' oo THEIR MISSION IN NEVADA A FAILURE. The ladies who .made up the "suffrage special," which arrived in Carson yesterday, saw. but failed to conquer. As ladies tihey were warmly received and accorded every courtesy, but as members of an association with but a sin'gle idea, and that a questionable one, their welcome was cold and their talks and arguments attracted little sympathy. Politically these ladies, to the number of several thousand!, have banded together under the cognomen of the "Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage," and have their headquarters in Waslhtington'. As they state, the purpose of their organization is to secure the passage of a constitutional amendment .enfranchising women, and that accomplished, they say. their mission is at ah end. That 'is their creed, their decalogue, amid to subserve it everything else is tjbrown to the windv As their speakers stated yesterday, they intend, upon the organization of their party, which will be known as the "Woman's Party," and will be launched in Chicago about June 5, to concentrate their powers iand compel the National Democratic party to endorse their demand. If the Democrats fail to come through on this demand the strength of the organization will be thrown to the Republicans in the hope that that party will be restored to power1, and, foolish thought, grant them what tihey wish. In all, it looks like a Republican trick, and emanating from the standpatters at that, but it would not do to say that the women have been cajoled imto such measly politics as that, at least, with their .eyes open. However, their plan will not work out in Nevada, nor probably rn any western state. Of course, the women of this state want to see universal! suffrage, and soi do a big .majority of the men, but the Congressional Union Ihas gonie at it in the wrong way and especially at the wrong time. The wor'.fs peace at the present time is sore;., rent . ?r,d there is no telling wl.at day may throw the United States into the vortex of war. All the wisdom", aJl the judgment and a'l the mf:u ence of the nation should 'oe concentrated at the present time to tiiie consummation of one purpose, and that purpose is peace. No other disturbing element should be injected into it. 0(V