SummaryRipley (Sigourney Weaver) is the lone survivor when her crippled spaceship crash lands on Fiorina 161, a bleak wasteland inhabited by former inmates of the planet's maximum security prison. Ripley's fears that an Alien was aboard her craft are confirmed when the mutilated bodies of ex-cons begin to mount. Without weapons or modern techno...
SummaryRipley (Sigourney Weaver) is the lone survivor when her crippled spaceship crash lands on Fiorina 161, a bleak wasteland inhabited by former inmates of the planet's maximum security prison. Ripley's fears that an Alien was aboard her craft are confirmed when the mutilated bodies of ex-cons begin to mount. Without weapons or modern techno...
Alien 3 belongs to that branch of fantasy comics, best exemplified by the "Road Warrior" movies, in which the iron and space ages meet for dizzy results.
Whatever its deficiencies, there's no downplaying the emotions of parting with Ripley. So much attention is paid to the special effects in movies like these, Weaver's accomplishment in developing, deepening and richly glorifying her character stands to be underestimated. [22 May 1992, p.51]
Alien 3 is pretentious and gimmicky by turns, resorting at times to silly B-movie tricks that undercut its seriousness and moments that can be anticipated from a mile off. [22 May 1992, P.D1]
Just at the point when Alien 3 should kick into high terror gear, it becomes clear that this hushed, somber sequel doesn't know how to deliver the goods. Fincher has style to spare -- and the sets, cinematography and special effects are all first rate -- but the nuts and bolts of storytelling elude him. [1 June 1992, p.73]
Fincher's camerawork gives the movie a jittery feel, and his video-trained eye lends the prison sets the look of a dilapidated cathedral, but again, there's really nothing here that we haven't seen before, and better, at that. Nice title, though.
Alien 3 is, simply put, a mess. The writers have no idea how to tell a coherent, entertaining story. With the exception of a surprise or two, there isn't much worthwhile here.
If you want a film that sums up all the forget ability about the Alien films, I would have to go to Alien 3. I've got the whole collection in Christmas 2015 and when I look them all, I really got a reaction which I wasn't expecting. All 4 films have different versions. The first was Alien the Directors Cut, second is Aliens Special Edition which I think the Special Edition version is the highlight for the movie's effort. Why? Well, because Director James Cameron didn't prefer the original version on DVD, he prefer's it to the Special Edition version where you can see the missing scenes. The third is what I'm doing now which I'll tell you that in a minute and the fourth one did the same as the third. The film opens with Ripley getting impregnated by the face hugger and crash landed in a place where she had never been before. The dog is impregnated and the alien had come out of it's stomach and all hell is loose. Yeah, the list goes on. Now let me try and tell you about something of what I haven't seen before is there are missing scenes that wasn't in the original. There's a scene where Charles Dance had find Ripley's body where she crash landed. In the original version though, there are three or four men found Ripley's body along with Newt, Hicks and Bishop. The alien is inside the cow's body or you can call it a ox. Because of this, when you watch the assembly cut version, you will watch the ox get impregnated instead of the dog. And yes, the list goes on! I found the movie a mix bag and yeah, Sigourney Weaver is good but it doesn't save the glory of this science fiction horror with a mess story writing and I don't find the film to depressing. Try watching the assembly cut version, I f£$king dare you!
Ruined by development hell and a massive disappointment. After some thought over the years I think there is maybe a great movie underneath with concepts and psychological themes that I cant appreciate. However lets start with the development (hell): Many ideas and scripts were made. There was the idea of a wooden artificial planet or moon with monks, Hicks (Michael Biehn) as main actor, Earth as setting (this information came to public attention and harmed the movie) or the Alien home-world as setting to name a view. As you see there were some ideas with potential. Sadly they made this mess. One unforgiving mistake was negating the outcome of Alien 2. Wont spoil this but you will immediately note that they negate something important and this harms the movie and viewers expectations. Back to the story. After the events of the last movie Ellen Ripley played by Sigourney Weaver stranded on Fury 161 which is a prison colony. She is rescued but something survived too. Sounds promising and I can retell the story in a way that you will be hyped. Sadly the movie cant keep up. It has not the fear suspense and intensity of the first movie nor the action, emotions and immersion of the second movie. I am hesitating to call it boring and it is maybe uninteresting for me. Many other share however this opinion. It lacks to much we liked from the prequels. Like I said before maybe the psychological and sociological themes are great but this has no appeal for me and the mainstream. The special effects are a mixed bag and I later read that they rejected most of H. R. Gigers ideas for this movies which explains a lot. The ending however is great and a good conclusion except everyone knows that a successful franchise will always be continued. I think that the sets look fine and the atmosphere looks like the thing they want to archive. I cant rate the acting properly. On one hand I think everyone did a great job but on the other hand I dislike what they archived or aimed for. Would explain it with an excellent opera when you dislike opera in general and have no idea what they want to tell. Overall this was a disappointment for nearly everyone but financially successful enough to continue the franchise. Like most fans I will ignore that this movie exists and cant recommend it.
After Alien, the series went downhill a bit, starting with the action movie Aliens, which received higher scores for some unknown reason. Alien 3 is a gore fest, with guts and blood, and at least 80% of the sentences spoken say the f word. Effects are bad. James Cameron couldn't do justice to the series, and neither can whoever directed this.