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Hard core : power, pleasure, and the Aperçu de cet ouvrage
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Hard core : power, pleasure, and the "frenzy of the visible"

Auteur : Linda Williams
Éditeur: Berkeley : University of California Press, ©1989.
Édition/format:   Livre imprimé : Publication gouvernementale provinciale ou d’état : AnglaisVoir toutes les éditions et tous les formats
In this unprecedented and brilliant study, Linda Williams moves beyond the impasse of anti-porn/anti-censorship position-taking to analyze what hard-core film pornography is and does--as a genre with a history, as a specific cinematic form, and as part of contemporary discourse on sexuality. Working against tendencies to oversimplify hard core--either as pure abusive power or pure liberatory pleasure--Williams sees  Lire la suite...

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Genre/forme: Criticism, interpretation, etc
Type d’ouvrage: Publication gouvernementale, Publication gouvernementale provinciale ou d’état, Ressource Internet
Type de document: Livre, Ressource Internet
Tous les auteurs / collaborateurs: Linda Williams
ISBN: 0520066529 9780520066526 0520066537 9780520066533
Numéro OCLC: 19515394
Description: xii, 330 pages ; 24 cm
Contenu: Speaking sex: "The indiscreet jewels" --
Prehistory: The "frenzy of the visible" --
The stag film: Genital show and genital event --
Fetishism and hard core: Marx, Freud, and the "money shot" --
Generic pleasures: number and narrative --
Hard-core utopias: problems and solutions --
Power, pleasure, and perversion: Sadomasochistic film pornography --
Sequels and re-visions: "A desire of one's own."
Autres titres: Power, pleasure, and the frenzy of the visible.
Responsabilité: Linda Williams.
Plus d’informations:


In this unprecedented and brilliant study, Linda Williams moves beyond the impasse of anti-porn/anti-censorship position-taking to analyze what hard-core film pornography is and does--as a genre with a history, as a specific cinematic form, and as part of contemporary discourse on sexuality. Working against tendencies to oversimplify hard core--either as pure abusive power or pure liberatory pleasure--Williams sees the form as inherently contradictory. Hard core claims to speak confessional and involuntary "truths" of sex. However, analysis of its forms (including its spectacular "money shots" and sexual "numbers" parallel to those in musicals) reveals that sex in the sense of a natural, visible "doing what comes naturally" is in fact the supreme and deeply contradictory fiction of the genre. Gender, the social construction of the relation between the sexes, is what determines this fiction.


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Primary Entity

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    rdfs:seeAlso <http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/836984180#CreativeWork/power_pleasure_and_the_frenzy_of_the_visible> ; # Power, pleasure, and the frenzy of the visible.
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    schema:about <http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/836984180#Topic/pornografia> ; # Pornografia
    schema:about <http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/836984180#Topic/films_erotiques_histoire_et_critique> ; # Films érotiques--Histoire et critique
    schema:about <http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/836984180#Topic/erotismo> ; # Erotismo
    schema:about <http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh2010107708> ; # Pornographic films--History and criticism
    schema:about <http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/836984180#Topic/sexualite_au_cinema> ; # Sexualité au cinéma
    schema:about <http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/836984180#Topic/pornografie> ; # Pornografie
    schema:about <http://id.worldcat.org/fast/1114479> ; # Sex in motion pictures
    schema:about <http://id.worldcat.org/fast/1747263> ; # Pornographic films
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    schema:datePublished "1989" ;
    schema:description "Speaking sex: "The indiscreet jewels" -- Prehistory: The "frenzy of the visible" -- The stag film: Genital show and genital event -- Fetishism and hard core: Marx, Freud, and the "money shot" -- Generic pleasures: number and narrative -- Hard-core utopias: problems and solutions -- Power, pleasure, and perversion: Sadomasochistic film pornography -- Sequels and re-visions: "A desire of one's own.""@en ;
    schema:description "In this unprecedented and brilliant study, Linda Williams moves beyond the impasse of anti-porn/anti-censorship position-taking to analyze what hard-core film pornography is and does--as a genre with a history, as a specific cinematic form, and as part of contemporary discourse on sexuality. Working against tendencies to oversimplify hard core--either as pure abusive power or pure liberatory pleasure--Williams sees the form as inherently contradictory. Hard core claims to speak confessional and involuntary "truths" of sex. However, analysis of its forms (including its spectacular "money shots" and sexual "numbers" parallel to those in musicals) reveals that sex in the sense of a natural, visible "doing what comes naturally" is in fact the supreme and deeply contradictory fiction of the genre. Gender, the social construction of the relation between the sexes, is what determines this fiction."@en ;
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Related Entities

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    a schema:Intangible ;
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    a schema:Intangible ;
    schema:name "Pornographic films--History and criticism"@en ;

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    a schema:Intangible ;
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    schema:name "Sex in motion pictures"@en ;

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    a schema:Intangible ;
    schema:name "Pornographic films"@en ;

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