Russell MulcahyKamera:
Phil MéheuxMusik:
Stewart CopelandBesetzung:
Christopher Lambert, Virginia Madsen, Michael Ironside, Sean Connery, John C. McGinley, Allan Rich, Rusty Schwimmer, Randall Newsome, Russell Mulcahy (mehr)Streaming (3)
Im Jahr 2024: Ein skrupelloser Konzern macht dunkle Geschäfte mit einem künstlichen Ozonschutzschild, das die Erdatmosphäre vor der Klimakatastrophe schützt. Mit Hilfe seines alten Weggefährten Ramirez will der kampferprobte Highlander Connor MacLeod die Machenschaften aufdecken. Doch ausgerechnet dann taucht Katana, der Erzfeind des Highlanders auf und fordert ihn zu einem letzten, entscheidenden Kampf. (Concorde Home Entertainment)
(mehr)Kritiken (3)
I guess this series doesn't really have anything to offer me anymore. This was still alright, except for that terrible idiocy about them being aliens. But where else can this go? Probably not really anywhere. Here at least are some interesting actors who carry it, with occasional good effects, but otherwise, it’s really nothing special. A kind of residual whiff of the 80s. ()
The Crazy Highlander - The power of the magic has vanished. The project that both actors and creators wanted to escape from, or at least distance themselves from, has a chance to capture attention only through the character of Katana Ironside, who successfully steals grinning smirks from Nicholson. Russell Mulcahy's contribution to the outcome is limited, but he, along with the investors, should have pondered the deep wisdom of the elder MacLeod, who claims that there are two kinds of people in the world: those who know when to stop and those who do not. As for the soundtrack to the film, the band Queen released an album in 1991 with EMI Records, which is not widely known. It is called "A Kind of Septic," and the track list is as follows: 1. No Vision, 2. A Kind of Septic, 3. One Year of Shame, 4. Pain is so Close, 5. Scrap will be Scrap, 6. Who Wants to be Associated with this Forever, 7. No One Gimme the Prize (Mulcahy Theme), 8. Don´t Lose Your Name, 9. Pointless of the Universe. ()
This sequel brings so much shame to its predecessor. everything is worse, Christopher Lambert just pretends a few times, and Russel Mulcahy in the director's chair fully displays his inability to create at least something. The script is abysmal and the future setting is laughable. Occasionally there is a decent action scene, but there really aren't many positives. Michael Ironside is a ridiculous clown and the film itself is equally embarrassing. Commerce is a powerful thing and this film has no other purpose than to squeeze money out of a good name. I prefer not to see any more sequels to such a great first part. ()
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