Use VoiceOver to navigate, sort and reorder tables on Mac
VoiceOver provides several ways to navigate tables by row and column. You can also sort and reorder columns.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier that you press with additional keys to enter VoiceOver commands. By default, you can press Control and Option together or just press Caps Lock.
Navigate rows
Hear a row header: Press VO-R.
Hear a row from the VoiceOver cursor to the end of the row: Press VO-R-R.
When VoiceOver navigates a table row, you can have it read the header text. This can help you identify the type of content in each cell of a row. To set this option, open VoiceOver Utility (press VO-Fn-F8 when VoiceOver is on), click the Verbosity category, then click Announcements.
Navigate columns
Hear a column header: Press VO-C.
Hear a column from the VoiceOver cursor to the bottom of the column: Press VO-C-C.
Move up or down in a column: Press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key.
VoiceOver doesn’t announce blank columns as you navigate using the arrow keys unless you have the verbosity level for tables set to High. See Customise verbosity in VoiceOver.
Sort columns
Press VO-Vertical Line to jump to the sort button in a column header, then press VO-Space bar.
If the table also contains a row header, pressing VO-Vertical Line displays a menu where you choose a column or row header. Press VO-Right Arrow until you hear the header you want, then press the Space bar to jump to the sort button in that header.
You can navigate to other columns and sort them.
When you’re done sorting columns, press VO-Vertical Line.
Reorder columns
Navigate to the column you want to move, then press VO-Vertical Line to jump to the column header.
Press VO-Comma to mark the column for reordering.
Navigate to the header of the column that you want the marked column to precede, then press VO-Less Than to insert the marked column in front of it.
When you’re done reordering, press VO-Vertical Line.
In an outline view, to jump to the parent level of the current cell, press VO-Command-Backslash.
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