(818) 986-4445 PHONE NOW DIRECT OR COLLECT LAST DAY! 10 VI BARKER BROS. DOWNTOWN LANDMARK CLOSING SALE! EVERY LEAST MORE ITEM ½ OFF AT AND • DISCOUNT CALCULATED FREE DELIVERY! AMERICAN EXPRESS, AND Prices have gone down to new lows! FROM ORIGINAL PRICE MASTERCARD, VISA, BARKER'S FLEXACCOUNT C.O.D.'S Time is now running out and we must clear our 7th Street store immediately. Hurry in today for further reductions on famous maker home furnishings for every room! (Handmade oriental rugs now further reduced also: 50%-70% off!). The values are absolutely incredible during this last day of our Downtown Closing Sale. Doors close at 8 PM. DON'T MISS THIS ON ICE SALE! BARKER • •ALL ALL ITEMS SALES FINAL SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALES BROS. •818 W. •DOWNTOWN 7TH ST., L. A. 624-3355