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OntoUML/UFO Catalog Metadata Vocabulary

OntoUML/UFO Catalog Metadata Vocabulary (OCMV) Specification

Release 2023-07-28

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Tiago Prince Sales, (Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS), University of Twente, the Netherlands)
Claudenir M. Fonseca, (Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS), University of Twente, the Netherlands)
Pedro Paulo Favato Barcelos, (Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS), University of Twente, the Netherlands)
Mattia Fumagalli, (KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and Data, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS), University of Twente, the Netherlands
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Sales, T. P., Fonseca, C. M., Barcelos, P. P. F. (2022) OntoUML/UFO Catalog Metamodel Vocabulary (OCMV) Specification. https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary/docs
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OCMV Specification - Version 1.1.0


This document specifies the OntoUML/UFO Catalog Metadata Vocabulary, which is part of the OntoUML/UFO Catalog schema.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Namespace declarations
  2. The OntoUML/UFO Catalog Metadata
  3. The OntoUML/UFO Catalog Metadata Vocabulary
    1. Classes
    2. Object Properties
    3. Data Properties
    4. External Properties


The OntoUML/UFO Catalog Metadata Vocabulary was created to satisfy the metadata needs of the OntoUML/UFO Catalog, complementing the catalog's schema. Its metadata schema has properties to improve the findability and reusability of the catalog and its models.
The OntoUML/UFO Catalog is a structured and open-source catalog that contains OntoUML and UFO ontology models. It was conceived to allow collaborative work and to be easily accessible to all its users. Its goal is to support empirical research in OntoUML and UFO, as well as for the general conceptual modeling area, by providing high-quality curated, structured, and machine-processable data on why, where, and how different modeling approaches are used.

Namespace declarations

Table 1: Namespaces used in the document
ocmv <https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary#>
mod <https://w3id.org/mod>
owl <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl>
xsd <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema>
skos <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core>
rdfs <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema>
dct <http://purl.org/dc/terms>
rdf <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns>
xml <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace>
dcat <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat>
vann <http://purl.org/vocab/vann>
foaf <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1>

The OntoUML/UFO Catalog Metadata

Figure 1 - The OntoUML/UFO Catalog Schema

The catalog’s schema, depicted in the image above, reuses classes and properties from the following RDF/OWL vocabularies:

All externally defined properties are commented in this documentto indicate their specific usage in the context of the OntoUML/UFO Catalog.

The OntoUML/UFO Catalog Metadata Vocabulary

This section provides details for each class and property defined by OntoUML/UFO Catalog Metadata Vocabulary.


Metadata Elementc 

IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary#MetadataElement

An element used in the metadata description of OntoUML models.
Is defined by
has sub-classes
Ontology Development Context c, Ontology Purpose c, Ontology Representation Style c, Ontology Type c

Ontology Development Contextc 

IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary#OntologyDevelopmentContext

Determines what is the context in which the artifact was developed.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Metadata Element c
is in range of
context op
has members
Classroom Context ni, Industry Context ni, Research Context ni

Ontology Purposec 

IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary#OntologyPurpose

Determines what is the main purpose of the artifact (e.g., conceptual clarification or data integration).
Is defined by
has super-classes
Metadata Element c
has members
Conceptual Clarification Purpose ni, Data Publication Purpose ni, Decision Support System Purpose ni, Example Purpose ni, Information Retrieval Purpose ni, Interoperability Purpose ni, Language Engineering Purpose ni, Learning Purpose ni, Ontological Analysis Purpose ni, Software Engineering Purpose ni

Ontology Representation Stylec 

IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary#OntologyRepresentationStyle

Representation styles adopted for modeling the artefact.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Metadata Element c
is in range of
representation style op
has members
OntoUML Style ni, UFO Style ni

Ontology Typec 

IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary#OntologyType

Identifies the categorization of the artifacts according to their scopes.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Metadata Element c
is in range of
ontology type op
has members
Application Ontology ni, Core Ontology ni, Domain Ontology ni

Object Properties

conforms to schemaop 

IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary#conformsToSchema

Identifies a schema upon which the distribution can be validated against. E.g., a JSON Schema document, a SHACL shape, and an XML Schema document.
Is defined by
has domain
distribution c
has range
resource c


IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary#context

Identifies an ocmv:Context in which the artefact was developed.
Is defined by

ontology typeop 

IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary#ontologyType

Identifies an ocmv:OntologyRepresentationStyle representation styles adopted in the artefact.
Is defined by
has domain
semantic artefact c
has range
Ontology Type c

representation styleop 

IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary#representationStyle

Identifies an ocmv:OntologyRepresentationStyle representation adopted in the artefact.
Is defined by

Data Properties

is completedp 

IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary#isComplete

Determines if a distribution contains all the data from the dcat:Dataset it materializes. In the catalog, the distributions of models in VPP, JSON, and Turtle are complete, while those in image format are not.
Is defined by
has domain
distribution c
has range

storage URLdp 

IRI: https://w3id.org/ontouml-models/vocabulary#storageUrl

Determines a URL of a service in which the data and metadata of the dataset are stored. Accepts values in xsd:anyURI.
Is defined by
has domain
dataset c
has range

External Properties

These are properties used in the catalog metadata schema that are defined in other vocabularies. Comments were added to better indicate its use within the OntoUML/UFO Catalog's context.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies a vcard:vCard that contains information on how to contact an agent responsible for the dataset. We required that at least an email is provided.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies a mod:SemanticArtefact listed in the catalog.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies an available dcat:Distribution of the dataset.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies a URL that can be used to download the distribution.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Determines a domain (partially) described by the semantic artefact. Accepts xsd:string and rdf:langString literals. E.g., the User Feedback Ontology is described with the keywords 'online user feedback', 'software engineering', and 'requirements engineering'.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies a web page where one can access the dataset, its metadata, its distributions, and additional information about it. E.g., https://www.model-a-platform.com is the landing page of the Digital Platform Ontology.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies the media type of the distribution. Valid media types are only those defined by IANA, such as https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/json. If there is no media type for the format of the distribution, the type application/octet-stream must be used for binary files and the type text/plain must be used for text files.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies the central theme of the semantic artefact according to a theme taxonomy. In our catalog, the theme of an artefact must be a skos:Concept from the LCC. E.g., 'Class S - Agriculture', 'Class T - Technology'.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies a knowledge organization system used to classify the semantic artefacts in the catalog. In our catalog, we use the Library of Congress Classification (LCC) system, which exists as a skos:ConceptScheme.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies a dct:RightsStatement or a text concerning who and how the resource can be accessed. E.g., the statement http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/access-right/PUBLIC informs that something is 'publicly accessible by everyone'.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Determines an alternative title for the resource. Accepts xsd:string and rdf:langString literals. E.g., "OntoUML/UFO Catalog"@en.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Determines a bibliographic reference for the dataset in textual format. Accepts xsd:string and rdf:langString literals. E.g., "Weigand, H., Johannesson, P., & Andersson, B. (2021). An artifact ontology for design science research. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 133."@en


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies a foaf:Agent who contributed to the development of the resource.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies a foaf:Agent who contributed to the creation of the resource.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Determines a free-text account of the resource. Accepts xsd:string and rdf:langString literals.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies the format of the distribution. This property should be used to complement dcat:mediaType when the distribution format is not listed by IANA. We limit the use of this property with URIs so that more context about how to manipulate a distribution can be provided. E.g., https://www.file-extension.info/format/vpp.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Determines when the resource was created. Accepts literals of the types xsd:dateTime, xsd:date, xsd:gYearMonth, and xsd:gYear. E.g., "2018"string^string^xsd:gYear, "2018-01-15"string^string^xsd:date. When cataloging a model from documents, we recommend using the publication date from the first one.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Determines a language in which the lexical labels of the semantic artefact are written. We require the use of values listed in the IANA Language Sub Tag Registry. E.g., 'en', 'pt'.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies a legal document under which the resource is made available. E.g., https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Determines when the resource was last modified. Accepts literals of the types xsd:dateTime, xsd:date, xsd:gYearMonth, and xsd:gYear. When cataloging a model based on documents, we recommend using the publication date from the latest one.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies the foaf:Agent who added the resource to the catalog. The publisher does not need to have created or contributed to the resource.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies resources that contain, present, or significantly influenced the development of the semantic artefact. We recommend the use of persistent and resolvable identifiers to refer to these resources, such as the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or DBLP's URI. E.g., https://doi.org/10.3233/AO-150150, https://dblp.org/rec/journals/ao/Morales-Ramirez15.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Determines a title for the resource. Accepts xsd:string and rdf:langString literals. E.g., "Common Ontology of Value and Risk"@en, "FAIR Model Catalog for Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling Research"@en. There must be at most one title per language.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Determines an acronym one can use to refer to the semantic artefact. Accepts only xsd:string literals. E.g., 'RDBS-O', 'COVER', 'ROT'.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Identifies a goal that motivated the development of the semantic artefact.


IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

Determines a general note relative to the resource documentation process. Accepts xsd:string and rdf:langString literals. E.g., "The model was originally designed in Portuguese and translated by the publisher."@en.


c: Classes
op: Object Properties
dp: Data Properties
ep: External Properties


The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.