Summary Tale of young climber Peter Garrett (O'Donnell), who must launch a treacherous and extraordinary rescue effort up K2, the world's second highest peak. Confronting both his own limitations and the awesome power of nature' uncontrollable elements, Peter risks his life to save his sister, Annie (Tunney), and her summit team (Paxton and Lea)...
Directed By: Martin Campbell
Written By: Robert King, Terry Hayes
Summary Tale of young climber Peter Garrett (O'Donnell), who must launch a treacherous and extraordinary rescue effort up K2, the world's second highest peak. Confronting both his own limitations and the awesome power of nature' uncontrollable elements, Peter risks his life to save his sister, Annie (Tunney), and her summit team (Paxton and Lea)...
Directed By: Martin Campbell
Written By: Robert King, Terry Hayes