Travel History
Recent papers in Travel History
A quasi due anni dalla sua scomparsa, il Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici, con il contributo del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università Roma Tre e del Dipartimento di Studi Storici dell’Università di Torino,... more
Entre 1701 et 1703, au début de la guerre de Succession espagnole, Henry Bentinck (1682-1726), vicomte Woodstock, et son gouverneur huguenot, Paul Rapin de Thoyras (1661-1725), entreprennent un voyage pédagogique – le Grand Tour – qui... more
In the history of travelling and vacationing, the eighteenth century leisure trip (plezierreisje) has often been overlooked. This specific type of tour occurred in the twilight of the well-researched Grand Tour and before the advent of... more
This book is part of a four volume box published at the occasion of the Erasmus Prize 2008, won by Ian Buruma. It contains reproductions of all the 90 illustrated folios of one of the most beautiful and well known manuscripts of Marco... more
Los conceptos de alteridad e identidad han ocupado en los últimos años un espacio central en los debates académicos en torno a la multiculturalidad. Con este libro se pretende hacer una aportación novedosa al debate uniendo dos tiempos y... more
La rivista «Itineraria» apre uno spazio per ospitare ricerche che affrontino temi e testi connessi al viaggio e alla conoscenza del mondo (ma anche al viaggio immaginario, al viaggio simbolico e metaforico, alle visiones, alla geografia... more
In the 1580s, the Jesuit priest Alessandro Valignano sent four young pupils from the seminary at Arima to tour Europe, in a mission that has since been referred to as the ‘Tensho embassy’ — without a doubt a remarkable episode in the... more
Units of distance and speed of travel in the second half of the sixteenth century in the light of Blaise de Vigenère’s treatise The article is an analysis of transport routes published in La description du Royaume de Poloigne by Blaise... more
O texto ensaia as noções de natureza e paisagem assimiladas na primeira semana de viagem de Goethe à Itália (de 3 a 10 de setembro de 1786). Nesses primeiros dias do itinerário percorrido ainda em terras germânicas, ambas as categorias... more
En este texto se aborda el estudio de la práctica de la arriería y de los diferentes tipos de transportistas activos en el México colonial. Después de haber presentado las historias de vida de dos arrieros de los siglos XVI y XVIII, se... more
Growing and diversifying travel practices in the19th century influenced the process of preparation and publication of travel descriptions, which became early searches for cultural and national identity. Attention to the lasting value of... more
"The author of the essay has started investigating the writings of Alexander von Humboldt as a member of a German-American research cooperation in 2001. The project was affiliated to the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures in... more
In the article, I compare the political space of the Kremlin and residences outside Moscow and focus on the differences of the tsar’s security, social structures, administrative practices, and symbolic conflicts. Social conflict was... more
Contrariamente a quel che si sarebbe portati a pensare di un’epoca caratterizzata dalla crescente burocratizzazione delle istituzioni militari, l’esperienza del viaggio era frequente nelle carriere e nelle vite degli ufficiali europei del... more
Prince Sanguszko (1680–1750) was one of the most powerful and richest Polish magnates of the Saxon period, therefore he travelled extensively on business. His Treasure Book of 1726 enables precise reconstruction of his travels from... more
Early modernists have explored a range of mobile practices taking place in cities: from religious and civic rituals to the multisensory experience of traversing streets and squares. Research has also shown the pivotal role played by... more
The perceptions of all those writing about ethnographic Others have invariable been colored by earlier texts. Long before we encounter other peoples face-to-face, our sensitivities have been shaped by the ethnographic imagery of... more
Prinz Constantin von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach (1758–1793), der jüngere Bruder des regierenden Herzogs Carl August, brach 1781 zu einer »Grand Tour« nach Italien auf. Aus Rom beschrieb Constantin im November 1781 frei nach Winckelmann die... more
Travel logs are a particularly rich source of information when studying encounters with mythological and legendary beings, but these sources also provide valuable descriptions of actual exotic animals spotted in the visited regions. In... more Peu reconnus par la critique postcoloniale, souvent assimilés sans nuances aux enjeux géopolitiques du Grand Jeu... more
One of the earliest civilizations took place in Asia, particularly the East Asian region. As a main result of war, historical travel, such as trading and pilgrimage, influenced the daily life of most people in the region. The Han Dynasty... more
interview on Les Lumières et le Monde. Voyager Explorer Collectionner