Danny CannonOperatőr:
Adrian BiddleZeneszerző:
Alan SilvestriSzereplők:
Sylvester Stallone, Diane Lane, Armand Assante, Rob Schneider, Jürgen Prochnow, Max von Sydow, Joanna Miles, Joan Chen, Balthazar Getty, Maurice Roëves (több)Tartalmak(1)
A lidércnyomásos jövőben tombol a bűnözés, bírók, rendőrök és ítéletvégrehajtók próbálják megvédeni az ártatlan polgárokat. Dredd bíró, a törvényesség elkötelezett híve mindent megtesz, hogy fenntartsa a rendet és a békét. Munkálkodása azonban nem arat osztatlan sikert, mindenre elszánt ellenfelei, akiknek az útjában áll, megpróbálják tőrbe csalni. Tervük sikerrel jár, és Dredd börtönbe kerül, ahonnan csak legközelebbi barátai és munkatársai segítségével szabadulhat ki, hogy tisztára mossa nevét és legyőzze ellenfeleit. (Viasat 6)
(több)Recenziók (8)
Minden idiótaság ellenére, ami a Dredd bíró filmből árad, nem tudok rá haragudni. Stallone hősének nevetséges kialakítása önmagában is annyira feldobja a filmet, hogy azt már-már félvállról kell venni. Bizonyos távolságtartással pedig a Dredd bíró film egy bombasztikus sci-fi akciófilm, egyedi díszletekkel, jó szereposztással és Alan Silvestri tökéletes zenéjével. ()
A classic that most people today might find laughable, but I found the brighter moments where I had a great time. Sylvester Stallone in the iconic role of the hero and enforcer of the law, Judge Dredd, really delivered. Rob Schneider felt out of place at times, but occasionally I laughed when he said something funny. The action scenes might seem amusing by today’s standards, but for 1995, it was pretty much the best that was possible back then. The ending was once again one where good triumphed over evil. Normally, I’d give it two stars, but for Stallone, I have to give it three stars and 60%. ()
Judge Dredd is just as bad as people say it is. Karl Urban understood where the character's strength was, but Sly Stallone did not. He just forced his face to be seen. There was no other way to do it, and I understand that to some extent. On the other hand, it destroys the entire mythos of Dredd, who is simply a guy seeking justice. In this rendition, however, it's neither gritty enough nor ultimately interesting enough. ()
So at last I got round to watching Judge Dredd. And I must say that it’s a gem. It really isn’t every day that you can see something like that. The plastic costume and Sly’s angular skull with that droopy lip protruding from the helmet. Sylvester Stallone as Joseph Dredd is just the coolest guy on Earth. Non-stop wisecracks. He shoots first, asks questions later. He serves the law loyally. He’s principled... Superb. The story more or less makes sense, and in terms of special effects, this movie is unique. The actors meet all possible expectations and the director made this blindfolded. Despite all of the absurdity, it’s great fun. The epitome of a Guilty Pleasure. Four is maybe too many stars, but I am still reeling in shock from what I just saw. ;-) ()
Wow, compared to this figment of a sick screenwriting mind, even Barb Wire is a sensational B-movie spectacle. The Total Recall remake is suspiciously unpleasantly reminiscent of Judge Dredd. The special effects are admirable, but the plot, or rather the "plot", is horrible. One stupid thing after another, the atmosphere is a rip-off of Blade Runner, the action scenes are taken from Star Wars (the hovercraft chase), The Terminator, Robocop and others. On top of that, the naive story is enriched by a kind of moral dilemma of the main character, which we should believe and take seriously. Bah! It's a shame, because Sylvester Stallone is (was) as good a fit for Dredd as anyone. A star and a half.__P.S. Rob Schneider is an idiot. But that's not news. ()
Galéria (63)
Photo © Copyright 1995- Cinergi Pictures Entertainment Inc.