A Caffe Latte is a single shot of espresso with steamed milk.
There is not frothed milk in this drink. A Caffe Latte should
have approximately a 3:1 ratio of milk to coffee. Note: ordering
a Latte in an Italian restaurant may get you a glass of milk so
be sure to order Caffe Latte.
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A Cafe au Lait is similar to a Caffe Latte except it is
generally made with brewed coffee instead of espresso in a ratio
of 1:1 milk to coffee with sugar added to taste.
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Cappuccino is traditionally equal parts espresso, steamed
milk and frothed milk. Many coffee shops will add much more milk
than this in the belief that bigger is better.
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An Americano is a single shot of espresso with 6 to 8 ounces
of hot water added. This term was originally devised as a sort
of insult to Americans who wanted their espresso diluted.
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A hammerhead is a shot of espresso in a coffee cup that is
then filled with drip coffee.
This may very well be the drink with the most distinct names. It
seems that every espresso bar insists on giving it a new name.
Check out a few of the alternate names.
This is probably one of those love it or hate it drinks. On
one side it to me seems like a novelty drink in the sense of
give me all the caffeine I can get. But at the same time if the
espresso is made properly and the coffee is chosen wisely it can
be an exceptional drink and unlike straight shots it's not gone
in a couple of sips. Personally I love it. If you have the
option of choosing the coffee go with something roasted a
little lighter and on the acidy side. The combinations of the caramelized
sugars and depth of the espresso plus the high notes of the
coffee make an excellent beverage. Daniel
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This is usually a Cappuccino or a Caffe Latte with chocolate
syrup added. This term actually has very little meaning beyond
chocolate being involved so you might want to ask what it is in
a given coffee house before you order one.
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This is a shot with whipped cream.
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Two shots of espresso with the same amount of all other
Just to make things confusing some shops will treat a double as
double everything keeping the proportions the same.
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This is a restricted shot. Less water is allowed to come
through the coffee grounds but the shot should take the same
amount of time as a normal pull. This is approximately a .75
ounce pull.
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This is an extra long pull allowing approximately twice as
much water through the same amount of coffee as normally used
for a single shot. This will be somewhat over extracted. It's
about a 2-3 ounce shot.
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Cafe Macchiato is a shot of espresso (served in a small
espresso cup) topped off with steamed milk (of a velvety smooth
texture) - the ratio of cafe/latte is approximately 80/20. Most
Italians drop a teaspoon of sugar in this elixir. Put another
way this is a serving of espresso with a small dollop of foam on
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A Cafe Breva is essentially a cappuccino made with
half&half instead of whole milk. This should have a very
rich creamy flavor. Half&half is a bit of a pain to foam,
but it most definitely can be done.
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A dry cappuccino generally refers to a drink with a small
amount of foam and no steamed milk.
Copyright (C) 1994, Alex López-Ortiz.
Copyright © 1998,1999,2000 Daniel Owen.