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Link to original content: https://web.archive.org/web/20181223125134/https://www.metacritic.com/game/wii-u/super-meat-boy
Super Meat Boy for Wii U Reviews - Metacritic
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20181223125134/https://www.metacritic.com/game/wii-u/super-meat-boy
Super Meat Boy Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 20 Ratings

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  • Summary: Super Meat Boy is a tough as nails platformer where you play as an animated cube of meat who's trying to save his girlfriend (who happens to be made of bandages) from an evil fetus in a jar wearing a tux.

    Our meaty hero will leap from walls, over seas of buzz saws, through crumbling caves
    Super Meat Boy is a tough as nails platformer where you play as an animated cube of meat who's trying to save his girlfriend (who happens to be made of bandages) from an evil fetus in a jar wearing a tux.

    Our meaty hero will leap from walls, over seas of buzz saws, through crumbling caves and pools of old needles. Sacrificing his own well being to save his damsel in distress. Super Meat Boy brings the old school difficulty of classic NES titles like Mega Man 2, Ghost and Goblins and Super Mario Bros. 2 (The Japanese one) and stream lines them down to the essential no BS straight forward twitch reflex platforming.

    Ramping up in difficulty from hard to soul crushing SMB will drag Meat boy though haunted hospitals, salt factories and even hell itself. And if 300+ single player levels weren't enough SMB also throws in epic boss fights, a level editor and tons of unlock able secrets, warp zones and hidden characters.


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Super Meat Boy - 1990 Buyer's Club Trailer
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. May 31, 2016
    Super Meat Boy is one of the most marvelously-crafted and designed platform games to have been released in the current century. With its rich and varied levels, multiple motivations to keep playing, magnificent gameplay and fine-tuned difficulty curve, there's little standing in the way of Super Meat Boy to be one of the most memorable platform games to have been released in the last few years.
  2. NF Magazine
    Jul 11, 2016
    Super Meat Boy is a nearly flawless example of 2D platforming design, able to stand toe-to-toe with Mario's finest. [Issue #22 – July/August 2016, p.20]
  3. 85
    Super Meat Boy remains a fun game, even after many years of waiting. The hard as nails platformer will provide hours of levels and secrets to uncover for those in the need of a challenge.
  4. May 9, 2016
    The Wii U port for Super Meat Boy may not necessarily bring anything new to the table, but it's still an enjoyable experience.
  5. May 11, 2016
    I always accepted Super Meat Boy as a great game, but it’s definitely not for everyone. Also, this is a barebones port and Wii U owners won’t be enjoying much more than anyone else has, regardless of it being available for over five years.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Jul 29, 2016
    quite hard and frustrating! just my taste. Great platformer, keeps you focused and engaged in the game. Two thumbs up for me. Always love toquite hard and frustrating! just my taste. Great platformer, keeps you focused and engaged in the game. Two thumbs up for me. Always love to see great 2D design Expand
  2. Jul 24, 2016
    although its really hard , its a really fun game with lots of levels and characters
    i really liked the control too. if you like hard games
    although its really hard , its a really fun game with lots of levels and characters
    i really liked the control too. if you like hard games this is for you
  3. Aug 23, 2016
    This game is superb. It's a lovely throwback to the old 8 bit platformers so common in the NES days, but with the improvements in graphics,This game is superb. It's a lovely throwback to the old 8 bit platformers so common in the NES days, but with the improvements in graphics, sound design and save states that most games lacked back then.

    Is it difficult? Very. One touch of something sharp and Meat Boy or Gish or one of the other unlockable characters will explode into a puddle of coloured goo. But it's not fake difficulty - the control method is sharp and for this type of game it would have to be, it's a question of testing your twitch control skill and finding the quickest route through the levels. There's a timer for almost all levels (boss dashes excepted) and it actively encourages mini-speedruns. There's hidden warp zones, collectible bandages to unlock other characters - this is the very definition of a simple idea done incredibly well and in short bursts which can easily turn into long bursts it's a very satisfying game.

  4. Jan 13, 2018
    Super Meat Boy
    Super Frustrating
    Super Meatboy is an insta death platformer wit hpuzzle elements where you play as meat boy trying to get
    Super Meat Boy
    Super Frustrating
    Super Meatboy is an insta death platformer wit hpuzzle elements where you play as meat boy trying to get through this games 7 different chapters and save bandage girl from the evil dr fetus
    This game can be beaten in about 6 hours despite each level beign designed to be beaten in less than 20 seconds..
    The hook of this game is its frustratingly addictive difficulty
    The mechanics of Super Meat Boy is simple, which makes it so easy to pick up and in turn so easy to forgive as youre dying over and over..
    You jump, run jump, or wall jump…
    Nothing else…
    Its up to you to use these mechanics to maneuver through the games many obstacle courses of blades, lava, and salt.. and you only have one life to do this…
    The difficulty of levels is really up and down..
    And this is thanks to the game constantly adding new obstacles and enemies to deal with as the game goes on…
    When a new mechanic is introduced it will slow down a bit..
    This in turn creates a great pacing.. the levels aren’t constantly smacking you over the head with difficulty..
    Youll at times get a nice breather…
    But when levels are hard theyre hard…
    and despite them making you want to pull your hair out, its just as hard to put down the controller and walk away.. at least for a little while…
    For me the Charm of super meat boy started to wear off by chapter 3..
    I was over the hook of dying and retrying, but that’s mostly because of the kind of gamer I am…
    Im not into punishment for more than a little while..
    But if you are one of those sick freaks that likes getting to the point of wanting to break your controller, Super Meat Boy is a great platformer full of collectables to unlock new characters, hidden levels, charm, great characters, and surprisingly engaging boss battles that only feel cheap the first 100 times you die…
    I give Super Meat Boy
    an 8/10
  5. Mar 21, 2017
    this is a very fun game, easy to learn but is the hell hard to dominate to overcome every stage at top speed, the characters are very funnythis is a very fun game, easy to learn but is the hell hard to dominate to overcome every stage at top speed, the characters are very funny to, and the evil one is a real badass, and meat boy to. Very recomended. Expand