Newsnet, Commentary, Blog, and Twitter (also called Weibo in China) are the major channels for more than 500 million Chinese to access news, voice opinions, and exchange ideas on current important domestic and international issues; although the exchanges are ephemeral and in flux, they play a vital role in people's daily life. The CDL's Web Archiving Service provides a perfect platform to capture and preserve ephemeral contents to fill the gaps of collections and services. The "Current Events in China: popular websites, blogs and twitters" is an attempt to do just that. The sites are identified by Professor James Tong of the Department of Political Science at UCLA and Professor Yong Hu of The Journalism Department at Peking University. The capture started in September 2012.
The Wayback Machine -
高校获赠一万斤花菜 于是午餐变成了这样
新高考"弃物理" 成趋势 物理学界很心塞
日本小学教材刊登安倍照片遭抗议 多地拟撤销采用
义务教育营利性民办校被禁 学费仍爆贵暴涨?
高教泰斗97岁仍站一线 最欣慰名字排在教师行列里
90后美女老师晒"情书" 你变成啥样我都喜欢
三代师生成同事 上演现实版《长大后我就成了你》