Philosophy of Psychoanalysis
Recent papers in Philosophy of Psychoanalysis
Research into the sexual behaviour of children remains in its infancy despite growing awareness that, under certain circumstances, it can at times be harmful to those involved. Of the research undertaken thus far, much has focused on... more
Table of contents: Braddock & Lacewing, Introduction. Part I. Psychoanalysis. Brearley, What Do Psychoanalysts Do? Budd, Reading and Misreading. Rusbridger, Elements of the Oedipus Complex: A Kleinian Account. Tuckett,... more
Most explanations of child sexual abuse perpetration have been premised on assumptions of the individualist/monological paradigm. Child abuse prevention programs, including treatment for people known to pose a risk of sexual harm to... more
Volume One: A – F
Volume Two: G – PR
Volume Three: PS - Z
Volume Two: G – PR
Volume Three: PS - Z
I have argued (Carveth, 2013) that, coinciding with the rise of neo-liberalism and the culture of narcissism, psychoanalytic concern with problems of guilt and the superego was displaced in favour of a range of other preoccupations. Today... more
RESUMO: O objetivo deste artigo é explicitar as diferenças da noção de eu no que se refere à segunda tópica freudiana e aos primeiros anos de ensino de Lacan. Para tal, abordaremos a formação do psiquismo humano de acordo com o que Freud... more
This work aims to present a summary of the ideas contained in the complementary teaching material of the elective class Philosophy of Psychoanalysis, in the form of asynchronous classes recorded by Prof. Marcos José Müller on the article... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
In his oft-cited discussion of the “culturally constituted behavioral environment,” Irving Hallowell argued that any given cultural ontology must be considered to be “real” insofar as people believe in it; and inasmuch as it exist as an... more
Wstęp do "Mocak Forum" nr 9/2014
This paper addresses the Freudian phylogenetic hypothesis, i.e., the thesis that the intelligibility of the psychic functioning requires the assumption of the hereditary transmission of memory traces. It aims to seize: 1- the content of... more
Chpt in R. Kunzendorf (Ed.) Imagery: Recent Developments, NY: Plenum Press, 1991, p. 101-112.
AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf
Resumo: No texto "A família" de 1938, Lacan investiga a formação do psiquismo e a concomitante constituição dos objetos da realidade desenvolvendo a noção de estágio do espelho e formatando uma configuração inicial de sua teoria do... more
RESUMO: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar em linhas gerais de que maneira a psicose é diagnosticada e tratada pela psicoterapia institucional. Partiremos da tese de doutorado de Tosquelles, na qual a psicose é pensada como fenômeno... more
Resumo Em meio a uma discussão sobre a localização cerebral dos fenômenos psicológicos, Freud propõe em 1891, em seu trabalho sobre as afasias, a chamada hipótese do "concomitante dependente". Segundo esta hipótese, atribuída pelo autor... more
In spite of the philosophical and not-philosophical historiography that is aiming to support the thesis of a close link between Nietzsche's works and Freudian psychoanalysis, such a conception seems quite problematic. Historically, a... more
This article articulates a psychoanalytic reading of Christos Tsiolkas’s Dead Europe by analysing desire in relation to Melanie Klein’s oral sadistic stage, a desire which, in the author’s grim fairytale with Gothic-laden aesthetics, is... more
Estés, Clarissa Pinkola, Women Who Run With the Wolves. Contracting the Power of the Wild Woman, London, Rider, 1992. Bluebeard In a single human being there are many other beings, all with their own values, motives, and devices. Some... more
Gestalt Therapy techniques are considered to be powerful tools for the remobilization of human growth and change. I will attempt to show that the power of these techniques lies in the fact that they are effective ways of dealing with our... more
Both ‘repression' and ‘suppression' are said to involve removing mental content from awareness. However, repression is generally said to be unconscious whereas suppression is said to be conscious. The meanings of the terms ‘unconscious'... more
The Handmaid’s Tale uniquely offers more than just a possibility for critiquing patriarchal society. The show’s neo-realistic form also offers its viewers an engagement with new concepts of subjectivity, morality, and political resistance... more
For psychoanalysis to qualify as scientific psychology, it needs to generate data that can evidentially support theoretical claims. Its methods, therefore, must at least be capable of correcting for biases produced in the data during the... more
A revised and corrected version of a paper that critically assesses Lacan's endeavor to show the limits of, and build upon, Kant's ethical philosophy by way of an analysis of Antigone and by attempting to show how Kant's ethical reasoning... more
Could psychoanalysis be a science? There are three ways of reading this question, which will structure our discussion: 1. Is psychoanalysis the kind of investigation or activity that could, logically speaking, be “scientific”? If we can... more
Freud. Las influencias filosóficas monistas y la doctrina de las pulsiones