Newsnet, Commentary, Blog, and Twitter (also called Weibo in China) are the major channels for more than 500 million Chinese to access news, voice opinions, and exchange ideas on current important domestic and international issues; although the exchanges are ephemeral and in flux, they play a vital role in people's daily life. The CDL's Web Archiving Service provides a perfect platform to capture and preserve ephemeral contents to fill the gaps of collections and services. The "Current Events in China: popular websites, blogs and twitters" is an attempt to do just that. The sites are identified by Professor James Tong of the Department of Political Science at UCLA and Professor Yong Hu of The Journalism Department at Peking University. The capture started in September 2012.
The Wayback Machine -
舔屏!约翰尼-德普旧照曝光 帅到宇宙天际
倪妮身材比例真好 乱穿衣也能赢
Bella庆祝21岁生日 怎么竟然变得这么胖?
李小璐未PS街拍照曝光 又白又瘦美若高中生
61岁的刘晓庆晒美照 简直就是逆生长
舒淇最新封面曝光 上演“眼神杀”