Keyboard shortcuts in iMovie on Mac
Get information
Action | Shortcut |
Open the iMovie Help menu | Shift–Command–Question Mark (?) |
Import and export
Action | Shortcut |
Import media | Command-I |
Play video
Action | Shortcut |
Play video beginning from the frame beneath the playhead or skimmer | Space bar |
Play the selection | Slash (/) |
Play the selected event, clip, or project from the beginning | Backslash (\) |
Move the playhead one frame forward | Right Arrow key |
Move the playhead one frame backward | Left Arrow key |
When playing a clip in the browser, jump forward to the next clip | Down Arrow key |
When playing a clip in the timeline, jump to the beginning of the current clip, or jump to the previous clip if the playhead is near the beginning of the current clip | Up Arrow key |
Play the selected item full screen | Shift-Command-F |
Exit full-screen view | Escape (Esc) key |
Loop playback | Command-L |
Show or hide clip information when skimming in the browser | Control-Y |
Manage projects and events
Action | Shortcut |
Create a new movie project | Command-N |
Move to Trash Moves the selected clip, movie, trailer, or event to the Trash. If only part of a clip is selected, the entire clip is moved to the Trash. | Command-Delete |
Open settings | Command-Comma (,) |
Select and edit video
Action | Shortcut |
Select all clips To select all clips in the timeline, first click anywhere in the timeline. To select all clips in the browser, first click anywhere in the browser. | Command-A |
Select an entire clip | X |
Select part of a clip | Hold down the R key and drag |
Deselect all clips | Shift-Command-A |
Add the selection to the movie | E |
Connect the selection to the clip at the playhead position | Q |
Insert the selection in the movie at the playhead position | W |
Automatically improve the video and audio quality of the selected clip | Shift-Command-E |
Cut the selected frames | Command-X |
Copy the selected frames | Command-C |
Paste the selected frames | Command-Slash (/) |
Trim a clip in the timeline to the selected range | Option-Slash (/) |
Divide a clip at the playhead position | Command-B |
Reset speed adjustments | Option-Shift-R |
Paste all adjustments | Option-Command-V |
Paste color correction adjustments | Option-Command-C |
Paste crop adjustments | Option-Command-R |
Paste volume adjustments | Option-Command-A |
Paste the video effect | Option-Command-L |
Paste the audio effect | Option-Command-O |
Paste speed adjustments | Option-Command-S |
Paste video overlay settings Pastes adjustments, depending on which type of video is selected. | Option-Command-U |
Paste the map style | Option-Command-M |
Rate the selection as favorite | F |
Unmark selected frames | U |
Rate the selection as rejected, or delete the selection from the timeline | Delete key |
Open or close the clip trimmer when a clip is selected | Command-Backslash (\) |
Open or close the precision editor | Command-Slash (/) |
Show the Cinematic Editor | Option-Command-F |
Work with audio
Action | Shortcut |
Open voiceover controls in the viewer | V |
Turn on or silence audio while skimming video | Shift-S |
Mute audio in a clip | Shift-Command-M |
Detach audio from a clip | Option-Command-B |
Undo the last action | Command-Z |
Redo the last action | Shift-Command-Z |
Edit text
Action | Shortcut |
Copy the selected text | Command-C |
Cut the selected text | Command-X |
Paste the copied text | Command-V |
iMovie window
Action | Shortcut |
Minimize the iMovie window | Command-M |
Go to Library view (the default main window view) | 1 |
Go to Projects view | 2 |
Show or hide the Libraries list | Shift-Command-1 |
Show my media in the browser | Command-1 |
Show audio in the browser | Command-2 |
Show titles in the browser | Command-3 |
Show maps and backgrounds in the browser | Command-4 |
Show sound effects in the browser | Command-5 |
Show transitions in the browser | Command-6 |
Play the selected item full screen | Shift-Command-F |