Newsnet, Commentary, Blog, and Twitter (also called Weibo in China) are the major channels for more than 500 million Chinese to access news, voice opinions, and exchange ideas on current important domestic and international issues; although the exchanges are ephemeral and in flux, they play a vital role in people's daily life. The CDL's Web Archiving Service provides a perfect platform to capture and preserve ephemeral contents to fill the gaps of collections and services. The "Current Events in China: popular websites, blogs and twitters" is an attempt to do just that. The sites are identified by Professor James Tong of the Department of Political Science at UCLA and Professor Yong Hu of The Journalism Department at Peking University. The capture started in September 2012.
The Wayback Machine -
小七不高兴了 "女儿奴"小贝抱抱又亲亲
贾静雯夫妇出席婚宴 咘咘累到睡着了
小七才6岁 骑马画画跳芭蕾样样都会
胡杏儿与闺蜜团合影 穿红裙巧遮孕肚
黄晓明与baby视频教儿子叫爸爸 厨艺遭老婆吐槽
汪峰抱着醒醒给小猪喂牛奶 父爱满满
陈小春用锅划船JasperQ萌十足 父子俩超霸气
张亮晒女儿萌照 小姑娘吃相有点“凶猛”
黄多多和妹妹陪弟弟外出 画面好温馨