score Two win to have In thte State eertee But In glorifying the Maine team in ron Finnegan and Small Feature in Maine’s thi°rouid?ot Pb?tSuen‘iny del it Wlggln the pilot who waa a flniahed man In every respect of the word and who time after time thrilled hie watch Stonier Excell for Bte-3500 Watch Maine Win Firrt Contort for State Honor SSlnS I plays were nothing short Of sensational The rangy back Finnegan who all but I Registered two touchdowns for the Ing with the lighting and begging cries enemy was perhaps the star of the af- Maine Football Standing Bowdoln Colby Bates ten ettte eeeeeeei a MMaaeieet 1000 1000 coo 000 KMT CASES Oct SO— Colby n Mains at Orono Oct 80— Bates ve Bowdoln at Lawlaton The University of Maine won from Bates by a score of 14 to 0 'on Alumni Field Orono last Saturday In one of the moat spectacular games ever played in a Mains State championship series Coming from behind the mighty mm of Capt Smith Maine’a wonderful lea der hla men came through In sterling fashion and In lndlvludal performance The leader himself scored all Maine points and hla play made hla admirer smile with satisfaction Never did a Maine leader fight any harder for victory and never did not come through with brilliance as did Capt Smith Starring In both the offensive and defensive he proved himself to be the dread of the Bates team ternoon In the long running end of the game No less than half a dozen time did he nearly get free of all his blue Jersey ed rivals only to be down within the shadow of the Maine goal Fast and shifty clean and gritty was Flanagan and hla play was a decided feature of the day The work at end of Canter the line playing of Captain Stonier wero also brilliant spots In the work of the Bates team The game as hereinbefore told was spectacular from start to finish Not Always on the alert and using hla wonderful football ability to every advantage Smith until the Bates team had finished their brought forth cheers from his on-look- earnest quest for a touchdown wlta ert and showed hie undisputed position their spread formation In the last few I on the All-Maine eleven of 1980 minutes of play waa the game decided VAJUiiug iruiu mmiuu urn Biigui? uini But the Blue Captain was not the only of Capt Raymle Smith beat the strong 1 one that fought for Maine for the whole “ “ S-iori?! Bates aggregation and perhaps never ®lven did their share and their re- rectno“ of the “Jority 0f the plays before did a Maine team show such sponse to the undergrade was noble fight as this team on this occasion The ! Ginsberg who had to battle one of the game waa characterised by a thrill each moment and not until the last whistle had blown eould the winner be picked for uncertainty had presented Itself in full force all afternoon and not ona of the 8600 who watched the struggle dared to leave the field feeling confident of a Maine victory until time told the tale and declared the Baldwin machine the victor in their first start him another Maine star of the game best quarterbacks that has tried the turf at Cvrono for the past five years namely Wlggtn of Bates shone forth like a beacon In the night The midget drove hla men In perfect style and plclb ed their course with the ability of I mariner who knew the beet course His handling of punts running back of kicks tackling and Una plunging made clearly outshone these interior facts and the story of the great game follows: for the State honors The game was featured with many open plays fine punting brilHant broken field running clean and smart tackling and during all the Interest was so keen that unlike other games thought took the place of noise and at times hariy a raummur could be heard Two teams battled that were evenly matched Two coaches used every possible method available In their knowledge of the game tx bring their boys out a winner and after all this fate played the leading role for the game was decided for the most part when a red Jeraeyed player fell on the pigskin In midfield after a blocked kick with four minutes to play instead of scooping up the ball and in order to make a 70 yard dash for a touchdown that would probably given Bates the game and Pat Hussey again proved that the phrase one of file beet linesmen In the Seat so often connected with his nama was true Like a mountain he loomed forth In the line to smoother Bates plays Hardly an Inch was gained through him and several times did he throw the enemy for losses Injured and exhausted Hussey fought on and not until the last minutes of play did Coach Baldwin send a substitute (or him and upon his leaving he was cheered to the echo by the whole Mlaine student body and the patrons who sat In the concrete stands Pat earned every cheer he got Smell’s punting end running and defensive work gave hla position among the stare for the once famous Higgins back proved himself to be worthy of a position on the Maine eleven His all- written his name In Maine’s football around play was responsible Indirectly history forever ‘But he failed to do for Maine score and credit la due the It and on that account the eons of Freshman blonde for hla big perform-Maine made merry after a few seconds I ance had passed for Maine had won the Lord Roemer and Mulvany all wlth- great game The Maine team struck the stride that Its followers have been anxiously waiting for the whole season long Not until the second period of the game stood the Bates offensive In faultless fashion with their steady line play and through the Maine first defense very little ground was gained And on the ends Micky Finnegan V Wonderful! “That’s the word to describe it! I’ve smoked the old Blactetooe for a igood many years and today’s fragrant Blackstone is exactly the same as the first one I tried’’ We hear something like that every day from old friends —for the Blackstone is made to make friends and keep them Its free-burning quality due to its popular Londrea shape its mildness and fragrance due to the painstaking growing and curing and handling of Cuba’s best leaf— these are factors that help to explain the wonderful growth in esteem and good-will of this friendly companionable cigar Long mild Havana filler Broadleaf binder Sumatra wrapper unchanging blend— a gentleman’s cigar Blackstone is well called a '‘gentleman’s cigar” for truly there is an incentive to courtesy in smoking so comforting and genial a cigar as the Blackstone Blackstone CIGARS WAITT and BOND Inc Play by Play Capt Stonier of Bates won the toss and he chose to receive the kick The weather was clear and crisp with little or no wind blowing The field was in excellent playing condition but a strong sun somewhat hampered the players who happened to be facing the wetsern portion of the field At ex-actely 286 the referee blew his whistle and Ted Roemer kicked off for Maine to Kelly on the 26 yard line and the runner brought it back six yards Bates after a few rushes punted to the middle of the field where Small came back four yards Smith made four at center and 8moll fumbled Kelly recovering for Bates A line plunge was stopped by Lord and two passen netted Bates nothing and Davis punted to Ginsberg who came back 15 yards to the Bates 65 yard stripe A play at left end cost Maine two yards Maine fumbled but Murray recovered Small punted 40 yards to Wlggln who was downed by Johnny Barron It wss Bates’ ball on their own 80 yard line Small and Roemer broke up a play and Maine was penalised for off-side Bates fumbim and Lord recovered on the 36 yard line for Maine On the very next play Main fumbled and Davis recovered for Bates who ran to the Maine 60 yard line Wlggtn lost two on an attempt to circle the Maine left end Finnegan made four through left tackle Davis punted over the goal did It come but It waa readily recognls 1 and Johnny Barron were a tower of line end the hall was put In nlay on d when It put hi Ha appearance Abld atregth Barron played the whole game the SO yard line Small pnnted to the 60 yard Una and Wiggin came back 1 16 yards on a fine run Finnegan circled the end for 16 more and It waa Bates ball on Maine's 80 yard Una Pat Hussey broke up a play but a paaa Wlggln to Stonier netted' Bates 6 yards The entire Bates team then spread across the field In what la known aa a fan formation and Wlggln on a spectacular run through the whole Maine team planted the ball over the stripe for the flrat touchdown of the game Wlggln kicked the goal Score Bates 7 Maine 0 DAVIS T 11 HILLS CROWD Roemer kicked off for Maine to Davis who by pretty broken field running came back 56 yards to Maine's 40 yard line where he waa tackled by Ginsberg Had the latter failed to get him It would have been a touchdown for Bates as the runner had but Ginsberg between him and the goal Bute failed to gain on two rushes and a penalty of 15 yards set them back to Maine's 60 yard Una A pass Wlggln to Finnegan netted 8 yards and then Davis punted to Ginsberg who was downed In his tracks on his own 20 yard mark Maine was holding while the ball was In the air and it was Bates ball on Maine’s twenty yard line Kelly tried Hussey and failed Hussey again came Into prominence by Intercepting a forward pass and was downed on hie own 16 yard line Small made two and Smith first down Two plays brought no gain through the Bates line BATES SCORES AGAIN On the next play the Maine center made a wild heave and the pigskin sailed over the Maine goal where three Bates men and Small raced for the ball Small managed to hold the oval however but Bates got two points on the play Score Bates 9 Maine 0 The ball was put into play on Maine's own 20 yard line Smith Small and Foster failed to make flrat down and Small kicked to Wiggin who fumbled In mid-field but Kelly recovered lor Bates Finnegan made 9 but Bates was off-alde on the next play and were penalized Small nailed Finnegan fqr no gain and a pass was grounded Davis punted to Ginsberg who was sunk In his tracks on hla own 40 yard Hne BATES THEATE8 AGAIN After two rushes that gained four yards by Smith and Small a punt was blocked and Btee recovered on the 44 yard line Davis nearly ran through the Maine team again for a touchdown but again Ginsberg stopped him on the 24 yard Hne Finnegan made 4 yards through the line Small blocked a pass On the fan formation Bates failed twice and It waa Maine’s ball on their own 24 yard line 8mall got away for a pretty gain of 16 yards and waa downed by Wlggln Glnebcrg failed at center and Maine lost eight yarda when 8mall fumbled but recovered the ball MAINE FINDS ITSELF On the next play a free ball was picked up by Lord and with two other Maine men he started for the Bates goal with a clear field Wlggln the Pates quarterback gave pursuit and when the Maine Interference was lacking Lord waa downed on the 28 yard stripe Small made two A pass grounded and Foster made one A pass Small to Smith gave Maine flrat down and small gained one more On the next play Capt Smith pulled a ‘Captain Hor-ween’ over the line and Maine h4 scored Bure footed Hussey picked the glal Score Bates 9 Maine 7 The half ended here lEiUlM Bar Harbor Hlgji Helpless and piriod Falls Easy Victim to 0 ‘ Clean Game Gerry lor Colson fqr PoolfT umpire Brewer high school defeated Bar Harbor high school 81 to 0 In one of the cleanest find snappiest games ol the year at the Eastern Park on Saturday afternoon The day waa perfect football weather and the attendance of both Bar Harbor and Brewer supporters rise very large Both teams bad enthusiastic cheering squads and nothing waa absent to make the occasion a memorable one Bar Harbor came to Brewer with a strong team which has been beating all Its opponents with ease bnt on the Eastern Held Saturday It met a game opponent with Just a little too much football knowledge tor them Brewer bowed excellent coaching they bad knowledge as to how their positions should be played They had a varied attack aqd their plays were well chosen and finely executed The Interference waa good on all plays and the long end rune were the result of a sombl-nation of good players who worked together In perfect harmony The aerial stack which dlflnltely won the game for Brewer was finely developed and executed Each of the three touchdowns was the result of forward passes Bowlo-drome tha big Harvard-Centre not line ton were skilfully executed the passes being low and stranght One of these made by Sullivan at the beginning of the second half was on the first play and resulted In a run of 60 yards for a touchdown Captain Pooler made two touchdowns by means of forward passes the final one being caught be- Maine games defeat time Syracuse Georgetown was game and of which lor It had pre-tent But passes tno num w fleid hind the Bar Harbor goal line and was i Second Half Farley replaced Kelly for Bates Mulvany was put Into left guard and Murray Into left tackle for Maine Gor-mally kicked to Smith who came back 10 yards Small waa nailed by Canter for a five yard losa Ginsberg failed to gain Small punted to Bates and Maine recovered a fumble on the Tlales 22 yard line Two rushes netted Maine nothing and a fumble gave Bates the boll on their 6wn 22 yards line Davis punted to the 3 yard line and on the next rush Maine was awarded five yards as Bates was off-side Main couldn't gain on two rushes and a drop kick waa blocked but Glnaberg recovered the ball In midfield On two rushes the Maine backflcld made four yards and a beautiful pass thrown by Ginsberg grounded when there was no Maine man near the ball Finnegan replaced Tinker at right end fen- Maine Bates got the ball on downB tyut a fumble gave Maine the ball again in the Hates territory SMITH SCORES AGAIN A pretty pass Ginsberg to Smith gave Maine a big gain and on the next a perfect pass Carmalt made a number of long runs and hla generalship of the team waa most commendable Street was a good line plunger and fitted in well in the secondary defense Although shifted from the line to fullback since the season opened he has more than filled the position he now occupies Bar Harbor showed up well In the flrat quarter and made Its distance on a number of plays through the line but after the Brewer team had d logon lied the situation there was little to fear from the down river team Bar Harbor tried several forward passes only two of which were suceesful and these for email gains Superior team work and better physical condition enabled the Brewer team to shop to a big advantage In the second half and tha visitors were unable to do much in ground gaining Both teams were penalized twice for Brewer the offenses were hurdling and off-side while Bar Harbor was found guilty of pushing and off-side Billy Kish who alternated with Kennedy was on the job every minute and proved himself to be one of the most efficient officials In this part of the state his year Brewer high notwithstanding it has had no football team for a number of years has developed a team which compares favorably today with any high school organisation in the state Brewer has won three our of their four tarts making a total of 103 points to 14 scored by their opponents Their next game ! with Foxcroft academy at Eastern Park next Saturday and the local team expects to even the eertee having lost the first game In that town some weeks ago The summary: Brewer (tl) Bar Harbor (0) Hyles le re Kelley Gerry It a LaCrosse lg rg Miller Lambert Austin Smith rg MacLaughlln rt Sullivan re Carmalt qb 1 Sawyer lhb Pooler (Capt) rhb Street fb a e e e e Town the lucky Your any 8tate Dun-nack must one vs It was noon local gang Big out-of-town beat the can't Five organized Ized rt Smith ' the lg Garland It Webber ' Pn le Norwood qb 8 Frost 18 rhb N Frost lhb Sargent fb PrSh Substitutes for Brewer: Sawyer for the that been st and the ball went to Maine on tbelr own 41 yard line 8mltb and 8mall made 9 and then 8mtth made first down for Maine Haley for Gorraally Olne-berg made first down on two plays and Hussey waa hurt A pass Ginsberg to Barron netted Maine a short gain Smith made first down again for his team and two passes failed Phillips for Hueeey and Taylor for 8mith I flht R1TF4 vnpiv CCAD1II NEARLY SCORES be-The Bates linemen tore through end (ore touchdown end Hussey kicked tho goal Score Malno 14 Butea 9 Moulton for Davis Dresser for Smith Davie for Finnegan Roemer kicked off to Farlev who came back 17 yarde Murrey made tho tackle Davla waa nailed by Mickey Finnegan at right ond Moulton made three at rented end Finnegan mode a pretty Uckle on Davla when he tried right end again Bates punted to Small who brought the ball to midfield Ginsberg ploughed through the whole Baton team for 11 yarda Dresser and Foiter made 41rt down again and the period ended final period Capt Smith replaced Dresser for Maine Three passes falle7 for Maine and Batee got the hall Sullivan fot Nuwman Davie made 7 Wlggln made first down end Davie lost four Hussey we hurt but resumed play A pass grounded and Davis punted to nine berg who waa hurt on the tackle 8le-ford for Scott Small puntea to Davla who came back to Maine' 42 yard line Capt Smith broke through and nailed Davla for a 16 yard loea Wlggln got the 15 yarda back on a punt-formation signal Hueeey Intercepted hie second forward paaa of the afternoon and Small lost 16 yerds on the next play Smell punted end Melne was penalized ee one of her playors tackled th receiver of the punt with the ball itlll In the elr Mates’ mail on Mtlne'e to yard line Johnny Barron made a pretty tackle on Davis but the letter gained eeven yards on the play Bate punted I but again waa awarded the ball aa Maine players were holding with the oval (till In the air Batee worked the (an formation play again but failed ' and a triple pass also felled Ginsberg i got a punt end brought It to hie own 40 yard line Murrey waa hurt hut ro I aumed play Smith Small and Foster j made 9 yarde but fitnall punted to Wtg- gtu who came beck to Melne'e 48 yard I iiba uataa felled ta complete a past i end Wlggtn made four Hueeey broke un a nlar end another paaa grounded with a Bates men after It In his anxiety to scoop the bell up he fell and was downed In midfield For a moment It looked aa though the Lojwleton boy would pull a Sammy White but fortunate for Maine be failed BATES OPENS TP GAME The ball wae In the possession of Bates (n mldfloM and Immediately Coach Sullivan's boys opened up their play Countless passes went tor naught hut several of them were near-completed The spectators were thrilled to the utmost as the plays were most spectacular but Batee failed and Maine got possession of the ball Courtney and Young went In for Foster nnd Small Ginsberg made a brilliant run and the game ended Score Maine 14 Bates 9 The summary: Maine Bates Barron le Canter Rockwoll lL Guiney Murray Lg Stonier Lord o Luo Hussey rg Newman Roemer rt Scott Tinker tr Gormally Ginsberg q b Wlggln Foster bhb Kelly Small r hb Finnegan Smith fb Davla Score: — Main 6 7 7 6 — 14 Bate 9 9 0 0-- 9 Maine scoring:—' Touchdowns 8mlth 2 'Goals from touchdowns Hussey 8 Bates scoring --Touchdown Wlggln: goal from touchdown Wlggln Goal from touchdown Wlggln safety Gor-malljr Substitutions: Maine — Mulvany Flanagan Taylor Phillips Young Courtney Dreeser Thomas Substitutions: Batoe— Moulton Sle-fsrt Fsurloy Canty pulltvan Davis Officials— Jlaferee Ingalls Brown Umpire Oannell Tufts Ilsadllueeman Stephens Exeter Tima tour li minute perioda at Connecticut I 18 I o :