Arabian Peninsula
Recent papers in Arabian Peninsula
Report of the survey of the Sharma hinterland. Presentation of the pre-Islamic sites around the Islamic port of Sharma (Yemen).
I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında yayınlanan ,Hicaz Kralı ve Arap Bağımsızlığı, Arabistan ve Irak'taki çağdaş siyasi gelişmelerle ilgilenen 14 sayfalık bir kitapçıktır. Olayların içeriğini veren kısa bir girişten sonra,Haziran 1916'da Şerif... more
Sabeans: folk settled in central Yemen belonging to the great tribe and kingdom of Saba’ (8th century BCE – 3rd century CE). Famous for the likely fictitious character of the Queen of Saba’, this kingdom established itself as one of the... more
Throughout the late Pleistocene and early Holocene the landscape of Qatar was transformed by global climate changes, cycles of sea level rise and fluctuations in rainfall. The Peninsula is formed from Eocene limestone which was... more
In certain accounts of the early history of oil on the Trucial Coast, there are intriguing references to the visit of a mysterious Englishman to Sharjah in October 1936. His arrival set alarm bells ringing in the office of the Political... more
On 4 June 2017, Qatar was suddenly put under an embargo by its regional neighbors-an effort spearheaded by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, who cut off most of its existing land, sea, and air traffic routes. With no domestic agriculture to speak... more
The long 1960s in the Gulf States was a period of great political changes, in which struggles over the very future of the region's political systems were fought out. Some of these struggles are still written out of the official histories... more
In 2011, one of my classes documented the construction of a traditional woven palm frond house compound on the Dubai campus of Zayed University in the United Arab Emirates. This is the project they produced. I also documented the... more
For those who come to the United Arab Emirates, staying in luxurious air-conditioned hotels and visiting ultra-modern shopping malls, the country appears an enigma, a glass and concrete fabrication that seems to have sprung from the... more
الطبيعة لا تقفز. هذه الحكمة المستخدمة من قبل الفلاسفة والعلماء منذ العصور القديمة تُعبّر عن الفكرة القائلة بأنّ كلّ تغيّر هو نتيجة مراحل متعاقبة وليس نتيجة تحوّل مفاجئ في الزمان والمكان. وهذا ما تؤكّده بلا أدنى شكّ دراسة بنية وتاريخ... more
Modernity and the Museum in the Arabian Peninsula is dedicated to the recent and rapid high-profile development of museums in the Arabian Peninsula, focussing on the a number of the Arabian Peninsula states: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar... more
İslâm dininin kutsal ve en önemli şehirlerinden biri olan ve eski ismiyle Yesrib olarak bilinen Medîne, tesis edildiği ilk günden bugüne hala Hicaz bölgesinin stratejik öneme sahip bir şehri olarak varlığını sürdürmektedir. Arap... more
Özet Osmanlı Devleti’nde 19. yüzyılın sonlarından itibaren kurulmaya başlayan spor kulüpleri, 1909 yılında Cemiyetler Kanunu ile birlikte resmiyet kazandı. Daha çok gayrimüslimler tarafından kurulan kulüpler, etnik milliyetçilik ekseninde... more
Book review published in Der Islam (journal for the history
and culture of the middle east), 2012 · volume 89 · number 1/2, pp.220-223.
and culture of the middle east), 2012 · volume 89 · number 1/2, pp.220-223.
للهمداني نص مميز في كتابه (صفة جزيرة العرب) يقدم وصفا لجغرافيا اللغات، أو اللَّهجات كما صِرْنا نسميهااليوم. وهي اللهجات التي كانت سائدة على أيامه في الجزيرة العربية. وسوف نحاول في هذا البحث ضبط هذا النص وتحليله، مع الاستعانة بما جاء من... more
This book delves into the physical public spaces of communication, majālis in East Arabia and their equivalents, digitally mediated cyber spaces. All are transformative spaces wherein Arabian social groups (Arabs from the Arabian... more
This special issue engages the historical and contemporary heterogeneity of the Gulf, which was a transcultural space long before the discovery of oil. Over the past two decades, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United... more
Tarihçi, şair, asker ve eğitimci gibi sıfatlarla vasıflandırılabilecek Eyüb Sabri Paşa çok sayıda memuriyette bulunmuş ve Bahriyeli olarak sürdürdüğü kariyerinde mirlivalığa kadar yükselmiştir. Bu askerî vechesiyle bile öğretmekten geri... more
This study analyzes the political reasons that allowed the Islamic State to expand successfully in Syria and Iraq, by enabling to ‘franchise’ worldwide, and the role of the regional governments in this issue. The essay provides a... more
follow the link, o News July-December 2018, p. 6 o Articles o Jean-François Faü (Université Senghor, Alexandrie) Note sur deux manuscrits en hébreu de Zaylaʿ (Somaliland), p. 44 o Sami Lagati... more
Pour les sources arabo-islamiques, l’Arabie d’avant l’Islam — période dénommée Jāhiliyya (“ignorance” des lumières de la vraie foi) — est misérable, isolée, vouée à l’anarchie. C’est le pays “du sable et des puces”. Or, les sites antiques... more
"Cette introduction revient sur les deux siècles précédant l’avènement de l’islam à travers deux interrogations : le déclin qui s’observe en péninsule Arabique doit-il être considéré comme un phénomène local ou s’inscrit-il dans un... more
Due to copyright restrictions please email the author for a pdf of the paper: j.schiettecatte(a)