G. W. HAZELTON DIED YESTERDAY: Well Known Member of Bar and Delegate to Convention That Nominated Lincoln Milwaukee, Sept. 30.- -Gerry W. Hazelton, nestor of the Wisconsin bar, a member of the first Republican convention that nominated Abraham Lincoln, member of congress for two terms. United States | district attorney for ten years, and collector of internal revenue in Civil war days, died at his home, 202 JuWednesday morning. neSt. Hazelton was 91 Feb. 24, and although he was apparently failing fast during the last weeks, he was not confined to his bed at any time. He is survived by one De daughter, Miss D Anna Hazelton. Mr. was born in Chester, Hasolton, 1829, and educated" in the public schools of that state and at Nassua and Derry academies. He became a teacher at the age of 17 and later studied law at Amsterdam, N. Y.. being admitted to the bar in 1852. He came to consin in 1856. Wise| in 1860. he was elected to the state senate from Columbia and took an active part in the stirring times prior to the Civil war. He was 0116 of the first adherents of Abraham Lincoln and when the first Republican convention was called in ChicagO he was one of the delegates. His impressions a gained during the convention of the Emancipator made him a constant, and faithful follower during dark years Lincoln occupied the presidency. In 1864, Mr. Hazelton was elected district attorney of Columbia county and two vears later. was appointed collector of internal revenue for the western district of the state. In 1870, he was elected to congress from the Second district and served two terms. In 1875, he was appointed United States district attorney for the western district of Wisconsin. During the last twenty five years, liccha: law continued and five active years in the ago prac- was appointed court commissicner for Milwaukee county. Despite his extreme age, Mr. Hazelton took an active interest in all public affairs and was a frequent contributor to the newspapers of Milwaukee. Mr. Hazelton was at frequent visitor at the Milwaukee Press club and often spoke at its functions. Four years ago he was made a Knight of Bohemia, which constitutes life membership in the club.