Summary A Secret follows the saga of a Jewish family in post-World War II Paris. François, a solitary, imaginative child, invents for himself a brother as well as the story of his parents` past. But on his fifteenth birthday, he discovers a dark family secret that ties his family`s history to the Holocaust and shatters his illusions forever. Ada...
Directed By: Claude Miller
Written By: Claude Miller, Natalie Carter, Philippe Grimbert
Summary A Secret follows the saga of a Jewish family in post-World War II Paris. François, a solitary, imaginative child, invents for himself a brother as well as the story of his parents` past. But on his fifteenth birthday, he discovers a dark family secret that ties his family`s history to the Holocaust and shatters his illusions forever. Ada...
Directed By: Claude Miller
Written By: Claude Miller, Natalie Carter, Philippe Grimbert
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