Station could interfere with translator SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) Utah television executives don't like a proposal by the Federal Communications Commission to authorize another VHF station in Salt Lake City on channel 13. They say it will interfer with the translator system which allows people in remote areas of the state to view Salt Lake TV. Many of the translators operate on channel 13. "It will screw up everything, believe me. It'll be a nightmare," said William Pepin, general manager of KSTU, channel 20, Salt Lake City's new UHF station. Vincent E. Clayton, vice president of engineering for Bonneville International Corp., owner of KSL, agreed. "A great number of the translators more than has been admitted by the FCC would receive enough interference that the signals would be unusable," he said. - Most of the KSL translators ' are on channel 13, he said. If the translators were unable to use that channel, they would have to switch to UHF translators, which are much more costly than VHF.