Full’Iz, médaille d’argent du concours Ecotrophelia
Les étudiants gembloutois Guillaume Thébault et Brieuc Migeon ont obtenu la deuxième place du concours de l’innovation alimentaire Ecotrophelia.
As a public university open to the world and is anchored in the scientific, cultural and economic development of its region, the University of Liège relies on its three pillars: teaching, research and civic engagement.
ULiège trains responsible citizens who are provided with cutting-edge knowledge and critical thinking, are able to share knowledge and can push forward an increasingly complex world.
ULiège develops and promotes excellence in research, multidisciplinary and direct engagement with its instruction.
Global exposure is a top priority at the University of Liège. The institution offers a wide range of international mobility opportunities to students, researchers and staff, enabling them to enhance their cross-disciplinary skills and language knowledge.
ULiège: an experience of daily living. Located in 3 cities and 4 campuses, the university is a key player in terms of the environment and mobility.
Les étudiants gembloutois Guillaume Thébault et Brieuc Migeon ont obtenu la deuxième place du concours de l’innovation alimentaire Ecotrophelia.
Le Campus Environnement d’Arlon de l’Université de Liège (ULiège) a dévoilé son
ambitieux « Plan de Développement Stratégique » à l’horizon 2030, marquant un
tournant décisif dans son évolution future.
Identifying and awarding courses that represent the best teaching and research practices in the field of superdiversity and inclusion.
The Digital Lab publishes its 9th Cahier du Digital entitled "Digital Marketing: Customer experience in the age of data and touchpoint profusion", now available free of charge in English and French.
Félicitations à l'équipe du projet "Drinkey" initié lors du cours de "Projet de Création de Start-Up" et qui décroche ce prix.
Dans le cadre d’une réflexion sur les relations entre arts et sciences, la Cellule Arts, Sciences et Innovation et Réjouisciences lancent un appel à candidatures pour un projet de résidence d’artiste plasticien·ne d’une durée de deux mois
Chargé de cours dans le domaine de la Pédagogie universitaire dédiée au premier bachelier
A new episode looking at the use and withdrawal of benzodiazepines, drugs widely prescribed to treat anxiety and insomnia. We talk to Jean-Luc Belche, Laurence and Pauline Van Ngoc
The ceremony to swear in new members of the Academic Staff and honor as well as emeritus, honorary and retired members of the Academic Staff took place on Wednesday November 29, 2023.
ENSEMBLE est un projet de recherche qui vise à étudier la capacité des scores de risque polygénique de prédire le risque de développer différentes maladies communes et complexes, comme les maladies cardio-vasculaires ou inflammatoires.
Exchanges, conferences, discoveries... about the links forged by ULiège beyond our borders in terms of research, teaching and community services. It's also an opportunity to showcase ULiège's cultural diversity.
He receives this prize for his work in the field of safe, rational, and sustainable production of high-value compounds by combining micro/mesofluidic technology and computational approaches.
Au sommaire de ce numéro #289 : focus sur la géologie, les 100 ans du Mont-Rigi, un Digital Campus au Val-Benoît, la vie secrète des bactéries, l’avortement : un droit fragile, la Cité école vivante,…
To help exchange students who want to start their adventure at ULiège and meet new people, a system of mentoring by university students has been set up.