Business Halacha
Translated by Rabbi Aaron Tendler
A student of Rabbi Yisroel Salanter once approached him with the following dilemma. “I’ve been a shochet (ritual slaughterer) for many years. As I grow older, I become more concerned about my responsibilities. The fear of causing others to eat non-kosher meat is overwhelming. I would like to stop slaughtering and go into business instead!” Rabbi Yisroel Salanter asked him, “Are you an expert in the laws of slaughtering?” “Of course, Rebbe, I have studied the laws of shechita for many years!” Rabbi Yisroel Salanter then asked, “Are you expert in the laws of business?” The student laughed, “Of course not, very few people learn Choshen Mishpat (the section in the Shulchan Oruch [The Code of Jewish Law] that discusses business law)!” Said Rabbi Yisroel Salanter, “You are not making any sense – If you are prepared to stop slaughtering because of your fear of sinning, even though you are an expert in the laws, how much more so should you fear sinning in business, in which you have no expertise in its halachos!”
Any posek (halachic authority) will tell you that even though he may receive sha’alos (halachic queries) on the laws of Shabbos, Kashrus, blessings, etc. the sha’alos on Choshen Mishpat are few and far between. When it comes to our own finances and business dealings, we prefer to be our own poskim (halachic authorities). Ignorance of these laws, coupled with a vested interest make for a very dangerous combination!
The purpose of this class is to acquaint readers with everyday Business-Halacha situations that can arise at any time and the concepts that a Rabbi may use to address them. The class will initially be based on translations of a weekly business law column by Rabbi Tzvi Shpitz, a Rosh Kollel and Av Bais Din in Ramot, Jerusalem. The translation is being done by Rabbi Aaron Tendler of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore. Rabbi Tendler accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the translation and will be happy to fax originals of the articles in Hebrew to anyone interested.
These classes are on an advanced level and will presume familiarity with basic halachic concepts, such as sofek, chazakah, etc… Although the bottom line halachic p’sak (ruling) is stated, the intention is not to be the final say, rather to provide food for thought, and whenever possible, a competent Rabbi should be consulted.
Additionally, the column is based on actual questions that have come before Rabbi Shpitz’s Bais Din in Jerusalem. Very often the variables will change when applied to other societies where the accepted custom is different.
We hope you find this class informative and stimulating!
Feedback is appreciated and can be sent to [email protected].
Please Note: The purpose of this column is to make people aware of Choshen Mishpat situations that can arise at any time, and the Halachic concepts that may be used to resolve them. Each individual situation must be resolved by an objective, competent Bais Din (or Rabbinic Arbitrator) in the presence of all parties involved!
Hilchos Choshen Mishpat, Volume I
- Volume I: Number 1: Ways to Catch a Thief
- Volume I: Number 2: Cheaters Never Prosper
- Volume I: Number 3: Causing Injury To Protect Your Property
- Volume I: Number 4: Time Is Money
- Volume I: Number 5: Confiscating Student’s Possessions As A Disciplinary Method
- Volume I: Number 6: Liability for Bad Advice
- Volume I: Number 7: Amateur Real Estate Agents
- Volume I: Number 8: When An Agent Is Not An Agent
- Volume I: Number 9: Signing Releases On Defective Goods
- Volume I: Number 10: The Halachos of Lending Money
- Volume I: Number 11: Elections According To Halacha
- Volume I: Number 12: Uncashed Checks
- Volume I: Number 13: Removing Donated Items from a Synagogue
- Volume I: Number 14: Repaying Money Mistakenly Taken
- Volume I: Number 15: Lost and Found Advertisements
- Volume I: Number 16: Surplus Charity Funds
- Volume I: Number 17: Liability For Causing Added Expense
- Volume I: Number 18: A Borrowers Obligation to Repay
- Volume I: Number 19: Travel Allowance
- Volume I: Number 20: Items Left In Public Areas
- Volume I: Number 21: A Child’s Responsibility For A Parent’s Debt
- Volume I: Number 22: Parental Responsibility For A Child’s Purchase
- Volume I: Number 23: Expense To Pay A Wage
- Volume I: Number 24: Unintentional Damages
- Volume I: Number 25: Appointing An Agent For Hataras Nedarim
- Volume I: Number 26: Liability Of A Gabbai (Synagogue Officer)
- Volume I: Number 27: Kim Li!
- Volume I: Number 28: Damage as a Result of Negligence
- Volume I: Number 29: Save Me A Seat!
- Volume I: Number 30: Your Rights in Bais Din
- Volume I: Number 31: Insurance Fraud
- Volume I: Number 32: Whose Is It
- Volume I: Number 33: Purchasing Stolen Goods
- Volume I: Number 34: Liability Of A Sho’el (Borrower)
- Volume I: Number 35: Advising A Customer At The Expense Of A Merchant
- Volume I: Number 36: Competition and Free Entry
- Volume I: Number 37: Deducting Expenses From Our Maaser Obligation
- Volume I: Number 38: Rabbinic Attorneys
- Volume I: Number 39: Coveting Another Person’s Property
Hilchos Choshen Mishpat, Volume II
- Volume II: Number 1: Investing Wisely
- Volume II: Number 2: And The Winner Is …???
- Volume II: Number 3: Paying A Workman’s Wages
- Volume II: Number 4: Money Extracted From A Vending Machine
- Volume II: Number 5: A Silversmith’s Liability for Theft
- Volume II: Number 6: Public Use Of Private Property
- Volume II: Number 7: The Fake Wedding Ring
- Volume II: Number 8: Purchasing Defective Goods
- Volume II: Number 9: Neighborly Lending
- Volume II: Number 10: Community Service
- Volume II: Number 11: Liability Of A Minor
- Volume II: Number 12: Peshara / Compromise In Bais Din
- Volume II: Number 13: Majority Rule
- Volume II: Number 14: An Expert Opinion
- Volume II: Number 15: Halachic Obligations Of A Landlord
- Volume II: Number 16: Payment for Saving a Life
- Volume II: Number 17: Invasion Of Privacy
- Volume II: Number 18: Using An Employer’s Property And Time
- Volume II: Number 19: Taking Turns
- Volume II: Number 20: Customer Incentives
- Volume II: Number 21: Using Another’s Property Without Permission
- Volume II: Number 22: Exempting Yourself at the Expense of Others
- Volume II: Number 23: Midas S’dom / Traits Of The Sodomites
- Volume II: Number 24: Non-Competition Agreements
- Volume II: Number 25: Medical Malpractice In Halacha
- Volume II: Number 26: Close The Window!
- Volume II: Number 27: Baal Tashchis / Not to Waster our Belongings
- Volume II: Number 28: Saving Yourself At Your Friend’s Expense
- Volume II: Number 29: Damaging A Merchant: Retail Or Wholesale?
- Volume II: Number 30: Geneivas Da’as Misleading Others
- Volume II: Number 31: Truth in Advertising
- Volume II: Number 32: Price Shopping With No Intent To Buy
- Volume II: Number 33: Halachic Ramifications of a Signature
- Volume II: Number 34: Halachic Ramifications Of A Handshake
- Volume II: Number 35: Ani HaMehapech B’Charara – Tortious Interference
Hilchos Choshen Mishpat, Volume III
- Volume III: Number 1: Mekach Ta’os / An Erroneous Sale
- Volume III: Number 2: Lotteries and Raffles
- Volume III: Number 3: Postponing A Raffle Drawing
- Volume III: Number 4: Lottery for Life
- Volume III: Number 5: A Matchmakers Fee
- Volume III: Number 6: Breaking and Entering
- Volume III: Number 7: Don’t be a Litterbug!
- Volume III: Number 8: Payment for Damages
- Volume III: Number 9: Traffic Laws
- Volume III: Number 10: Ticketing The Driver
- Volume III: Number 11: Maaser: The Torah’s Prescription For Wealth
- Volume III: Number 11a: Maaser *Special Issue
- Volume III: Number 12: Distribution Of Maaser Funds
- Volume III: Number 13: Income Liable To Maaser
- Volume III: Number 14: Deducting Debts From Maaser
- Volume III: Number 14a: Maaser *Special Issue 2
- Volume III: Number 15: ‘Yissachar Zevulan’ Arrangements
- Volume III: Number 16: Financial Reports for Communal Organizations
- Volume III: Number 17: Verbal Commitments by Community Officials
- Volume III: Number 18: Fair Profits and Measurements
- Volume III: Number 19: Returning Defective Merchandise
- Volume III: Number 20: The Switched Shopping Bags
- Volume III: Number 21: Gifts To Minors
- Volume III: Number 22: Collecting Debts the Halachic Way