A woman who believes she was born a cat has opened up about her life as a feline, describing how she has a superior sens...
新东方2016-01-29 14:06:00
China had its OWN breed of domesticated cat 5,500 years ago! 5500年前,中国就有自己的家养喵星人品种了! There are thought to be 500 mil...
新东方2016-01-29 14:00:00
“初次见面,你们好。”见到张旬的第一印象,是她的有礼和落落大方。一身黑白相间的毛衣,搭配简洁的牛仔裤,不张扬的穿着让人耳目一新,胸前挂着的标有姓名和“助教”职位的绿色胸牌更是格外醒目。 作为北京新东方学校倍学口语班的助教,从1月21日开课...
新东方2016-01-29 13:53:00
新东方2016-01-29 13:50:00
随着中国新年的临近,年味越来越浓了。越来越多的歪果仁也开始过我们的春节,见了面难免要说一些新年祝福语、吉祥话来互相祝福,但你知道这些中国特色词汇用英语怎么表达吗? 不要告诉我,只会一句Happy new year!啊! 这里就给大家整理...
新东方2016-01-29 11:47:00
Lake Superior State Universit has published its annual New Year list of Banished Words, words or phrases that it thinks ...
新东方2016-01-29 11:32:00
According to New Oxford American, a soulmate is just "a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic p...
新东方2016-01-29 11:25:00
What are the biggest ways that Americans and Chinese misunderstand each other? 美国人和中国人互相之间最深的误解是什么? 获得19好评的答案@Irene Co...
新东方2016-01-29 11:17:00
A Russian artist has become an internet sensation after posting a video showing how he makes his unbelievably realist...
新东方2016-01-29 11:10:00
小编导读:《每日邮报》上有这样一份测试题,转为广游天下的读者设计,只要你喜欢旅游,对自己有信心,都可以试一试,让人大吃一惊的是:参与测试者仅6%的人交出完美的答卷!你要不要也来挑战一下?看看自己能答对几题?(友情提示:不准百度哦==) 1...
新东方2016-01-29 11:05:00
A California snake specialist is charming his way into the hearts of America after being named People magazine's 'Sexies...
新东方2016-01-29 10:59:00
These incredible snaps show a rare white giraffe grazing in the African bush.Omo the white giraffe has been spo...
新东方2016-01-29 10:55:00
从日常生活中学来的语言才是最生动鲜活的。混迹国外多年的网友给我们整理了一些外国人常用的但国内教科书上难见到的地道英语表达,快来看看吧。 1. I'm good I'm good除了可以用来回答How are you?,表示“我很好”之外...
新东方2016-01-28 10:38:00
如果想到数学测验会让你出一身冷汗,你的爸妈可能要承担些责任。研究者们认为,父母的“数学焦虑”对子女数学成绩的影响,更多地是由于(畏惧数学的)态度在起作用,而非遗传作用。 If the thought of a math test make...
新东方2016-01-27 15:43:00
One woman's junk is another woman's hunk - especially when it comes to style. In a new video by Dating Without Borders, ...
新东方2016-01-27 15:15:00