"Samba on your feet," a documentary by Eduardo Montes-Bradley, explores the shared roots of Carnival and Samba in Brazil and how they've come together to form a unique and vibrant culture. T... Read all"Samba on your feet," a documentary by Eduardo Montes-Bradley, explores the shared roots of Carnival and Samba in Brazil and how they've come together to form a unique and vibrant culture. The journey begins behind the scenes of Rio de Janeiro's Samba schools. Here, we witness th... Read all"Samba on your feet," a documentary by Eduardo Montes-Bradley, explores the shared roots of Carnival and Samba in Brazil and how they've come together to form a unique and vibrant culture. The journey begins behind the scenes of Rio de Janeiro's Samba schools. Here, we witness the hard work and dedication of choreographers, dancers, musicians, and costume makers comin... Read all