Wild Strawberries (Smultronstället) (1957)
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Wild Strawberries Videos
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''The punishment is loneliness.''
After living a life marked by coldness, an aging professor is forced to confront the emptiness of his existence.
Victor Sjöström: Dr. Isak Borg
Ingmar Bergman has indeed done it yet again. Firstly the captivating Seventh Seal blew me away with it's masterful strokes of genius and layered themes of death; Now, Smul... read more
An Ingmar Bergman masterpiece...
Wild Strawberries (also known by its foreign title Smultronstället) is a surreal, expressionistic creation from renowned Swedish director Ingmar Bergman. During 1957, Bergman directed two of his most celebrated masterpieces: The Seventh Seal ... read more
Dark & Contemplative
Update feed
" 2020: 597 2019: 588 2018: 585 2017: 580 2016: 576 2015: 570 2014: 567 2013: 564 2012: 561 2011: 553 "
"27.8. Sensommar Filmfest, DCP Uusintakatselu. Sympaattisella, kotikaupungin laidalla järjestetyllä festarilla oli pakko kokea Mansikkapaikka, kun mahdollisuus avautui. Puiset tuolit pitivät huolen, ettei vanheneva perse olisi paljoa enempää kestänyt. Esityskelpoista filmiprinttiä eivät valitettavasti onnistuneet löytämään, mutta ei annettu sen häiritä. Haikea ja monin tavoin kaunis henkilökuva puhuttelee jälleen uusin tavoin tuntuen itselleni jo varsin henkilökohtaiselta ja o"
" 2019: 588 2018: 585 2017: 580 2016: 576 2015: 570 2014: 567 2013: 564 2012: 561 2011: 553 "
" 2018: 585 2017: 580 2016: 576 2015: 570 2014: 567 2013: 564 2012: 561 2011: 553 "
" 2017: 580 2016: 576 2015: 570 2014: 567 2013: 564 2012: 561 2011: 553 "
"First viewing - Apr. 19th HBO Max Wild Strawberries is an interesting exploration of love, regrets, & life from an intellectual perspective. While I can appreciate that approach & the overall execution, it never transcended into my emotions. It definitely gave me plenty to think about, but ultimately left me dry. Thus I didn't love it, but I do respect it."
" 2016: 576 2015: 570 2014: 567 2013: 564 2012: 561 2011: 553 "
"2015: 570 2014: 567 2013: 564 2012: 561 2011: 553 "
" Notes: To be honest, as usual with this director, I had a rather hard time to connect with the damned thing. It didn't help that I saw a very poor version on YouTube so maybe I should give it another chance in the future. Still, the fact that I didn't connect with this movie was probably because I'm not smart enough and not because it wasn't a good movie, that's for sure. Eventually, as usual with Bergman's work, I enjoyed more thinking afterwards about this movie than actually watching it. Fi"
" Notes: To be honest, as usual with this director, I had a rather hard time to connect with the damned thing. It didn't help that I saw a very poor version on YouTube so maybe I should give it another chance in the future. Still, the fact that I didn't connect with this movie was probably because I'm not smart enough and not because it wasn't a good movie, that's for sure. Eventually, as usual with Bergman's work, I enjoyed more thinking afterwards about this movie than actually watching it. Fi"
"2014: 567 2013: 564 2012: 561 2011: 553 "