Michael MayerForgatókönyvíró:
Chad HodgeOperatőr:
Eric CaylaZeneszerző:
Anton SankoSzereplők:
Michael Urie, Kathy Najimy, Luke Macfarlane, Barry Bostwick, Jennifer Coolidge, Jennifer Robertson, Dan Finnerty, Philemon Chambers, Alexandra Beaton (több)Streaming (1)
Peter arra kéri barátját, játssza el a karácsonyi hazalátogatáson, hogy a pasija, de a tervük, és az érzéseik megváltoznak, amikor a család nekiáll kerítőt játszani. (Netflix)
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Recenziók (2)
After last year's Dashing in December and The Christmas Setup, things got "warm" again before the festive season, and this time it was Netflix that came out with a four percent winter romance. Single All the Way is predictable from start to finish, with some of the actors and actresses overacting incredibly – Except Jennifer Coolidge, who solidly nailed her hilariously goofy role – yet it was quite watchable, the plot moved along nicely and it was just the sort of (overly-)cute, if ostentatiously underwhelming, romance with an expected but still satisfying ending. ()
I stumbled upon this on Netflix by chance. My girlfriend was in the mood for something with a Christmas vibe, and the bonus of having Jennifer Coolidge sealed the deal. I have to admit, it’s definitely a very gay film, but despite that (or maybe because of it), there were some genuinely funny moments. If you know what you're getting into, it’s actually pretty enjoyable. ()