Hermes Logo
Hermès International S.A. is a world-renowned global French fashion company known for its high-end leather goods, perfumes and apparel. Founded in 1837, some 8,370 people are currently employed across the world by the family holding company.
In the 2010 fiscal year, the net income of Hermès amounted to approximately €421.7 million.
Shape and Colors of the Hermes Logo
The now iconic logo of Hermes was designed and introduced in the early 1950s. It comprises of a Duc carriage which is attached to a horse, perhaps interpreting the company’s humble origins as a horse saddlery manufacturer.
The orange color in the Hermes logo gives the brand its distinctive style and authentic edge. The taglines in the print advertisements are commonly featured in French, highlighting the company’s beginnings and its country of origin.
Font of the Hermes Logo
The Hermes logo uses a slightly modified form of the Memphis typeface which was originally designed by Dr. Rudolf Wolf in 1929.