Books by Pierre-Emmanuel Roux
French translation of "The National Atlas of Korea", published by the (Korean) National Geographi... more French translation of "The National Atlas of Korea", published by the (Korean) National Geographic Information Institute (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport)
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Un best-seller aussi explosif qu'éphémère : voilà comment on pourrait résumer le curieux destin d... more Un best-seller aussi explosif qu'éphémère : voilà comment on pourrait résumer le curieux destin de la Description illustrée des enfers vivants. Paru en 1875 chez une grande maison dédition cantonaise, ce pamphlet non signé relate à travers force images la tragédie des coolies chinois envoyés de gré ou de force tant à Cuba quau Pérou, au milieu du XIXe siècle. L'ouvrage nous entraîne au comble de l'horreur avec une succession de duperies, enlèvements, sévices et malemorts. Ce faisant, il dénonce sans ambages une nouvelle forme desclavage, au temps de son abolition, avec des « tortures occidentales » plus effroyables que les supplices infernaux auxquels la tradition chinoise était accoutumée jusque-là. Visant à prévenir le peuple contre les dangers de la traite des coolies, le texte exhortait aussi la cour impériale des Qing à agir en faveur de ses ressortissants. Le succès de librairie fut pourtant de courte durée. Les autorités diplomatiques espagnoles en Chine obtinrent bientôt son interdiction, afin d'enrayer tout risque de pogrom à l'égard des Occidentaux. Malgré cette censure, plusieurs exemplaires parvinrent à se frayer un chemin vers les bibliothèques européennes ou américaines. Le lecteur trouvera ici la toute première traduction intégrale, en langue occidentale, d'un recueil dont même les historiens n'ont longtemps connu que le titre. Puisse cette Description illustrée des enfers vivants offrir un regard original sur la Chine impériale tardive, au moment où celle-ci entrait justement dans la famille des nations.
Papers by Pierre-Emmanuel Roux
Catholicism's encounters with China, 2018
Revue d'histoire du XIXe siècle, Jun 1, 2022
Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident
Tracés. Revue de Sciences humaines, 2017
"The constitutional decision on the crime of abortion and the “women’s voices”: focusing on the e... more "The constitutional decision on the crime of abortion and the “women’s voices”: focusing on the experience of women"
Empires en marche: Rencontres entre la Chine et l’Occident à l’âge moderne (XVIe-XIXe siècles), 2017
The proscription of Catholicism in Qing China has long been considered as the result of the well-... more The proscription of Catholicism in Qing China has long been considered as the result of the well-known rites controversy – a symbol of the supposed incompatibility between Confucian and Christian values – and held responsible for the failure of Catholic missions on Chinese soil. A detailed analysis of Chinese and Western sources however demonstrates that the proscription policy launched in 1724 was doomed to failure, due to partial and ineffective measures. Within a few decades European missionaries were reduced to secondary targets while Chinese converts, soon supplanted by sectarians temporarily converted to Christianity, were establishing themselves as the principal targets of the government in the early nineteenth century. This article is thus intended to rethink the idea that Catholicism may have been considered by the Chinese authorities just as an imported religion spread by Western missionaries. In doing so, it complements recent research conducted on Christianity in China, and more generally in East Asia.
This file is the second proof, and not the published version of our article.
The Korean Catholic Church is usually considered to be a unique case in the whole history of Chri... more The Korean Catholic Church is usually considered to be a unique case in the whole history of Christianity, since its evangelization was supposedly started without foreign missionaries in the 1780s. The early Korean converts did indeed study Jesuit books and convert prior to the arrival of European priests in Chosŏn. This article is aimed at rethinking this topic beyond a Korea-centered perspective. More precisely, it focuses on Chosŏn envoys in Beijing through a comparison of Chinese and Korean historiographies. My main idea is to present Beijing as a "contact zone" where the Catholic experience of Chosŏn envoys was not just limited to visiting the four churches and their European missionaries. To be sure, Chosŏn officials also gained much knowledge about Catholicism through their encounters with Chinese literati and converts. Stated differently, this article explores several facets of the early encounters between Koreans and the Catholic faith. It demonstrates that these encounters and the birth of the Korean Church were not only linked to reform-minded Korean literati, but also to the complexity of Sino-Korean relations in Qing times and missionary methods used in Beijing (such as the conversion from top to bottom and the apostolate through books). This article more generally suggests a new research direction which explores the emergence of the Korean Catholic Church beyond national boundaries and on different scales.
Mélanges offerts à Marc Orange et Alexandre Guillemoz, 2010
Books by Pierre-Emmanuel Roux
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Papers by Pierre-Emmanuel Roux
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The Anti-Christian Trinity: An Essay on the Proscription of Catholicism in China, Korea and Japan (17th-19th Centuries)
"Situated between local and regional history, this dissertation aims to rethink the proscription of Catholicism in China, Korea and Japan from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. In our view, the repression of this religion goes beyond the idea of a supposed clash of civilizations between two antithetical civilizations, Europe and Asia. Our main idea is that the historical trajectory of Catholicism in East Asia was merely the result of much more complex relations involving China, Korea, Japan, Western missionaries and local converts. The attitude of intellectual and political elites toward this religion resulted not only from domestic issues, but also from reciprocal influences and particular perceptions of antichristian measures adopted in neighboring countries. Placed under the banner of crossed history, these considerations will allow us to consider the history of Catholicism in East Asia as a whole, and to illustrate the dynamics of exchanges within this sinicized cultural area.
Keywords: China, Korea, Japan, Qing, Chosŏn, Tokugawa, Christianity, Catholic missions, legal history, proscription, crossed history, circulation of knowledge, international relations.
À mi-chemin entre histoire locale et régionale, le présent travail entend revisiter l’histoire de la proscription du catholicisme en Chine, en Corée et au Japon depuis le XVIIe jusqu’au XIXe siècle. La répression de cette religion dépasse à nos yeux l’idée d’un supposé choc culturel entre deux civilisations antithétiques, celles de l’Europe et l’Asie. Notre idée-force est que la trajectoire adoptée par le catholicisme en Asie orientale fut aussi et surtout le résultat de relations bien plus complexes entre la Chine, la Corée, le Japon, les missionnaires européens et leurs fidèles. L’attitude des élites intellectuelles et politiques à l’égard de cette religion découlait non seulement de problèmes intérieurs au sein de chaque État, mais aussi d’influences réciproques et de perceptions particulières des mesures antichrétiennes adoptées dans les pays voisins. Placées sous le signe de l’histoire croisée, ces considérations nous permettront d’envisager une histoire régionale du catholicisme en Asie orientale et d’illustrer la dynamique des échanges dans cette aire culturelle sinisée.
Mots clés : Chine, Corée, Japon, Qing, Chosŏn, Tokugawa, christianisme, missions catholiques, histoire du droit, proscription, histoire croisée, circulation des savoirs, relations internationales.