! J liARNEY DREYFUSS NOW IN CONTROL. KERR AND AUTEN SELL OUT THEIR INTEREST IN THE BASEBALL CLUB. ENS ATI ON OF THE DAY. ETWEEN $50,000 AND $55,000 THE PURCHASE PRICE. . .Dreyfuss Will Remain President and Pulllftm Will B Secretary ' ' and Treasurer of the " Clufa. The sensation yesterday in sporting dries was the outright purchase of the ontrolllnir stock of the Pittsbure club. K?rr and Auten, v.ho held 502 of the 1.000 ( shares, sold c't to Barney Dreyfuss, the president; v! C. Schoepf. general man- aer t-f tha Consolidated Traction Com-1'ftny; O. S. Hershnum and Harry Pulllam. a This means that Messrs. Kerr and Auten !' nre out of baseball altogether, as far as I'lttsburg is concerned. Barney Dreyfuss i I now owns the controlling Interest and "will head the organization for many years to come. The number of enures bought vat 527. This includes the stock of Kerr and Auten, which amounted to 602 shares, and th; 25 shares held by the Tuner brothers, John K. and Wallace J. "What was paid for the stock neither side I would give out, claiming that it was a private e.fralr. Mr. Dreyfuss over a year ittjro secured 473 shares, for which he paid over 148.000. It Is lijjured out that he laid out about 97 cenrs per share, the par value of which is $100. It can therefore be reasonably supposed that between $50,-0n) and 153,000 wa3 the sum paid Kerr and Auten. There wa3 a rumer extant that $125 jr share was paid, which would raisu tha purchase figures to $55,875. One 'thing is curtain, both sides are satisfied with the deal. -afrhe club will hold a meeting to-day in ttsburg, at which Barney Dreyfuss will 'are-elected president, una Hi a. secretary ar.d treasurer. V I rosraiu laid out anl it ma that it will meet the full rAilpftfi1 Tarr.cirifarat sanrt Hiirrv Pill- This is may be said full approval of local patrons of the" game. There Is no denying the fact that Dreyfuss and I'unia'm art) extremely popular in Pittsburg. The deal which was consummated yesterday was begun three or four weeks ig;. Mr. Dieyf.iss sounded Messrs. Bcheep ar.d llershman arid both were willing- tJ invest their money. Mr. Kerr "Wait men appioachud and the proposition put to h!m either to sell out or buy out. After consulting wltn Mr. Auten, his partner. Mr. Kerr tiedded to sell out. He put a price on the holdings and it was at or.ee accepted. This was last Friday. Mr. Auler.'s stock certificates did noi ar-riv jn Pittsburg until Saturday night. Thsr'ifote the deal couid not be made until yesterday. "All the transactions werss deducted by Attorney Burleigh and It was in, his office that the transfer of stock was made. Barney Dreyfuss turned over a certified check of the whole .amount of purchase money and in return received 527 shares of stock. The lact that Mr. Kchoepf, of the Con-BOlldaUvi Traction Company, was in the deal, .fa rnsr.y to believe that the grounds would ts removed to Oakland, on the line )t tho Trtietion cars. This, however, is not coot ..n'.atod. at least not for some years. The club has a lease on the prea-tnt grounds runnlr for six more years and .will refiain that long at Kxposition grounds. The Traction Company will btfriel'-t.-d by the fact that all tha cars from Kast Liberty, Wllkinsii irg ar.i that section will be run across the Sixth street brldgn to tii park. A loop will be placed Ht.ihe baseba.li grounds, and after eucr; ;i"mi there will bo a number of cars 't-ady tu take jaatr jns home, no matter 'in what section of the country tney live. V. W. Kerr, whn seen yesterday, con firmed the sale of hia and Mr. Auten s stock. He said he wa. sorry to say good-1-ye to base ball, bat would nevertheless Ihj at the ganv.-a nexi season to root for the Pirates. Mr. Kerr has be:i Con nected with the 1mI team s'ree 1'j0. In lb: he sold out his ln'ciest, but the very next season r.9 bought it bacic and r tntered the game. Ha has proven himseif a pood sports.nan all through arid It is with regret that his friend sue him re tire. Jlowavor the Captain, as he la familiarly cal'.ed. will be taken care of by the now owne.-s. Ho will receive free admissiur. to the park as long as the present marnaes hold on', and he will ha-, e the name privileges h enjoyed as p.-es'dt nt ar:4 treasurer of the club. He has promised to be at every ga'ine aul root hard for tho success of the Pirate. President Dreyfus said yesterday that he w-'.h glad th dlt!rences In tha local club had bean settled. The club, he said. would mak'i big improvements at tbo park. These improvements would not be made this year, but by next season the public can bo prepared to see a new grandstand erected and other changes made. The president declared that he wuu:d oiaoe a team In the field that was surs. .for nothing les j than the pennant. """?- course." ho saliJ. "I will have nothing to lo with the piayera. That will be altogether In the hands of Managr Clarke. But I have so much confidence In Clarke that I arn urc he will lead the team In first place. The past is now tourVd and we are all -locking to a bright J iu'tlre. 1 will go into nousegeeping ritre in April, ae my wife is tired of living in hotfcls. I am a citizen of Pittsburg and w:li advance its honors on the bail field a much as is in my power. J have many rrla-r.us reie ana my object Is to retain low niMirnates and prominent newnpaper men. The very fir.-it were from Ited lul-fr.r.l. of Clncinriati.and Tim Murnane, of Beaton. '-ilariy Pui;iam was happy at the turn t affairs, for Dreyfur.s' bake. As secre-tary-trensurer Harry will have his hands full, but he expects to take In more money during the season than he gives out. He' was much tickled at the manner In whli'h the den! was kept luiet until consummated. "Why," he said, "the last time t was In Pittsburg was on matters pertaining to the transfer of stock, but noiualy found it out. As secretary of the club I hail to be prenent when the stock was transferred. IJut I was never certain of the del going through until yesterday mori-int: vhen the stock and money changed hands. I expected the deal to be li!eJ Hat I'rlday or Saturday, but Au-ten's certificates were slow In cominsr and I "was really uneasy. You see, Messrs. Kerr ai;:l Auten dpcilned to givo us an their frlt-ndshlp and 'make many more. I'resider.t Dreyfuss displayed a number of taila.nrams from nil over the country ror.gratulatint; him on his purchase of the local club. The telegrams wore from fel option on the ntoc-k and the deal could hufi been declared off at any time. I breaU-.jd easier whe'i th who:e trans- action was over and will now get to work to do rr.y share In rnakl.ig the sea-eon successful." Manager Clarke was highly elated over the fact that the troubles In the local club were a thing of tho past. He said he knew no-iv whore he stood and was not sfrald of getting conflicting orders. Ha has secured a house In the Fast Knd and next week will bring Ms family here from Chicago and move Into It. Mr. Hershman hus been a close friend of Mr. Dreyfuss since th latter came to Pittsburg. It was Mr. Hershman who Interested the general mnnuger of the Traction company In tho deal. No interference r.ecal b fc.'ired from either Mr. lershrrn or Mr. Schoepf. -a-