RAZING BUILDINGS TO CLEAR THE WAY FOR CONEY STREETS One of I he loading undertakings of the highway department of Brooklyn, under the direction of lloro President Rie&e lmann, now being; carried out is the cutting: through f 20 streets from Purf ave. to (he boardwalk at Coney Island. The eots vary from S00 feet to 900 ,'eet in length and 60 feet and upward in width. They will be car-Ned up to the surface, of the Boardwalk by means of ramps ahout 100 . leet in length. These new highways will be at about 250-foot Intervals nd will give convenient access to e deck of the great elevated boule-Tt.ra from nearly every part of Brooklyn. The streets will be paved with asphalt. The buildings are now being demolished to mak! way for the new highways, and it is expected to havo them opened for traffic by the advent of the summer season. Another important undertaking now under way is the grading, curbing and laying of sidewalks on Kings Highway, t bet ween Ocean ave. and Klatbush ave. This thoroushfare v.hirh in this section has been widened to J 40 feet, is being treated as a. boulevard, with en asphalt paved ftlphway 60 feet in width in the nter and flanked on both sides eight-foot tree-planting rpaces. Outside of these are two 21-foot sidr roadways, and outside of the wide, i.idewalks. The paving of the 50-fiot roartwav is under contract and will follow the grading. During this 'e, r the tree-planting spaces and sidewalks are to be sodded and about ftOO trees will be planted. The work How under way will make a fine i.ulevard about 6,000 feet, "or over ix "tile in length. 'iie complete plan calls for an ex- elHion of this boulevard easterly I'ruln Flatbush ave. to E. OSth St., lefween Livonia and Dumont aves. f A short connection is made over this , highway with Eastern Parkway in the East New Tork section. t' T'latbush Ave. Extension. Another big project which il Is J Planned to carry out this year is tlvj , (trading of Flatbui:h ave. from Ave. ' 1T to Barren Tstanrl about 2 3; miles J Tils highway will be filled in across 4 trie meadows with sand pumped from 1 tSe basins, being d ig out about Mill J J.land and vicinity In connection I .'ith the Jamaica Hay improvement. It is intended, after the fill is com. i pleted. to lav a pavement on the earth foundation. The completion of : this work it is expected will be fol-1 lowed by the establishment of a J ferrv between Barren Island and i Ttockaway 1'ark. When the pro- posed pier warehouse and factory j plans are carried out it is expected s that this section will be a steamship : center and a new and important commercial district will be created on both sides of this highway. J Following are some of the other important repairing contracts award. i ed, to Vie carried out this year: 1 Repairing of Fulton St.. from Clin- i ton to Joralemon, with asphalt. J Division ave., from Marcy ave. to IIo"ner St.. with asphalt. Kent ave. from Berry st. to Cly- mer. with granite. 86th st. from Ridge Boulevard to 4 Blh ave., with asphalt. Prospect ave. from 7th ave. to , 10th ave., with asphalt. Manhattan nve. from Driggs ave. ; to t-ook St., with asphalt. Pnraloga ave. from Atlantic ave . to Bergen st., with asphalt. ; .orra vm rt. irom the Kast Hiver i to Bedford ave. with granite. , L'nion st. from Gowanus Canal to , oth ave., with granite. Liberty ave, from East N'ew Tork J five, to Pennsylvania ave. widened 3 feet on each side and repaired with asphalt. Wilson ave. from Flushing ave. to , Myrtle ave., with granite. It is expected that thn amount of paving and repairing to he done this ! year will exceed that of last year. 47.8 Miles of Pavement Laid In 1923. The total amount of pavement laid or relaid last year was 47. S miles. In addition to this 9 miles of streets . wre graded and curbed in Bay Ridge, Flatlands and other local I -' ties. ', Home of the important repaying work completed during the past year includes the following: DeKalb ave. from Vanderbilt to Xostrand, with asphalt. This completes the work done in 1922. The whole improvement which extends from Fulton Ft. to Broadxvay is sev-eral miles in length. Furman st. from Fulton it. to Atlantic ave., with granite blocks. Franklin ave. from Atlantic ave to Eaitern Parkway; Bergen st. f'om Flatbush ave. to Carlton ave.: Greene ave. from Marcv to Lewis !nri Tompkins ave. from Greene atr-. to Fulton st. all were paved with as-, phalt. Avenue TJ from Ocean ove lb Flatbush ave. and Lincoln ave. fror.i Brooklyn ave. to Kings Highway, imnortant traffic links, xvere pavod xv'th concrete. Troutman Ft. from St. Nicholas rve. to boro line, repaved with asphalt as an outlet from Brooklyn to Queens. Prospect ave. from 4th axe. to 7th ."'e. and fm loth ave. to Vanderbilt ave., with granite. Court st. from Fulton to Living-st'-i. v "h asphalt. St. El wards st. from Flushing n e. to Park nvn. and Navy st. from Hinds st. to Flushing ave., xvith granite. Kings Highway from E. 1Rth st. to Oean ave. and Ridge Boulevard from S6th st. to Shore rd., with asphalt. There ar fl.'fl miles of paved streets in the boro. more than any other boro. It comprises 1g.000.0oil FOuare yards of pavement. This could not be reproduced todav foi J75.000.OO0. There are 350 miles of unpaved streets open to traffic. At the present rate of rtrogress every f'reet in the boro will be paved ir from 10 to 13 years. The principal traffic arteries are Fulton St., Flat-1 nsh ave., nroadwav. Flushing ave. 'th ave., S6th St.. Surf ave.. Coney Island ave. and Ocean Parkwav.