'CAN-CAN" HAS IT- Talertf Color and Music at Palace amusements KENleY South Pacific JUNE r Era Travel Bureau - Tl) 6 0965 ' (ir-CpndiTiOf f d for PLUS marry Iter but It’s The Best On The West NOW SHOWING CHIPPEWAS NKininn r inltjomiii ‘w"l ALLEN TO-110 TO ilW lAH(IKWtmSffi)HII30 JUN 28 JULY 2 AUG 23-28 IIHT i 10 JILL COREY “Meet IVIe in St Loutsffi Jine throughout the it is hinged on ro-the strongest order AUG 8 14 AUG n Illfi 4G 21 JOAX OXTAIXE ‘SUSAN and GOV' Tod d-AO production it quite wonderful be-the music assails the from various portions fyu knew all along tltat love hail nothing to do with it Hugh Downs 'ANMVLPSAPY waltz' for the first lose al almost CIRCUS or ORROR Ginger Rogers 'Evo for (ho £oosaw' rank Sinatra shiriey MacLaln lauricp Chevalier Juliet Prows MarcelLeon BciASCO Nestor aiva John A rh Jean Pel Vai Ufcnr Bcrdon Jonathan K’dd Ann Cod Marc hinder re-“so sec rc- mu i fc JoruHlU Mauin fAVE Comics--(if URMAN nnenli num: Si sron Pnuche si Brrirr ill Udine Anitri-w-Headwaltcr OrclKVra Leader Balli'lf Phot tumnher Judpii Merceaux Chevrolet Recorder were' Woman Adam - Cole Porter music was in the original ! HIE ADAMS ’Many iHEhopiiPOAH IBM 21 28 the house but this time not too loudly just enough to lot you know that music is pretty constant throughout "Can-Can” rom this vantage point it looks as if Manager Mink has another winner GOAMGtf&SHEILAMAWE rWni 1 vff '? 1 Parfeienne JHIVEi RUffEI' Ann Perri starring ANTON DIRING ERlhA REMBERG VVOJCE !’O74Al’R NOW! DOORS OPEN 11:45 A M Tonight is another big night at the Palace Theater We used to get them with the Cinerama productions Now with the return of reserved seats the Palace donates its opening night of “Can-Can” to the Vari- Children’s- Gene Beecher CA?J-CA” musical comedy with Cole Porter music directed by Walter Lam In Technicolor and Todd-AO Baed on the musical comedy by Abo urrows with screen play by DorcHbv Klnnky and Charles Lederer Produced by utfolk-Cummtngs Productions released by 20th Century-ox and played by the following cast be a sell-out both from the charitable and the entertainment angles because 20th Century-ox which releases t h e film has 5 ss Auntie Mame IttKCIl UUl 4 IV AVUOWIA Kito J or Music it's 5 Genevieve ‘SILK STDCKaiGS" Keilh’s 105th SI’KS1 f Starts TODAY f Beachcliff Theater to Have Report by Ike The President's report will interrupt the showing of Alee Guinness in "The Scapegoat” tonicht in the Beachcliff Thea- I ter Detroit Avenue and Rocky River Road according to Manager red Holtzworth "We will not have a TV pic ture of the President but have perfected our radio ports” Holtzworth reports that anyone who wants to our picture and hear the port can come to our theater and see the feature and also hear the report The report will take only a half hour and we do not feel that the interruption will greatly damage the picture "Our loud speaker system will carry his report and as soon as it is over c will resume the showing of The Scapegoat’ which goes on at 7:15 Actually we tire doing this so that our regular patrons will not have an excuse to stay home because ol the speech since we will have it in the theater" ON STAGE! IN PERSON! America's Most Exciting Summer Theater 'AIR COKDITIOMEDPICKARD MUS1CHALI WJIRRLH OHIO rom WARNER BROS TECHNICOLOR’ Tarn i JEREY- CONSTANCE BILLIE HUNTER -TOWERS BURKE Mt W0007 SiRCOE JUMa HERNWCC- MUIS BOUCh EY STARTS RIDAY By V WAKD MXKSH ‘‘Can-Can’’ Palace LjikbiirHmi JI KelffiMnf OS JOHN HUSTON M TtCHHiCOlO- H THE UPROARIOUS MOVIE ROM THE BEST-SELLER DORIS DAY- DAVID NlVEH V ?- 4 EUTEV S!DVCTtO COLO j JOHN ORD SURPASSES THE GREATNESS THAT WON HIM 4 ACADEMY (ne on-'y director in history to win this HWy')-AWARDS! 110 lues through At Sun eves at 8 30 SBAfDAY MATINEE-SOt 81 65Tax Incl CHOICE SEASON TICKETS NOW! f consecutive phys S 1 1 1AX 1? consecutive flats $22 INCL WRITE 08 CALI-EX 41577 WARREN 0 ASK ABOUT SPECIAL GROUP RATES KENLEY PLAYERS PACKARD MUSIC HAltWHOH OHIO L MSPAtt-mmw woiffli 1 I ! ClMUllMM fYkCOLO 1 ct EATURE AT 6:00 8:00 10:05 ALL STAW CZVTf1 The costuming is excellent as is the background Director Jack Cummings has fetched the entertainment values from all his players All will agree that Sinatra Chevalier Miss MacLaine and Jourdan can handle themselves very well but Cummings bring to the lore Juliet Prowsc dancer - actress and she will certainly be a new star for 20th Centuiy Probably the best point of the production is its speed It travels fine and fast without false moves or synthetic action aside from the "Adam and ive Pallet” Perhaps Cummings has prompted Miss MacLaine to be a little too shrill most of the time but she is portraying a character who is constantly worried and is bound to be shrill She and the stellar support are very strong and the music is excellent with such songs as "You Do Something to Me" "Let’s Do 11” “Live and Let Live” "Let’s Do It" and many other Cole Porter tune as s' p ion 12-17 0OMNA DORS “REMAINS TO BE SEEH" JULY 26 3 1 I A K E W 0 0 D SpARKLING L ITTLE THEATER COMEDY "THIRD BEST SPORT" INAL WEEK Phone Res After 2 P M A 1-2540 TOPS' found a good deal more ’hat Sinatra has changed his mind about marriage bo thing ends quite happily ‘‘Can-Can” is a combination of rance and Hollywood and this is good since there is an ( exacting balance between rank i n a 1 r n anT Shirley Mac-i Laine who can do no wrong on the screen and Maurice Chevalier and Louis Jourdan who bring the necessary touch of Paris to a picture which sets out to entertain and winds up to pretty pure entertainment ctJ’’s Cl'H H’s Children S- It may be a little difficult Heart und and it should in this day to realize that the famous can-can was under ban at one time in Paris and it took a shyster lawyer to bribe the gendarmes and make friends with the judges so that Miss MacLaine could carry on in her cafe for the entertainment of her regular and irregular customers There is a straight and defi nite story story and mances of Songs There are songs almost con tinuously throughout the pic- sailing you from every horn in lure with “I Love Paris" never completed forming the chief musical background The makes cause patron of the theater at various times and the color and the staging combine to make it excellent entertainment I think 1he Apache dance is quite as good as "Slaughter on Seventh Avenue" and here of course more fitting not believe that the "Adam and Eve" ballet adds one iota of value to it Perhaps this is what Khrushchev saw when he condemned it so roundly last fall thereby giving it more praise and value that I can with my praise for it It begins with a completely Parisian setting 'a Toulouse-Lautrec kind of setting but soon slips away from it which is quite like the actor who begins his role with a foreign accent and as quickly as his audience permits comes back to English so his listeners will not have to labor too hard to keep following him After that "Can-Can" is easily followed and the plot and romances arc not hurdles for any crowd in the house The Story The story is quite simple Miss MacLaine who makes no pretense at virtue wants hei’ lawyer the shyster Sinatra to many he but he feels that they will lose something if they wed When her place is raided because of the can-can with the girls more fully clothed than they are today in the dance she meets the young judge of Louis Jourdan time and it is first sight He wants Io those around her tell her what a mistake it will be and she soon finds that out Briefly the blue-nose president of the reformers al the end comes to see a version of the dance and wants 1o learn it There is a minor raid in which Miss MacLaine alone is taken out the reason being ery- l f-J ( JMMM EM LAYERS BfeM SPECTA:COjfi - - — — l ’Z?AQ'?Stqg & i ax ' B I t o J jULLL I ini $ WM 2MI TRIE ADAMS WT IH(hOA4)i'WH Widgw1 inf 5 10 N AUG 2 1 AUG’1021 M