Straw Dogs (1971)
list by upidipi
list by SwornShadow
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list by The Wolf
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A classic
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"25.9. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Muutamia kertoja nähty, kymmenen vuotta sitten viimeksi, tuskin kertaakaan aiemmin on näin vaikuttava ollut. Kuluvan vuoden Peckinpah-uusinnat saavat jokainen arvostamaan häntä vain enemmän ja enemmän. Nyanssit, joihin en ehkä ole aiemmin osannut kiinnittää huomoiota ovat se viimeinen sivallus mestariteokseen. Hidastukset oikeissa kohdissa pysäyttävät. Nopeat poikkileikkaukset menneeseen ja nykyhetkeen jo valmiiksi hektisessä ympäristössä kuvastam"
"First viewing - May 9th After dinner I decided to watch another movie before bed and wound up choosing Straw Dogs, a film I've seen a fair amount of praise for over the past decade or so. And it's an engaging film, albeit a bit confounding at times. I can't discuss my issues with it without divulging plot details (which I'm always loathe to do), but there were some moments that punctured my wall of disbelief. I'm also not entirely sure the choice to put an American in this situation in England "
" Notes: It has been a while since I have seen this movie and I will definitely check it out again when I have the opportunity. To be honest, I was actually slightly disappointed by ‘Wild Bunch’. I mean, sure, I thought it was pretty good but I failed to see what was so impressive and, in fact, I was more able to connect with this other classic directed by Sam Peckinpah. In my opinion, it is actually one of his more subtle directing efforts. Of course, in fact, as usual with this rather brut"
" Notes: It has been a while since I have seen this movie and I will definitely check it out again when I have the opportunity. To be honest, I was actually slightly disappointed by ‘Wild Bunch’. I mean, sure, I thought it was pretty good but I failed to see what was so impressive and, in fact, I was more able to connect with this other classic directed by Sam Peckinpah. In my opinion, it is actually one of his more subtle directing efforts. Of course, in fact, as usual with this rather brut"