retired-? t theta-ear ! U Southern JPacIflij leaving eo-yb wsetbouad HVIDIR - A- t I S H OTES for women now with tremendous emphasi on th “bow" th the message born? Tucson women by the twenty-three eastern pilgrim— -enwoya they called them solve — who arrived yaw terday on th Suffrage Special and departed faenca at midnight last Eight to conquer ether territory From the time of the arriaal of the In the morning vhen the visiting women were whisked away in automobiles to se many of the things that are worth seeing la the environs of the Old Pueblo until lust jaded but cheerful crusader (tipped quietly into the special Pullman to snatch a few hour slumber before the xt series of suffrage speeches should begin the visitor busy in their effort for the cause demonstrating eatepatgntng ability that would make a Kentucky politician acknowledge himself a merest amateur - The real activity ef the day began at the reception for the envoy S o'clock hr the afternoon at the Santa Rita hotel when Mrs Robert Baker ef Washington IX C Mr Cyrus Mead of Ohio and Mrs Gertrude Newell of Massachusetts -opened on the mound for the vtsH-ors as th baseball fans' will have with rousing five minute talks on overwhelming importance ot the suffrage issue among- the problem the country today - The appeal which we ot the east making te you men and wetuda the west will make us econo (tile ably free if yon will grant jit said Mead “Conditions are neck at time with the balance ef power the neat election vry obviously with the west that your votes in Art-rona wilt largely be A fkcor fa deciding whether or aot we of th east sbaif be trv“ - ! : Th bsnquet at :3Q waa followed short talk from number of the visiting women present Mrs" R B KlelnSmid acting a toaWmi-tress for the affair after being Introduced by Mrs Byron Cummings chairman ot th evening After eacbof the envoys had been introduced in tara te tho guests present Mrs Agnes Morey of Massachusetts eaptaised the plan ef the Rasas IL Anthony--amendment and how It might be brought out of the committee where It ie buried and placed before eongres Immediately the women of the west would act concert - “W de-'noS Care' tor a sutrrag plank in the platform of aay party" aha said “W have- had enough of promisee which have never ben fulfilled Whst We Insist upon t consideration by congress 'of the Busan B Anthony amendment now We are willing to hear all of ear share of the burdens bat e wish to bear them voluntarily We will net have them forced apes na“ - Mrs Florence Bayard Hilfes tee next speaker In facetious mood told the remark of Charles C Carlin member ef eongrese from Virginia "After tha JadicUry committee had shamefully buried our amendment contrary to all parliamentary rules end precedent this man1 (be said "announced that ‘we have kilted cock robin’ I think though that be made mistake in birda" she continued "for when the dead fowl Is investt-vated carefully be may turn ut tO be a Democratic roosLa instead ' Mrs Hill is told of a former trip She bad made to Arisons and of hew he bad become Impressed by the extreme beauty of the planet Jupiter which she bad assigned as Arlxoaa’s patron star Later she said she visited the Lick jDbeervatory and !m mediately turned the giant teleeeopq on Jupiter “Do yon know” she said "that Jupiter waa surrounded by atari which represented the color et tha Congressional Union? 1 wad M astounded thet ail I could exclaim wav 'by Jupiter “ Hr Harriet Stantoa B latch dealt wltn the suffrage question from a purely economic standpoint telling of the need of legislative work nor women and children of the east “I waat to apeak to you ot th national Importance of suffrage ' she said "kndell you that America la going to fall below the1 rate ef progress we do not wake up immediately Counted In that physical force The armies of France Engiand-end -many could not move forward ?F U their women were not t the w making ammunition uniforms ft and leading them forward- Th whole face of the world' ban been Changed id Europe Europe 1 has Waked ap to the transcendent importance of Its women and Europe Is going to enfranchise its women when peace cornea t - 's “What does congress need to make that bill come out? It needs assurance that the women ' will not support a ‘dominant party that do not do th right thing toward the women of the nation” ' ' - Mrs Nelson Whitmore ef Wisconsin also spoke and Miss Lucy Burn answered e number of quetiocs put to her about the organization end ta work - Foil owls g the banquet-the party Golden State mtfted fr Phoenix wbqrij they ytlfsptRd to4y£ WESTERN PERARVERT STOBE RETAILS LUStEtR l A Portland O rerun department store be broadened Its fieM byestsbttminr lumber section where pstroos av purchase msterlst N abort laestha and small qusnttUa - Tlu innovation wte made In order' to provide s way for J the retail lumber dealer to dispose of odds tod tecs and tu th packste-delivery system - W the drpsrtarsut store 'thus rtduetnt cost of bsulsire— rrom tbe Mjj Populu Meebasict Massxin -t PARACHUTS HSEPVL Ml WAR The parachute heretofore considered merely lesuu of the baUeon eseee-stoe si th fuuntry fr has - been converted to a pracUrsl purpose os the French frceL sc or dins to Ralph H IgvuU of the Goodyear Rubber Compsay The discovery of s ulUUfitt purpose for tbe lowly parachute is a recent tout hat It has si re aily been adopted by both tbe Allies tnd the Teutons sad has been the means of saving the life fit many on this question “In Europe after tbe war kb mew will -be given tbe snftrage Even If physical force doea lie behind tbe government women have te be -pSrccnwalD & s YonM&yMake Sa me One’s Easter Happier e if wiU balloon observer apotunf srtlSery Hr from the cloud ever a battlefield L m — TCALL FOR EASTER Even though you have bn obliged to delay your selection oPsuit dress skirf or waist until the laid minute titers is no need to worry about it 'Ye are abundantly prepared- to meet your every requirement ht a way that will redound toyottf satisfaction and our prestige la Tailored Suit we are showing fixe latest tu -tifs of fashion of courses4- Suita tailored be the highest etjV of th art fit fabric that not air merit bat win the admlrmtto ef all Dd yet ottered M tribes hat are perfectly coegcaiai'aitli ‘ yowr ideas ef eceeeusy— - -t K ’ H ’ $I850to$3$00 SILK DRESSES Expressing every degree ilth -vogue of the honrdeveloped In silks of standard qualities m colorings that -appeal to the refined taste of every discriminating dresser - VV-' Kvery authentic variation ot real style is repreeented la the silk die see that w are telling at 995 to 945a00 THE NEW SKIRTS ' ‘ Cover a range-of styles that comprises every tnodd worthy of considatioo-- ! ’ ' ruv i t There are tvash skirts woof skirts silk skirtt and palm leach skirts its a mast charming variety " ‘ T -' Wool Skirts From $6 to 010 Silk Skirts From 310 to 320 Palm Beach Skirts at $7B0 All these skirts irk here in all sizes Host Desirable-Waists Really ricjil ip Jimt pleasing variety of materials and ' ” models 3350 to 3650 LEVY S Dressers to Women Who Know r