Lord Alfred Douglas
Lord Alfred Douglas | |
Biografske informacije | |
Rođenje | Worcestershire, Engleska, UK | 22. 10. 1870.
Smrt | 20. 3. 1945. (dob: 74) Lancing, West Sussex, Engleska, UK |
Nacionalnost | britanski |
Obrazovanje | |
Zanimanje | pjesnik |
Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas (22. oktobar 1870 – 20. mart 1945) bio je engleski pisac, pjesnik i prevoditelj, najpoznatiji po tome što je bio intimni prijatelj i ljubavnik Oscara Wildea. Sukob s ocem, markizom od Queensberryja je doveo do skandala, odnosno suđenja za klevetu nakon koga je Wilde osuđen i zatvoren za "nepristojno ponašanje". Douglas se nedugo nakon Wildeove smrti odrekao svog ljubavnika, oženio za Olive Custance, te prešao na katoličanstvo, nastojeći negirati svoju mladenačku homoseksualnost i sudjelovanje u tzv. uranijskoj poeziji.
U filmu Wilde iz 1997. godine, lik Alfreda Douglasa je tumačio Jude Law.
- Poems (1896)
- Tails with a Twist 'by a Belgian Hare' (1898)
- The City of the Soul (1899)
- The Duke of Berwick (1899)
- The Placid Pug (1906)
- The Pongo Papers and the Duke of Berwick (1907)
- Sonnets (1909)
- The Collected Poems of Lord Alfred Douglas (1919)
- In Excelsis (1924)
- The Complete Poems of Lord Alfred Douglas (1928)
- Sonnets (1935)
- Lyrics (1935)
- The Sonnets of Lord Alfred Douglas (1943)
- Oscar Wilde and Myself (1914)
- Predgovor knjizi New Preface to the 'Life and Confessions of Oscar Wilde' Franka Harrisa (1925)
- Uvod u Songs of Cell by Horatio Bottomley (1928)
- The Autobiography of Lord Alfred Douglas (1929; 2nd ed. 1931)
- My Friendship with Oscar Wilde (1932; američko izdanje)
- The True History of Shakespeare's Sonnets (1933)
- Uvod u knjigu The Pantomime Man Richarda Middletona (1933)
- Predgovor knjizi Bernard Shaw, Frank Harris, and Oscar Wilde Roberta Harborougha Sherarda (1937)
- Without Apology (1938)
- Predgovor drami Oscar Wilde: A Play autora Leslija i Sewella Stzokesa (1938)
- Uvod u Brighton Aquatints Johna Pipera (1939)
- Ireland and the War Against Hitler (1940)
- Oscar Wilde: A Summing Up (1940)
- Uvod u Oscar Wilde and the Yellow Nineties Frances Winwar (1941)
- The Principles of Poetry (1943)
- Uvod u Wartime Harvest Marie Carmichael Stopes (1944)