Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is a global initiative, supported by the Global Cyber Alliance, that provides crucial fixes to reduce the most common routing threats. MANRS offers specific actions via four programs for Network Operators, Internet Exchange Points, CDN and Cloud Providers, and Equipment Vendors.
Read more about our history, our partners, and what people are saying about the community. You can get involved by joining us, becoming a mentor or ambassador, participating in a working group, taking a training course, or attending an event.
The Problem
Unsecured routes are one of the most common paths for malicious threats to networks. Inadvertent errors can take entire countries offline, and attackers can steal an individual’s data or hold an organization’s network hostage. Your network’s safety depends on a routing infrastructure that weeds out bad actors and accidental misconfigurations that wreak havoc on the Internet. This short video helps explain routing incidents and how MANRS can help.
How MANRS Helps
Joining MANRS means joining a community of security-minded organizations committed to making the global routing infrastructure more robust and secure. MANRS outlines simple, concrete actions organizations can take, tailored to their role on the Internet, including:
Ensure the correctness of your own announcements and of announcements from your customers to adjacent networks with prefix and AS-path granularity
Enable source address validation for at least single-homed stub customer networks, your own end-users, and infrastructure
Maintain globally accessible up-to-date contact information
Routing Information
Publish your data, so others can validate routing information on a global scale
Provide monitoring and debugging tools to help others
Actively encourage MANRS adoption among peers, customers, and partners