Detecting node failures within Peer-to-Peer networks is an inherent trade-off between timely detection and consuming bandwidth on network maintenance. In the absence of user-driven messages, the majority of P2P networks rely upon the exchange of periodic keep-alive messages to maintain connections and network topology. We investigate three novel algorithms which prioritise keep-alive messages to nodes that are more likely to have failed. In doing so, these algorithms significantly reduce the expected delay between failures occurring and their subsequent detection in comparison to the standard approach, whilst consuming similar levels of bandwidth. Our algorithms build upon several studies that have shown that older peers are more likely to remain in the network than their short-lived counterparts. Each of our algorithms increase the interval between successive keep-alive messages as peers age in the system, based upon the distribution of peer session times and the current age of peers. We extensively describe the details of each algorithm, before comparing them to the standard periodic approach using simulations based upon measured network data. Furthermore, we show that these algorithms are complimentary to existing gossip-based mechanisms and investigate alternate methods of ascertaining a node’s age so that our algorithms can be robustly deployed in untrustworthy environments.
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Price, R., Tiňo, P. & Theodoropoulos, G. Still Alive: Extending Keep-Alive Intervals in P2P Overlay Networks. Mobile Netw Appl 17, 378–394 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-011-0317-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-011-0317-3