S. E. Gregory 00 24 5 0 i. J. Lyons 55 3t 0 0 A. C r.annerinan 10 12 1 Wides Bruce, 3; Conningham, 1. No balls Giffen, 4. AUSTRALIA. A. C. Bannerman, ct. II. I. Brown, b. King . 10 J. J. Lyons, ct. Bohlen, b. Patterson 12 G. Giffen, not nut 62 G. H. Trott. b. King 6 W. Bruce, ct. Wood, b. King 11 II. Graham, not out 17 Byes, 3; leg-byes, 2; no balls, 2 7 Total., BOWLISO ANALYSIS. King 65 41 2 3 Patterson 30 31 0 1 II. I. Brown 5 8 0 0 W. Scott 10 20 0 "0 K. D. Brown 20 18 0 0 No balls -King, 1: Patnerson. 1. RUNS AT THE FALL OF EACH WICKET. Philada... 46 Rl 124 131 311 344 353 374 4G4 525 Australia. 24 29 31 t7 ETHEL'S GOOD SHOWING. She All Leads the Speedy I rex Hound tbe Coarse. The posponed race for the handsome challenge cup presented by Vice-Commodore G II. Brock, which is now held bvNarina. was sailed yesterday. Ow ing to the dying ever. F.thel was In Lafayette's possession. They failed to gain in three down, and the ball went to Princeton. It was gradually forced towards Lafayette's goal, when on the ten-yard mark Rosen garten fumbled, ami the bail went to Laiayette. Failing to gain in four uowns Princeton again got the leather. Captain TrencharJ went through the centre for a twuch-down. and Allen kicked a goal. Time for "first half was called without lurtber scoring. In the second half another touchdown was scored " for Princeton by Rosen-giirten and later by Ward and Thorn p-ann. Only twe goals were kicked. Time was railed witli tbe score 20 to 0 in Princeton's lavor. McCauley was injured during the first half and his position was filled by H. Riegs. Princeton's team work was ragged and showed great room for improvement. Tbe teams lined up as follows: POSITIONS. - LAFAYETTE. ...I eft end ......... Ed wards .Lett tackle Bieher .Lett guard Rowland Centre Brady Right guard Rliinenar6 Ills: lit tackle. Jordan . . Riht end Boericke PRINCETON. McCauley Taylor Wheeler Bulliet Hall Church Trenchard out ot the wind, how-! ward ( Haltman ) Kii;ht half buck sniith deprived of a well- rniper Left half-back Miller , . t I .-I llUSCIIXHlblll. merueu viqwrj, """ j Poe Quarter back Darto around the flagship Narounga on the AUen -Fullback..... March, second round with a good lead, tbe sun- set gun announced that tho contest was HAND BALL CHAMPIONSHIPS. at an end. The following started: Ethel, .Tams Scrant -n, Sept. 3(1. A game ef hand ball P.nnH-TrAT FT 1 Tmum- Nrina. V v.; for the championship f Pennsylvania was Bond, lrex, LL s. Jeanes, arina, v . u. )iere to. ,,etween 4ohll aickaby nenry; Aiermaiu, ri. r- j ucaer. and Thouias Dove as one team, and Georue at j Kell and James Wilson of the other. Dove and Rickaby having previously defeated all comers. fucker. course was from tne ciuu nouse Fssinzten to and around stake boat off Edglngton. The start was made at j 2.45. Tbe first round was finished as follows: Kthel, 3.33 00: lrex, 3.55 19; Narina, 4.03.32; Mermaid, 4.16U0. j As she started oS on the second round of the course Ethel get still further n ,B. ,i chA BAt llAfl. ttifV till T Q 1 1 fit F tllA ' ' . ... . . iiU reach back, and although tne breeze PW turret Urmedy bad almost died eut, stemmed tbe first I ot the etD and maue lair progress, nnn ,t hame fur the-ne managed to get in at 5 hours, 59 min- Tiarntee; witn uoe I sto and mul '1 a cliJk flirnJ.fi T.llA TllKT 1 utt-a, j " ...... w ? j cominf. shin to go on the second round tbe sun- i and hou I set gun fired, and all her well-earned j laurels were as naught- The race be resailed next Saturday. The purse was $50D,and Dove and Rickaby won it in a most exciting contest by a score of 41 to 25. OTHER SPORTS ON PAGE 2. THE TIGERS FIRST BATTLS. Lafayette Makes a Good Showing In tho Gam With Princeton. Special te The Inquirer. Princeton, Sept- 30. A crowd of 3000 people witnessed the football game between Princeton and Lafayette to-day on the 'Varsity field. Lafayette played well from start to finish and twice iiad the ball on Princeton's fifteen yard mark. The Tigers were weakened to a great extent by the absence of King and Holly. Tho game begsn at 4.10 with tho ball Make will I K.m , . , hare acnes aud pains, I moutu. sore Throat, e pota. I terra on any Eyebrow Tai I Ina ohU ..d.r or Tertiary we guarantee to cure, tlaateeaor and eaal-eae we cannvt enre. baffled the .kill oftae elans wito theolti rem- So Alutelr l.knuw. 4.0 tho profession. Pfrm.nMt . ores in 15 to 35 Hoys &nar-antrcd or MONEY KEITMi E l. Yon can be treated !rice and the s&mo who prefertoeome hero thein or pay expense of railroad bills, and C'harre. C cure. If 70a iodide pula.h. and still n.raoii t-aiears in Plmplea. Copper-Color, pariof thb'UT.Hairor it is this Prhomrj, eoo-SYPHILIS (has We solicit the most ofc Irnce the world for Thiv disease has always aiost ealoeot !- edies.Foreisht years wo ha. e made a specialty ol treating this disease with our CYPHILENE and weha.e OoOO.OOO capital behind our unconditional B-uarantee. Ahaotote proofa enE sealed on application. AudressCOOK EEMEUVCa, Third Floor. Bims SO?. Maoonl'- Trnnlr.Chtraco.IU. rVHHH.EVK ftODT he OnT I Kl Elur. hero FREE RAGD&QG SIMMTfl! Free for one week. Will send 4 or winners to prove I have inside racing information. Address 1451 Broadway, New York, Box 71.