$300 " 4VOTIB" CA=. Mrs. U. 0. Havessever Aids C.ingresseImi valon in Cru..de. Ars. It. 0. Havemeyer, of New York, has forwarded a check for 30 to Congressional Union headquarters to pay the expense of one envoy to the West to go with the party leaving Washington, April 9. on the "suffrage special." Mrs. Have-i me)er had expectcd to be a member of the delegation but is iII and has written her regrets. Mies Frances Jolliffe. of California. whol was one of the envoys from the Woman Voters' convention in San Francisco, will leave Thursday for home after a stay of several months in Washington and New York. En route home she will speak in Chicago and other large cities in the interest of the Western "preparedness" plan and will assist the Union' advance guard in the "free" States to arrange the meetings for the Eastern delegates